Hello all I need some help regarding embeddings selection for relational GNN - embedding

Currently I am using a csv file converted from a pcap and I took the column length from my csv file and used it as my embedding. The code compiles and I do get accuracy in the high 70s like 77 percent. I am just not sure if this is an appropriate choice for an embedding. I am also getting this issue of some data sets get weird results as UndefinedMetricWarning: F-score is ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. I know there is people who answered this question but I tried all of there methods and still no clue why my model works for some data sets and not all.Please if someone could confirm what I am doing makes sense or not that would really help me.
CSV file snapshot for reference
df['embeddings'] =df['Length']
embeddings = torch.from_numpy(df['embeddings'].to_numpy())
# normalizing degree values
scale = StandardScaler()
embeddings = scale.fit_transform(embeddings.reshape(-1,1))


How to save large sklearn RandomForestRegressor model for inference

I trained a Sklearn RandomForestRegressor model on 19GB of training data. I would like to save it to disk in order to use it later for inference. As have been recomended in another stackoverflow questions, I tried the following:
pickle.dump(model, open(filename, 'wb'))
Model was saved successfully. It's size on disk was 1.9 GB.
loaded_model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
Loading of the model resulted in MemorError (despite 16 GB RAM)
cPickle - the same result as Pickle
joblib.dump(est, 'random_forest.joblib' compress=3)
It also ends with the MemoryError while loading the file.
d = klepto.archives.dir_archive('sklearn_models', cached=True, serialized=True)
d['sklearn_random_forest'] = est
Arhcive is created, but when I want to load it using the following code, I get the KeyError: 'sklearn_random_forest'
d = klepto.archives.dir_archive('sklearn_models', cached=True, serialized=True)
est = d[model_params]
I tried saving dictionary object using the same code, and it worked, so the code is correct. Apparently Klepto cannot persist sklearn models. I played with cached and serialized parameters and it didn't help.
Any hints on how to handle this would be very appreciated. Is it possible to save the model in JSON, XML, maybe HDFS, or maybe other formats?
Try using joblib.dump()
In this method, you can use the param "compress". This param takes in Integer values between 0 and 9, the higher the value the more compressed your file gets. Ideally, a compress value of 3 would suffice.
The only downside is that the higher the compress value slower the write/read speed!
The size of a Random Forest model is not strictly dependent on the size of the dataset that you trained it with. Instead, there are other parameters that you can see on the Random Forest classifier documentation which control how big the model can grow to be. Parameters like:
n_estimators - the number of trees
max_depth - how "tall" each tree can get
min_samples_split and min_samples_leaf - the number of samples that allow nodes in the tree to split/continue splitting
If you have trained your model with a high number of estimators, large max depth, and very low leaf/split samples, then your resulting model can be huge - and this is where you run into memory problems.
In these cases, I've often found that training smaller models (by controlling these parameters) -- as long as it doesn't kill the performance metrics -- will resolve this problem, and you can then fall back on joblib or the other solutions you mentioned to save/load your model.

Why doc2vec is giving different and un-reliable results?

I have a set of 20 small document which talks about a particular kind of issue (training data). Now i want to identify those docs out of 10K documents, which are talking about the same issue.
For the purpose i am using the doc2vec implementation:
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
# Tokenize_and_stem is creating the tokens and stemming and returning the list
# documents_prb store the list of 20 docs
tagged_data = [TaggedDocument(words=tokenize_and_stem(_d.lower()), tags=[str(i)]) for i, _d in enumerate(documents_prb)]
max_epochs = 20
vec_size = 20
alpha = 0.025
model = Doc2Vec(size=vec_size,
dm =1)
for epoch in range(max_epochs):
print('iteration {0}'.format(epoch))
# decrease the learning rate
model.alpha -= 0.0002
# fix the learning rate, no decay
model.min_alpha = model.alpha
print("Model Saved")
model= Doc2Vec.load("d2v.model")
#to find the vector of a document which is not in training data
def doc2vec_score(s):
s_list = tokenize_and_stem(s)
v1 = model.infer_vector(s_list)
similar_doc = model.docvecs.most_similar([v1])
original_match = (X[int(similar_doc[0][0])])
score = similar_doc[0][1]
match = similar_doc[0][0]
return score,match
final_data = []
# df_ws is the list of 10K docs for which i want to find the similarity with above 20 docs
for index, row in df_ws.iterrows():
data = (doc2vec_score(row['processed_description']))
with open('file_cosine_d2v.csv','w',newline='') as out:
for row in final_data:
But, I am facing the strange issue, the results are highly un-reliable (Score is 0.9 even if there is not a slightest match) and score is changing with great margin every time. I am running the doc2vec_score function. Can someone please help me what is wrong here ?
First & foremost, try not using the anti-pattern of calling train multiple times in your own loop.
See this answer for more details: My Doc2Vec code, after many loops of training, isn't giving good results. What might be wrong?
If there's still a problem after that fix, edit your question to show the corrected code, and a more clear example of the output you consider unreliable.
For example, show the actual doc-IDs & scores, and explain why you think the probe document you're testing should be "not a slightest match" for any documents returned.
And note that if a document is truly nothing like the training documents, for example by using words that weren't in the training documents, it's not really possible for a Doc2Vec model to detect that. When it infers vectors for new documents, all unknown words are ignored. So you'll be left with a document using only known words, and it will return the best matches for that subset of your document's words.
More fundamentally, a Doc2Vec model is really only learning ways to contrast the documents that are in the universe demonstrated by the training set, by their words' cooccurrences. If presented with a document with either totally different words, or words whose frequencies/cooccurrences are totally unlike anything seen before, its output will be essentially random, without much meaningful relationship to other more-typical documents. (That'll be maybe-close, maybe-far, because in a way the training on the 'known universe' tends to fill the whole available space.)
So, you wouldn't want to use a Doc2Vec model trained only only positive examples of what you want to recognize, if you also want to recognize negative examples. Rather, include all kinds, then remember the subset that's relevant for certain in/out decisions – and use that subset for downstream comparisons, or multiple subsets to feed a more-formal classification or clustering algorithm.

Feedback in NaiveBayes Text Classification

I am a newbie in machine Learning, i am building a complaint categorizer and i want to provide a feedback model so that it can improve over time
import numpy
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
classifier = MultinomialNB()
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
counts = vectorizer.fit_transform(value)
classifier.partial_fit(counts[:1], targets[:1],classes=numpy.unique(targets))
for c,t in zip(counts[1:],targets[1:]):
classifier.partial_fit(c, t.split())
value.append('dogs') #new value to train
targets.append('animal_department') #new target
vectorize = CountVectorizer()
counts = vectorize.fit_transform(value)
print counts
print targets
print vectorize.vocabulary_
####problem lies here
classifier.partial_fit(counts["""dont know the index of new value"""], targets[-1])
####problem lies here
Even if i somehow find the index of newly inserted value, it is giving the error
ValueError: Number of features 3 does not match previous data 2.
even thought i made it to insert one value at a time
I will try to answer the question from a general point of view. There are two sources of problem in the Naive Bayes (NB) approach described here:
Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem
Incremental training of NB
OOV problem: The simplest way to tackle the OOV problem is to decompose every word into character 3 grams. How many such 3-grams are possible? Assuming lower-casing there are only 26 possible ways to fill each place and hence the total number of possible character 3-grams is 26^3=17576, which is significantly lower than the number of possible English words that you're likely to see in text.
Hence, generally speaking, while training NB, a good idea is to use probabilities of character n-grams (n=3,4,5). This will drastically reduce the OOV problem.
Incremental training: For incremental training, given a new sentence decompose it into terms (character n-grams). Update the count of of each term for its corresponding observed class label. For example, if count(t,c) denotes how many times was the term t observed in class c, simply update the count if you see t in class 0 (or class 1) during incremental training. Updating the counts will update the maximum likelihood probability estimates as well.

machine learning, why do we need to weight data

This my sound as very naive question. I checked on google and many YouTube videos for beginners and pretty much, all explain data weighting as something the most obvious. I still do not understand why data is being weighted.
Let's assume I have four features:
a b c d
1 2 1 4
If I pass each value to Sigmond function, I'll receive -1 >< 1 value already.
I really don't understand why data needs or it is recommended to be weighted first. If you could explain to me this in very simple manner, I would appreciate it a lot.
I think you are not talking about weighing data but features.
A feature is a column in your table and as data I would understand rows.
The confusion comes now from the fact that weighing rows is also sometimes sensible, e.g., if you want to punish misclassification of positive class more.
Why do we need to weigh features?
I assume you are talking about a modle like
prediction = sigmoid(sum_i weight_i * feature_i) > base
Let's assume you want to predict whether a person is overweight based on Bodyweight, height, and age.
In R we can generate a sample dataset as
height = rnorm(100,1.80,0.1) #normal distributed mean 1.8,variance 0.1
weight = rnorm(100,70,10)
age = runif(100,0,100)
ow = weight / (height**2)>25 #overweight if BMI > 25
data = data.frame(height,weight,age,bc,ow)
if we now plot the data you can see that at least my sample of the data can be separated with a straight line in weight/height. However, age does not provide any value. If we weight it prior to the sum/sigmoid you can put all factors into relation.
Furthermore, as you can see from the following plot the weight/height have a very different domain. Hence, they need to be put into relation, such that the line in the following plot has the right slope, as the value of weight have are one order of magnitude larger

scikit-learn: clustering text documents using DBSCAN

I'm tryin to use scikit-learn to cluster text documents. On the whole, I find my way around, but I have my problems with specific issues. Most of the examples I found illustrate clustering using scikit-learn with k-means as clustering algorithm. Adopting these example with k-means to my setting works in principle. However, k-means is not suitable since I don't know the number of clusters. From what I read so far -- please correct me here if needed -- DBSCAN or MeanShift seem the be more appropriate in my case. The scikit-learn website provides examples for each cluster algorithm. The problem is now, that with both DBSCAN and MeanShift I get errors I cannot comprehend, let alone solve.
My minimal code is as follows:
docs = []
for item in [database]:
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(docs)
X = X.todense() # <-- This line was needed to resolve the isse
db = DBSCAN(eps=0.3, min_samples=10).fit(X)
(My documents are already processed, i.e., stopwords have been removed and an Porter Stemmer has been applied.)
When I run this code, I get the following error when instatiating DBSCAN and calling fit():
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sklearn/cluster/dbscan_.py", line 248, in fit
clust = dbscan(X, **self.get_params())
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sklearn/cluster/dbscan_.py", line 86, in dbscan
n = X.shape[0]
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Clicking on the line in dbscan_.py that throws the error, I noticed the following line
X = np.asarray(X)
n = X.shape[0]
When I use these to lines directly in my code for testing, I get the same error. I don't really know what np.asarray(X) is doing here, but after the command X.shape = (). Hence X.shape[0] bombs -- before, X.shape[0] correctly refers to the number of documents. Out of curiosity, I removed X = np.asarray(X) from dbscan_.py. When I do this, something is computing heavily. But after some seconds, I get another error:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/sparse/csr.py", line 214, in extractor
(min_indx,max_indx) = check_bounds(indices,N)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/sparse/csr.py", line 198, in check_bounds
max_indx = indices.max()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/_methods.py", line 17, in _amax
out=out, keepdims=keepdims)
ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity
In short, I have no clue how to get DBSCAN working, or what I might have missed, in general.
It looks like sparse representations for DBSCAN are supported as of Jan. 2015.
I upgraded sklearn to 0.16.1 and it worked for me on text.
The implementation in sklearn seems to assume you are dealing with a finite vector space, and wants to find the dimensionality of your data set. Text data is commonly represented as sparse vectors, but now with the same dimensionality.
Your input data probably isn't a data matrix, but the sklearn implementations needs them to be one.
You'll need to find a different implementation. Maybe try the implementation in ELKI, which is very fast, and should not have this limitation.
You'll need to spend some time in understanding similarity first. For DBSCAN, you must choose epsilon in a way that makes sense for your data. There is no rule of thumb; this is domain specific. Therefore, you first need to figure out which similarity threshold means that two documents are similar.
Mean Shift may actually need your data to be vector space of fixed dimensionality.
