Kuzzle-SDK-SearchResult query - iot

I am currently trying to SearchResult query in kuzzle android sdk earlier it was working but after upgrading the version I have an error when I perform SearchResult I get following error : java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.kuzzle.sdk.Exceptions.ApiErrorException: Wrong type for argument "from" (expected: integer)
Any idea of the reason ? Thanks

Actually the error message gives you the answer: Wrong type for argument "from" (expected: integer)
I suspect that your from argument is not an integer type.


How do I solve the "attempt to call a table value" runtime error on lua?

I'm working on a lua script to convert IO Link data into MQTT. When I debugged the script, I got following runtime error on the function client:register :
Runtime error: attempt to call a table value (global 'string')
I understood that out of the 3 parameters needed, the eventname has to be in string. Coming from Java, I tried converting it directly in the function. It looks like this:
client:register( deviceHandle, string(IOhandleOnDisconnected) , IOhandleOnDisconnected )
It still does not work though.
Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?
string is Lua's standard library for string manipulation. It is a Lua table which cannot be called as you did in string(IOhandleOnDisconnected)

Using the CALL Function in Neo4j for a subquery throws an error because of the '{'

So i can use the CALL function in it's function as CALL procedure but when i try to invoke a subquery with CALL {} i get following Error:
Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Invalid input '{': expected whitespace, comment, namespace of a procedure or a procedure name (line 1, column 6 (offset: 5))
"CALL {}"
I have no idea what i'm doing wrong, i found this procedure in the docs. I'm using Neo4j Browser version: 3.2.15 and Neo4j Server version: 3.5.1 (community).
Thank you for your helping!
CALL with subquery was introduced in Neo4j 4.0, so the syntax doesn't exist in 3.5.1. You'll need to upgrade to 4.0+ to get the functionality you're after.

dask: astype() got an unexpected keyword argument 'errors'

for what reason dask astype givers error if errors keyword is specified, while that should work fine according to the docs?
df['listing_id'] = df['listing_id'].astype('int32', errors='ignore')
Here is the error :
TypeError: astype() got an unexpected keyword argument 'errors'
The doc also says
This docstring was copied from pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.astype.
Some inconsistencies with the Dask version may exist.
You were warned :)

Why is source info missing in flutter error

I got the following error in the console while running my app:
flutter: type '() => Null' is not a subtype of type '(dynamic) => FutureOr<dynamic>' of 'f'
Unfortunately it doesn't tell me which code actually caused this error? Why is flutter missing some more information in the output?
Visual Studio Code 1.28.2
Flutter 0.9.4
Dart VM version: 2.0.0
Since you didn't put any code, so as far as I can tell, you are using () which is returning Null, and you were supposed to use (dynamic value) returning Future in your method declaration somewhere in your code.

Z3 invalid function application: not to false

I have the following line in my program:
return Z3_mk_not(ctx, term);
When I run the program, Z3 fails at this line with the following error message:
WARNING: invalid function application, sort mismatch on argument at position 1
WARNING: (define not Bool Bool) applied to: false of sort Bool
Error: type error
... does anybody know what to make of this? I'm using Z3 version 4.3.1 with the new solvers API.
valgrind does not report any memory violations.
The term in question was in the wrong Z3_context. The error message was just slightly misleading, and along with the fact that valgrind didn't complain this wasn't the thing I considered first.
