ROS2 Synchronizer with ApproxTime policy: why there is no registerDropCallback to use a callback method with non synced messages? - ros

I have a class the does some processing on the information coming from two different messages, a point cloud and an image. I know how to use the message_filters::Synchronizer to grasp the two messages when they are considered synchronized. However, I would like to do some processing on the point cloud only, when the two incoming messages are not in sync.
In ExactTime policy based Synchronizer, it is possible to assign a callback in this case of dropped message, by assigning the callback function trough registerDropCallback(). Unfortunately, this method does not exist when creating a Synchronizer with ApproximateTime policy
Do you know if I can achieve the same result in case of ApproximatePolicy?
Thank you


Recommended way to process different payload types in Asp.Net WebHooks for same sender

I'm setting up an Asp.Net WebHook receiver for an internal webhook from a different server in the same application. I'm therefore using the built-in CustomWebHookReceiver. The webhook needs to send several different payload types as JSON, which need to be de-serialized into different strong types by the receiver and be processed differently.
Since the only difference between invocations of the webhook are the payload, a single webhook receiver will be configured for a single id, following the pattern of placing the shared secret in the web.config AppSetting as:
What is the best way to implement different webhook handling behavior for the different payload types. Creating separate receivers or separate ids for the different payload types does not seem appropriate, since the security models are identical and writing a new receiver seems like overkill.
Creating different handlers seems like the right direction, but built-in settings appear to only allow a handler to specify the receiver and the priority. This leaves the option of inspecting the payload inside the handler's ExecuteAsync method and deciding how to process the message.
Is this correct, or is there a better way?
Tom, you can use the {id} part of the URI to receive as many WebHooks using the same handler and then differentiate them based on the {id}. You can find more details about how to set this up here.
Hope this helps!

How to tell the user to log in with relay?

Almost all of my graphql objects require that the user is authenticated to access them. If the user is not logged in, or their credentials are invalid, the server returns an error with a flag requireLogin set to true.
How can I intercept errors wherever they occur in Relay, capture this specific error, and then use it to update my state in redux (which will then show a message and a login box)?
The ideal place seems to be the NetworkLayer, but before I implement my own custom NetworkLayer is there a better existing solution (some sort of Relay-wide onError handler for example)?
You're likely looking for the renderFailure prop on your Relay Root Container. This gives you a place to handle errors that occur while fetching your data. If you're looking for errors directly relating to Relay Mutations, you can provider success and error handlers to Relay.Store.commitUpdate. I think those two should be capable of handling most scenarios.
You did mention using Redux along with Relay. I've not done any research into OSS projects combining these two tools, but Relay itself handles a lot of what Redux also handles and more. While Redux is great, I do think Relay is a more custom fit for GraphQL itself, and React, and I've not felt the need to find a spot for Redux in this stack, yet. It might complicate things.

Triggering a SWF Workflow based on SQS messages

Preamble: I'm trying to put together a proposal for what I assume to be a very common use-case, and I'd like to use Amazon's SWF and SQS to accomplish my goals. There may be other services that will better match what I'm trying to do, so if you have suggestions please feel free to throw them out.
Problem: The need at its most basic is for a client (mobile device, web server, etc.) to post a message that will be processed asynchronously without a response to the client - very basic.
The intended implementation is to for the client to post a message to a pre-determined SQS queue. At that point, the client is done. We would also have a defined SWF workflow responsible for picking up the message off the queue and (after some manipulation) placing it in a Dynamo DB - again, all fairly straightforward.
What I can't seem to figure out though, is how to trigger the workflow to start. From what I've been reading a workflow isn't meant to be an indefinite process. It has a start, a middle, and an end. According to the SWF documentation, a workflow can run for no longer than a year (Setting Timeout Values in SWF).
So, my question is: If I assume that a workflow represents one message-processing flow, how can I start the workflow whenever a message is posted to the SQS?
Caveat: I've looked into using SNS instead of SQS as well. This would allow me to run a server that could subscribe to SNS, and then start the workflow whenever a notification is posted. That is certainly one solution, but I'd like to avoid setting up a server for a single web service which I would then have to manage / scale according to the number of messages being processed. The reason I'm looking into using SQS/SWF in the first place is to have an auto-scaling system that I don't have to worry about.
Thank you in advance.
I would create a worker process that listens to the SQS queue. Upon receiving a message it calls into SWF API to start a workflow execution. The workflow execution id should be generated based on the message content to ensure that duplicated messages do not result in duplicated workflows.
You can use AWS Lambda for this purpose . A lambda function will be invoked by SQS event and therefore you don't have to write a queue poller explicitly . The lambda function could then make a post request to SWF to initiate the workflow

iOS REST design pattern advice

I’d like some input on whether there is a better design pattern to use for my iOS app, which uses a REST model to communicate asynchronously with a Django back end.
The server can presently return three types of responses to requests:
a JSON object
a server status code integer
a long Django error message
When an action is performed in the iOS app that requires data from the server, my design pattern looks like this:
An observer is added to notification center, specifying a method that can process the server response
The method puts together and sends a NSURLConnection
A NSURLConnection delegate method receives the response, does some interpretation to check what kind of server response it is, and then posts the appropriate notification to the notification center
This triggers the response method to run, processing the response
My issue with this pattern is that there are a large number of methods written to send and receive individual request and response types. For instance, if I am requesting an item list, I need to add several observers to the notification center, one to process a user list, one to process a blank user list, and one to process errors. Then I need to write custom methods for each one of those three to perform the appropriate actions and remove the observers, based on what kind of response the server sends.
Furthermore, the NSURLConnection delegate ends up being fairly complex, because I’m trying to interpret what type of a response was received (what types of items were in the list received?) without much context of what was requested, to make sure I don’t call the wrong response method when a server message comes back.
I am fairly new to both iOS programming and to REST programming, so I may be missing something obvious. Any advice or links to resources is appreciated.
I'd initially look at using RestKit to abstract your code away from the network comms so you can worry more about the data model and high level requests. Secondly, I wouldn't use notifications for this as it will likely get messy and be very hard to manage multiple simultaneous requests - delegation or block callbacks will be much better for this.
Your REST implementation is mostly server side, and emprirically you'd be passing and receiving binary. There are factors to consider, including whether you are utilizing HTTP.
Working with JSON with NSJSONSerialization class, and NSURLConnection keeps your program more lean and mean.

How to get location field from linkedin api while fetching network updates

I want to fetch location of person and connections so how should I specify fields for this purpose?,headline,location)))?type=CONN
If I'll make another calls for just getting location, it will be very costly for me, as it will require to make extra calls for each of new connection and will increase number of calls exponentially. So, I want some solution using which I can get location in network updates API call itself.
EDIT: And another thing I need is to check about the privacy setting of connections. As per my knowledge, linkedin doesn't provide any api which returns that which connection allows to see updates and which are not. So, when I try to get network update for a particular connection, it returns error that this user doesn't allow public to see updates. If I want to check this thing before call network updates API, how can I do it in Ruby Language.
Let me know some way to pass multiple dynamic IDs while calling linkedin API.
When retrieving person data associated with a Network Update, it appears that only the basic fields are available. The solution would be to get the id for the person and make a second call to the Profile API:,last-name,connections,location)
Currently, linkedin doesn't provide any API for this purpose. You have to make multiple calls for this purpose. But you should make these calls in chunks to avoid timeout issues.
Try this api
`String url = ",first-name,last-name,location,picture-url,positions:(title,company:(name)))"; `
