What minimal running target should a Project Setup expect? - oomph

When authoring a project setup in Oomph, I can install additional plugins using P2. Project setups only work in context of product setups, but the Project Setup has no reference to the product setup.
I would like to ensure as much as possible that irrespective of the product someone selects, the project setup can be performed.
Short of using a Configuration, is there a recommended strategy to identify the plugins required to work with the project. What assumptions can be made about the minimal running target or product? How can I test that my project setup is well-designed? Is there automation for this?


Continuous Integration with BitBucket

I'm developing a private webapp in JSF which is available over the internet and now reached a stage where I wanted to introduce CI (Which I'm fairly new to) into the whole process. My current project setup looks like this:
myApp-persistence: maven project that handles DB access (DAOs and hibernate stuff)
myApp-core: maven project, that includes all the Java code (Beans and Utils). It has a dependency on myApp-persistence.jar
myApp-a: maven project just with frontend code (xhtml, css, JS). Has a dependency on myApp-core.jar
myApp-b: maven project just with frontend code (xhtml, css, JS). Has a dependency on myApp-core.jar
myApp-a and myApp-b are independent from each other, they are just different instances of the core for two different platforms and only display certain components differently or call different bean-methods.
Currently I'm deploying manually, i.e. use the eclipse built-in export as war function and then manually upload it to the deployments dir of my wildfly server on prod. I'm using BitBucket for versioning control and just recently discovered pipelines in BitBucket and implemented one for each repository (every project is a separate repo). Now myApp-persistence builds perfectly fine because all dependencies are accessible via the public maven repo but myApp-core (hence myApp-a and myApp-b, too) fails of course because myApp-persistence isn't published on the central maven repo.
Is it possible to tell BitBucket somehow to use the myApp-persistence.jar in the corresponding repo on BitBucket?
If yes, how? And can I also tell BitBucket to deploy directly to prod in case the build including tests ran fine?
If no, what would be a best practice to do that? I was thinking of using a second dev server (already available, so no big deal) as a CI server but then still I would need some advise or recommendations on which tools (Jenkins, artifactory, etc.) to use.
One important note maybe: I'm the only person working on this project so this might seem like an overkill but for me the process of setting that up is quite some valuable experience. That said, I'm not necessarily looking for the quickest solution but for the most professional and convenient solution.
From my point of view, you can find the solution in this post-https://christiangalsterer.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/continuous-integration-for-pull-requests-with-jenkins-and-stash/. It guides you step by step how to set up everything. The post is from 2015 but the process and idea are still the same. Hope it helps.

Differnece between build configuration in ios project

We have got legacy code base from an organization to maintain. Its huge project developed using objective C and Cocoa touch. It has 10-12 build configurations, like staging, dev, prod etc.. Other than this I see many other build configurations, which are dont seems to be in use. I just want to keep debug, release and appstore because only the base url differs. My questions are -
1)How do I clean up all these build configurations?
2)How do I compare existing build configurations and delete duplicate one?
Any help regarding this will be highly appreciable.
By Build Configuration, you mean "Targets"?
Generally we create different targets for different purposes. Like we would want the app to talk to dev server when the dev target is used and so on.
You might want to keep different targets in your app.

Run test plan against 3rd party versioned programs

Using Visual Studio Online I created a test plan for a program that was written by a different company that my company uses. We have a specific set of tests that need to be tested before we accept a new version of this program. So when I edit the test plan I would like to be able to manually select a build by typing in say version "". Then when a newer version comes out I can just type in a newer version and retest using those same tests. However when I go to select a build TFS is filtering against my builds for my code. Is it possible to do what I'm asking using TFS?
To answer a few of the questions in the comments I'll be a bit more descriptive of what I am doing. A 3rd party company made a program we use to test some hardware. Every now and then there is an update to that software. Since a few of us use this program to test out the hardware we need to know that the software can be installed with little to no down time while upgrading. So we came up with a small set of tests that we run the program through to make sure that we can test reliably. Those tests were written in a Word document, so I put them into MTM. Although I make some software that is related to this their software depends on mine. I've not had to update my code for some time now. My overall intention is to use MTM to document my testing of this program.
Do you want to store the version of the 3rd party component along with the test result of the test run it was tested with on TFS?
That would be nice. My ultimate end game is to put the results of said test back into that Word Document and make that available to those who don't have MTM installed (which is everyone). This way when a new version of the software is updated I can just go into MTM reset all my tests back to active update the version number and retest.
The build you set up in Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) defines where is the drop location containing your tests, not the application under test (it can be different if you build your tests using another build).
That's why you only can select one of your builds for your code.
What you are talking about is deployment.
That means you have to make sure the right version of the 3rd party program is deployed to the environment the tests are running on.
What you need is a Test Configuration
Here you can find a is a good explanation how to create one: Test Configurations - specifying test platforms
The idea in your use case would be as following
(below I'm using terms described in the article mentioned above):
Create a Configuration Variable where you will store the current version of the 3rd party program
Create a Test Configuration and add this variable to it.
Set this Test Configuration as default test configuration for your test plan.
Be aware, if your test plan already contains test cases you will have to add this Test Configuration to each Test Case manually since only new added Test Cases get it assigned automatically
If you get a new version of the 3rd party program you will:
Add the new version of the program to the values allowed for the Configuration Variable
Open the Test Configuration you are using and update the program's version to the new one.
Reset your tests and run them.
Doing so you:
store all versions you have tested so far in the Configuration Variable since you add the new one instead of overwrite the old one, so you get a kind of history.
store the last version you have tested in the Test Configuration.
That should meet you needs.
Additional suggestion
(has nothing to do with your question but with your use case)
Consider describing tests within your Test Cases instead of creating a Word document.
Here is a good place to start reading: How to: Create a Manual Test Case
The benefits would be:
You can run your manual tests using Test Runner provided by MTM
Doing so you will have all steps you have done stored by the Test Result, you can add comments to each step when executing that, etc.
You can still export the test description to a Word document using this MTM add-on: Test Scribe.
Using this add-on you can also create a report of your test execution.
Additionally, if you are going to use MTM more in your daily job I would recommend you this free e-book Testing for Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio 2012

Dagger: code generation or reflection?

How do I know if Dagger's code generation is working correctly? I see several threads where users have eventually discovered that reflection was being used instead.
I have run the example coffee maker application in Eclipse and when I set breakpoints in e.g. Thermosiphon I cannot see any generated classes in the stack. I do see ReflectiveAtInjectBinding which makes me suspect that my setup is not correct.
So there are a few aspects to this.
Dagger has recently removed (or is about to remote) reflection fallback for modules - so you should, upon the next release, not ever have to have reflective module adapters. If a module adapter was not generated, there will be a specific error that will prevent further action.
As to code-generation verification, it is probably worth creating a small verification script that confirms that any sources that contain #Module have a $$ModuleAdapter class generated. Presuming you run in Maven, then this could be attached to the verify step in your project.
If you're running in eclipse, then you need to have m2e plugin, and you need to enable in your maven settings to allow maven to configure the annotation processing settings in eclipse.
One caveat. If you have m2e manage annotation processing configuration, and if you have dagger itself open as an eclipse project, then you must, in the maven settings of your project, disable "Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects"

Can I specify the OS-level build user on a per-job basis?

Our team is sharing a Jenkins server with other teams, and this currently means that we are sharing the same OS-level build-user account. The different teams' OS-level build-user settings (Maven settings, bash settings, user-level Ant libraries, etc...) have collided a few times--"fixing" the settings for one team's jobs inadvertently "breaks" another team's jobs. The easiest sol'n that occurs to me is giving each team its own OS-level build-user account with which to execute its Jenkins jobs--but I cannot find a way to do this.
I have checked with Google, and also here
and here
to no avail.
Is there a way to do this? If not, can you recommend any best practices for segregating sets of builds from one another?
Maven Specific
You have two options that come to mind,
Add additional installations of Maven into your Jenkins global configuration, each using their own Home directory, and thus settings files. This will allow you to use totally different version of Maven, and selected based on Job requirements (You are given the option to select which "version" of maven you wish to use on the job itself.
Similar to (1), but specify specific settings configurations using Maven command line arguments. Its a little less "obvious" but may be quicker to implement
You could possibly make use of multiple slaves on each machine. It increases the overheads of the builds quite significantly, and the implementation is such that you'd have multiple user accounts on a machine, each setup as needed, and then one slave instance for each user.
I'm not sure these solutions will totally answer your problem, I'll have a think and see if anything else pops into mind, but it might give some starting points
Key builds to a specific team directory that contains that team's settings. For example, provide a parameter 'TEAM' to every build, set its default value to the appropriate team name, and use that parameter as a key to a directory that contains the team's settings (so instead of using ${HOME} as in what you want to do, you'll use something like ${TEAM_SETTINGS}/${TEAM}).
You can set per-job users (who has access to/can build a particular job).
Under "Manage Jenkins" > "Configure System" >
Click on Enable Security
Check Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy
However, I do not think there is a "per-build" option for a single job.
If you have the same project that you are sharing between teams, you could (and probably should) create two jobs for this project, and have different libraries/scripts be used in each.
You could also parametrize the build (On the Job Page, "Configure" > This build is parametrized) and supply the library versions, etc via string parameters.
You could also use a parameter to be the team's name, and in your build script change libraries based on the parameter:
For example, have a parameter called "TEAM", with choices: TEAM_A and TEAM_B, and in your script, have
if [ $TEAM == "TEAM_A" ]
Have you considered sourcing your settings? In Linux, you could do this by saving your OS settings in a script file (for example paths, etc), and using source /path/to/settings/file, in Windows it would be call /path/to/settings/batch/file.
Can you give examples of OS level settings that you would require and per-build user for?
You problem is a common one.
Whenever something nonstandard is installed on a build server, something will break for someone.
The only solutions I know are
Set up a separate build slave for each team or product. Then they can install whatever they want on the build slave and any mess they create is all their own fault.
Any dependencies required by a job need to come with the job. This is my preferred way of working. For example: If a job needs a library or a tool, the library or tool is not installed on the build server but in the source tree and the build uses it from the source tree.
Sometimes the latter way is more work. You need to set up the tools or library so it works when it is installed in the source tree. Some tools have hard-coded paths and they do not work. In that case you can install the source of the tool and compile the tool during the build.
An even better solution is to set up separate Jenkins jobs for all the tools and libraries and the jobs that need a library or tool will download them from the Jenkins jobs.
This way you can control all your dependencies and different jobs do not conflict when e.g. one needs an older version of a library and one a newer version. And if someone upgrades the library, it is immediately visible in the version control who did what.
