Can we sign a mac os app using electron builder with digicert? - electron

I have an electron app and i have used electron builder with digicert. I'm able to make it work for windows. Now i'm trying to sign for mac OS using a mac computer. Can we use Digi cert to sign the app?

To sign a Mac application, (electron, or any other application) you should generate a certficate comming from apple with an apple developer account (100$/year).
If your are using electron-forge they explained in their documentation how to do it.
Electron forge uses the tools, which you can use without :
Like you, I struggled a lot at the beginning, and I give answers to my own question :
Conclusion : No you can't use your Digicert certificate (windows only), but you will have to get an Apple developper account and a generate a special certificate. Tools exist to sign an app without taking too much trouble. They are well made and well documented. The question has been asked a lot already on Stackoverflow.


Use Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova to create an xcarchive instead of ipa?

We're using Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova to build our app for iOS (and Windows).
We have a Mac running the remote agent. This works well, except we've only been able to have the setup produce signed .ipa files.
We're now looking into being able to create an unsigned "app" that we can deliver to our customer. They will then sign it with their enterprise certificate and distribute it within their orgainization (not the App Store).
The recommended way to deliver the app to the customer seems to be to create an xcarchive (I have looked at the option to deliver an ipa signed with our develoepr cert and then have the customer resign it with iReSign, but that seems flaky).
Is there a way to do that with this setup without any manual steps on the Mac?
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
As far as i have analyzed, the easiest way to create an xcarchive is to use cocoon cloud service. Infact, it does gives the flexibility of generating both xcarchive and IPA.
Also you have full control of your build process as it provides various config controls and it is already used by some renowned companies.Suggest to have a look at cocoon platform once.
I know you have mentioned that you cannot rely on 3rd party service but it is the easiest approach as far as i my analysis. Also it may be useful for someone who is struck with a similar issue to give it a shot.

Transfer files from computer (Mac) to iOS device (jailbroken if necessary) via USB using terminal

I am looking for a way to transfer files from my Mac to the iPhone via USB, and it needs to be done either using the terminal or programmatically.
So far, I have seen some other questions on that topic on StackOverflow, and the most common reply was to use GUI-tools such as iExplorer. Unfortunately, I cannot use GUI-based tools.
One interesting answer was this one (, which mentioned the MobileDevice library, but alas, it seems very poorly documented (rather, not documented at all, which is not surprising given the fact that it's a private API).
Another answer I found mentioned fruitstrap (, however, a) I need to be able to copy files in both directions, and b) I need to copy files that are not contained within an application, but which can be located anywhere on the iOS device.
I would be willing to develop a command-line tool myself, if I were to find any documentation is to how to use the MobileDevice framework. But if there already is such a command-line tool which supports bidirectional file transfers, please point me to it. Also, I do not mind having to jailbreak the device if necessary. Thanks!
There is a way to do this, but you have to jailbreak the device and then install from Cydia AFC2 tweak (if not provided with the jailbreak; the latest version of Pangu includes AFC2).
This way you are no longer limited to the Media folder on the device. For how to implement the comunication, i recomend having a look on a project from Github
The Mobile Device library on PC comes with iTunes, so you have to install iTunes, locate the library and link agains it. Hope this helps
Possible With Jailbroken Device:
install OpenSSH on device-using cydia app
now to tranfer file from MAC to iOS use following command on your's mac terminal
scp filePathForYourFileInMac root#ipaddressOfIPhone:destinationPathInIphone
This will transfer file from your mac to iphone at destination place.
If above command asks for Password, use "alpine"(it is default password for root user on jailbroken device). If you have already changed your root passwd, then use that passwd.

ios Application - Manually Installation for a Custom Application

I am currently developing an iOS application for iPhone and iPad and i need to manually install the application without the need for xcode.
Is any way to install the custom application manually like the way i do with android. For example to copy the package to the phone and install it?
The idea is to update the application after every bug fix without the need of xcode because the client does not have a mac.
If I understand your question, then my answer will help you.
As your client doesn't having mac and assuming that you have created a build of app u want to install with valid distribution certificate.
Just upload your build here - (You can upload provisioning profile too)
It will give you a link. just send that link to your client and let hih/her open that link in iDevice's safari browser. Then simply hit install button to install app.
Use TestFlight.
EDIT: If you want to client to know update about app, then I will suggest to go for TestFlight as you can mention the version and also can add comment about each build updated there and client can read it by logging in that app from it's device.
Easy way, Make its .ipa file upload it on here -, it will give yoy url, this url give yor client and open it on safari, your application will install in client iphone without Xcode.
They can do it via iTunes or iPhone Configuration Utility. Refer the link

Does Mac OS X code signing work like code signing on iOS?

If I sign my Mac OS X app using my self-signed certificate, I am still able to modify the binary after signing and the OS doesn't complain about anything and the app will work just fine. If I modify an iOS binary then the app simply will not load on the device.
If it's actually meant to work like this on OS X, are there any ways to securely and reliably ensure integrity like the iOS-style code signing check?
On Mac OS X, code signing check only kicks in if the application is marked for quarantine by the operating system, i.e if the application is downloaded from the internet using safari or may be mail application.
The best way to test this is to set the quarantine attribute using xattr, something like xattr -w "0001;4fce45e4;Safari;E17715E0-DB01-4EA3-A102-FBE7C2C8587A|"
Hope this helps.

Where are MAC OSX HTTP Live Streaming Tools

I am trying to install mediastreamvalidator, mediastreamsegmenter, mediafilesegmenter tools for my mac machine version 10.6.8.
As mentioned in below link about downloading required tools for development of Apple specified Http Live Server.
As above article says:
The tools are frequently updated, so you should download the current
version of the HTTP Live Streaming Tools from the Apple Developer
website. You can access them if you are a member of the iPhone
Developer Program. One way to navigate to the tools is to log onto, then click iPhone under the Downloads heading.
After logging in to site with Mac OSX developer credentials,
under download heading there is no tab named iPhone, i am unable to find this link.
If these tools are stored else where can some one please provide me the updated link?
I need these command lines for developing HLS server.
As I read on Apple web site, Mac OSX version 10.6 and above have these applications pr-installed and we don't need to install them using dgm files, but on my max machine i have only mediastreamsegmenter command line tools not all of them.
Can some one please provide me a link to download these command line tools or provide information on how to get these applications installed on my mac.
As mentioned by Stuart, you must be a member of the iPhone Developer Program in order to access these tools via the link provided in the official documentation. More specifically, you must be a paid member. This fact caused me to lose several hours searching for the tools as I was a member of the iPhone Developer Program, but my annual membership had lapsed and the tools were consequently no longer available to me. What really got me was that the tools were still unavailable within the first few hours of renewing my membership. It took approximately 12 - 24 hours after I paid to renew my membership for them to show up in the list. Hope this helps someone down the road!
They seem to be well-hidden for whatever reason, but after a few wild goose chases, I found them.
You can start at the public-facing streaming page:
There is a "Downloads" link along the side. You'll be prompted to sign in to your Developer account, and then finally you get the actual download page here:
Here is a copy make from lastest version of HTTP Live Streaming Tools on ADC.
$ git clone
To install it, you just need to double-click the StreamingTools.pkg and follow the instructions.
Once installed you will have these tools
