Copy, Paste, Cut etc. bar for IOS - ios

Is it possible to develop my own copy, paste, cut bar for ios devices? Is it possible to show the bar on every app to use the functions? Is there any documentation about this topic from apple?
Alternative: Is it possible to add my own functions to the already existing bar from ios? For example a screenshot function.


Implement Alphabet bar for scroll support in Ionic

I have a long list of items organized in an ion-list . To support the user to scroll to a specific item I would like to add an alphabet bar (not sure what is is officially called) similar to what Apple's music app has for instance.
How can this be done? Does a native plugin for this exist already? Not sure what to search for here.

Presenting just a subset of emojis on the keyboard on iOS apps

I am making an app where I use the "People" emojis as avatar faces and the "Food and drink" emojis for, well, food and drink icons. I would like to use the regular keyboard for presenting the emojis for user input, but I would like to present only these two categories of emojis (and even so, each category would be presented in a different context).
I am working with iOS 8, Xcode 6.3 and Swift.
Can I configure the regular keyboard so that it only shows a subset of emojis which I define?
If not, can I create a new custom keyboard preserving everything from the original Apple keyboard but limiting the subset of characters? Any pointers on how to do this?
You can not configure the regular keyboard so that it only shows a subset of emojis. But yes can make your own custom keyboard.
You can find some really good posts about how to make the custom keyboards:
Also I found this FaceBoardPlus sample: which is exactly what you are looking for but written in objective c.
EDIT: From iOS developer library:
After a user chooses a custom keyboard, it becomes the keyboard for
every app the user opens. For this reason, a keyboard you create must,
at minimum, provide certain base features. Most important, your
keyboard must allow the user to switch to another keyboard.
To provide a fully custom keyboard for just your app or to supplement
the system keyboard with custom keys in just your app, the iOS SDK
provides other, better options. Read about custom input views and
input accessory views in Custom Views for Data Input in Text
Programming Guide for iOS.

Where do I get the iOS toolbar icons for up/down arrow?

I'm looking for these button icons,
, that I found in the Apple developer's guide for working with toolbars (almost half way down the page, but I can't find them in the storyboard.
I found a bunch of other icons in the storyboard for images, as shown here on the right, and I expected they would be there but they weren't.
Where do I get all these icons that Apple suggests I use? I would really like to use the up/down arrows for casting votes in my app.
Specifically, where can I get all of the images found in this guide
They are not available. They're just a list of icons they have developed for iOS as a showcase. You should look into making them yourself and applying them as a UIButtonTypeCustom. Small drawback is that if the iOS style changes (like iOS6 -> iOS7) you need to manually update your custom buttons while the rest is automatically upgraded.

UIKit - Place own statusbar above UINavigationController

My app is in landscape and uses a UINavigationController as its RootViewController. My goal with it is:
Disable the normal iOS StatusBar ( I know how to do that and already did it )
Have a semi-transparent StatusBar (a view) above the UINavigationBar, so that I can show custom information on it
Parts of the content of my main view must be visible underneath my custom StatusBar (exactly like it works with the normal UIStatusBar, just that I don't want the clock and battery and want to show my own information on it)
How can I best achieve this?
A quick search on GitHub gave me multiple libraries that offer the exact functionality you are looking for.
Try them out, test them and see which one is best for you.
If none of them are good enough, you should get an idea on how to achieve this functionality using the source code those libraries provide.
iOS 7 Human Interface Design, page 143 says:
Don’t create a custom status bar. Users depend on the consistency of
the system-provided status bar. Although you might hide the status bar
in your app, it’s not appropriate to create custom UI that takes its
iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Ios default icon for open view from list

In every ios app you can have a list that contains elements with subelements.
Tapping on the element will open a new page and you can usually press back to return.
This is indicated with a grey ">" symbol on the right.
Is this symbol downloadable somewhere? I know i can just type a > but it doesn't look exactly like the default icon used by ios.
I'm using Xamarin dialog and a standard RootElement embedded as a list item looks exactly like the default ios but i need to customize it with an icon placed left of the text(which is no problem except that i now lose the default > icon).
Googling for ios system icons, ios default icons and ios sdk did not yield the wanted result. I'm hoping that these icons are somewhere embedded on the device.
I hope you guys can help me out, thanks !
As far as I know there is no way to access a UIImage instance of the chevron during run time. Most likely there is private API for this, but I am not aware of it, and since it's private you are not allowed to use it anyway.
You could probably instantiate a cell that has the disclosure indicator as accessoryType and walk the view hierarchy to find it. But that will break easily, so don't do it.
The best way is to add an image and update it with every new iOS release.
There's the iOS Artwork Extractor which basically gets you every piece of artwork that is used in iOS.
The artwork you are looking for should be named UITableNext. (at least that's the name in iOS6, I don't have an extracted archive of iOS7 yet)
Strictly speaking you are violating Apples rules and their copyright if you use their artwork without Apples written consent.
As far as I know this has never been enforced, and lots of people do it, but it's good to keep it in mind.
