iOS REST design pattern advice - ios

I’d like some input on whether there is a better design pattern to use for my iOS app, which uses a REST model to communicate asynchronously with a Django back end.
The server can presently return three types of responses to requests:
a JSON object
a server status code integer
a long Django error message
When an action is performed in the iOS app that requires data from the server, my design pattern looks like this:
An observer is added to notification center, specifying a method that can process the server response
The method puts together and sends a NSURLConnection
A NSURLConnection delegate method receives the response, does some interpretation to check what kind of server response it is, and then posts the appropriate notification to the notification center
This triggers the response method to run, processing the response
My issue with this pattern is that there are a large number of methods written to send and receive individual request and response types. For instance, if I am requesting an item list, I need to add several observers to the notification center, one to process a user list, one to process a blank user list, and one to process errors. Then I need to write custom methods for each one of those three to perform the appropriate actions and remove the observers, based on what kind of response the server sends.
Furthermore, the NSURLConnection delegate ends up being fairly complex, because I’m trying to interpret what type of a response was received (what types of items were in the list received?) without much context of what was requested, to make sure I don’t call the wrong response method when a server message comes back.
I am fairly new to both iOS programming and to REST programming, so I may be missing something obvious. Any advice or links to resources is appreciated.

I'd initially look at using RestKit to abstract your code away from the network comms so you can worry more about the data model and high level requests. Secondly, I wouldn't use notifications for this as it will likely get messy and be very hard to manage multiple simultaneous requests - delegation or block callbacks will be much better for this.

Your REST implementation is mostly server side, and emprirically you'd be passing and receiving binary. There are factors to consider, including whether you are utilizing HTTP.
Working with JSON with NSJSONSerialization class, and NSURLConnection keeps your program more lean and mean.


App architecture when 'state changing' APNS fails

I've seen several questions on this topic. But all simply say you just have to recover from other means. But none explain what the other means are! I couldn't find an answer on SO. This is also a follow up from the comments of this question.
Let's say I'm working on a Uber app. Drivers need to know passenger locations.
A passenger sets a pickup location for 123 XYZStreet.
2 minutes later she decides to cancel the entire pickup. So now I need
to inform the driver. This is an important state changing update.
The first thought that comes to mind is:
Send a notification that has content-available:1 so I can update the app as soon as the notification arrives, and in the didReceiveNotification I call GET(PassengerInfoModel) and also have include "alert" : "Pickup has been canceled. Don't go there' So the driver would also be visually informed. Obviously tapping on the notification is not what manages the updates. The content-available being set to 1 will manage that.
But doing that, still what happens when the arrival of that notification fails—completely? Well then the latest GET(PassengerInfoModel) won't happen. As a solution I've heard of a HEAD request:
The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT
return a message-body in the response. The metainformation contained
in the HTTP headers in response to a HEAD request SHOULD be identical
to the information sent in response to a GET request. This method can
be used for obtaining metainformation about the entity implied by the
request without transferring the entity-body itself. This method is
often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility,
and recent modification.
Not sure what happens if using a HEAD request we figured out that there was an update!? Do we then make a GET request in the success case of the HEAD's completion Handler?
Question1 How should we handle the HEAD request response? (I'm guessing that for the server to be able to route HEAD requests, there must be some changes, but let's just assume that's outside the scope of the question).
Question2 How often do we have to do this request? Based on this comment one solution could be to set a repeating timer in the viewDidAppear e.g. make a HEAD request every 2 minutes. Is that a good idea?
Question3 Now let's say we did that HEAD request, but the GET(PassengerInfoModel) is requested from 2 other scenes/viewControllers as well. The server can't differentiate between the different scenes/viewControllers. I'm guessing a solution would be have all our app's network requests managed through a singleton NetworkHandler. Is that a good idea?
I understand that this question is broad, but believe the issue needs to be addressed as a whole
Question1 How should we handle the HEAD request response? (I'm guessing that for the server to be able to route HEAD requests, there must be some changes, but let's just assume that's outside the scope of the question).
You probably don't need to deal with HEAD requests. Using Etags is a standard mechanism which lets you make a GET request and the server can just return an empty body with 304 response if nothing has changed, or the actual new content if something has.
Question2 How often do we have to do this request? Based on this comment one solution could be to set a repeating timer in the viewDidAppear e.g. make a HEAD request every 2 minutes. Is that a good idea?
I think this is reasonable, especially if you want to inform your user when you are unable to make that request successfully. You might also consider using Apple's Reachability code to detect when you can or cannot talk to your server.
Question3 Now let's say we did that HEAD request, but the GET(PassengerInfoModel) is requested from 2 other scenes/viewControllers as well. The server can't differentiate between the different scenes/viewControllers. I'm guessing a solution would be have all our app's network requests managed through a singleton NetworkHandler. Is that a good idea?
Yes, I think having a singleton is reasonable, though I'm not sure why the server cares what view controller is making the request. Like can't they just request different urls?

How to format/serialize asynchronous API callback responses, when inside the model

I am exposing an API that responds asynchronously to certain requests. This is possible, as the client appends a callback_url in their request, to which the asynchronous action will send the result when it completes.
Problem is, the action completes while inside a model, which makes it tricky to keep a clear seperation of concerns, as I usually handle stiching together JSON responses in the controller using ActiveModelSerializer.
Any advice on how to approach this in an idiomatic way?
My approach would be to extract the outgoing callback response into a separate service (called from within the model) and place that service on an asynchronous queue.
This service should be as generic as possible. Any logic that relates to building/sending/logging outgoing responses would then be contained within the service, and is separated out of the Model.
I would then wrap the service call in an asynchronous priority queue system, such as DelayedJob. This would allow the Model to do its thing before handing the response off to the service for asynchronous execution.
The benefit to using a queue system is that should anything prevent the response from being posted it will not 'freeze' the Model whilst executing. Bottom line; the Model can hand the response over to the queue and forget about the details of sending the response.
Ryan B. himself says (pro account required):

Rails application design: Queueing, Resque, Background Services, and Redis

I am designing a Rails app that takes in requests, uses data within the request to call a 3rd party web service, process the reply and then sends out a response to the original requestor and also issues a PUT request to yet another service.
I am trying to wrap my head around how to design this Rails app as it's different from the canonical Rails structure.
The objects are Lists and Tasks. Each List has many Tasks, and each Task belongs to a List.
The request I would get is something like:
In this example I am requesting tasks from 2/12/2012 to 2/14/2012 with a high priority in List #1
I would then issue a 3rd party web service call like this:
As you can see some processing was done on the data (id was changed in this case)
The results are then sent back to the requestor and to another web service via PUT.
My question is, how do I set up the Rails app to handle these types of behaviors? How does the controller structure change? This looks like a good use case for queues, how do I distribute multiple concurrent requests among queues?
For one thing I don't need data persistence (data can be discarded after the response is sent out) and also data structure design is simplified. (I don't think I need ruby objects, simply dictionaries or hashes representing these would be lighter weight and quicker to implement)
So I broke down the work flow of the app into these components
Parse incoming request
Construct 3rd part web service request
Send 3rd party request
Enqueue a worker to process the expected response
Process the response once it arrives
Send the parsed result back as a response
Which of the standard ruby controllers handle each of these steps? What are the models needed besides Lists and Tasks?
You should still use a database because passing data to Resque is messy. Rather, you should store it in the database and then pass the id to the workers, fetch the data, commit any new data or delete the record. It's really up to you but this method is cleaner. You can also use a push service like faye to let the user know when the processing is complete.
If you expect to have many concurrent requests, I would recommend Sidekiq as it's less of a memory hog. Having 4-5 resque workers can already suck up about 512 MB. The controller structure should not change. Please comment on anything you need clarified and I'll be happy to update my answer.
You would want to use a separate database store, such as Postgres. Not sure if it's important what models you need, but essentially this is what should be happening.
In your controller, create a Request object which contains the query params you want to query this 3rd party service with. Then enqueue a job to be handled by Sidekiq/Resque, let's call this ThirdPartyRequest and pass in the id of the Request object you just created as an argument. Then render a view here showing the Request object. Let's say that Request#response is still empty cause it hasn't been processed yet, so let the user know it's still processing.
A worker then handles your job ThirdPartyRequest. ThirdPartyRequest should then fetch the Request object and obtain the query params needed to contact the third party service. It does that then gets a Request. Update the Request object with this Request then save it.
class ThirdPartyRequest
def self.perform(request_id)
request = Request.find(request_id)
# contact third party service
request.response = ...
The user can continually refresh his page to check on his/her Request object. Once it gets updated with the response, they will know its completed. If you want the page to refresh automatically, look into faye/juggernaut/private_pub or a SaaS solution like Pusher.

Canceling a request when connection to client is lost

I noticed that in a standard grails environment, a request is always executed to the end, even when the client connection is lost and the result can't be delivered anymore.
Is there a way to configure the environment in such a way that execution of a request is canceled as soon as the client connection is lost?
Update: Thanx fo the answers. Yes - most of the problems I am trying to avoid can be avoided by better coding:
caching can make nearly every page fast
a token can help to avoid submitting something twice
but there are some requests which still could consume some time. Let's take a map service as example. Calculating a route will take some time. One solution to avoid resubmitting the request could be a "calculationInProgress" flag together with a message to the user. But then it is still possible to create a lot of sessions and thus a lot of requests in order to do a DOS attack...
I am still curious: is there no way to configure the server to cancel the request? I used to develop on a system where the server behaved this way and it was great :-)
Probably there is no such way. And I'm sure grails (and your webcontainer) is designed to
accept incoming request
process it on server side
send response
if something happened during phase 2, i'll know about it only on send response phase. Actually you can send data to HttpSerlvetRespone by yourself, handle IOException, etc - but it will be too much low-level way, I think. And it will not help you with canceling your DB operations, while you're preparing data to send.
Btw, it's common pattern to use an web frontend, like nginx, that accepts incomming request and and handle all this problems with cancelled requests, slow requests (i guess it's the real problem?), etc.
According to your comment it is reload and multiple clicks that you are trying to avoid. The proper technique should be to use Grails support for handling multiple form submissions:

RestKit handling different HTTP status codes

I've just started to try out RestKit for an iOS app i'm building. I normally use ASIHttpRequest, but I want to test out RestKit mostly for its object mapping between JSON and CoreData. There are some great things about RestKit, but I've run into an issue that really makes it feel deficient, unless I'm doing something wrong or have missed something. I hope someone here can guide me on that.
I'm using RKObjectLoader to make async & sync calls to a REST API. My service is designed to send back proper HTTP status codes, along with some sort of description, a 401 being an example of when the API needs an authenticated user.
My problem is that RestKit stops acting normally if i get a 401 error back. The RKResponse object has a status code of 0, even though it has a payload in it. I'm pretty sure this comes down to NSURLConnection's poor handling of HTTP statuses, but I would expect RestKit to wrap around this somehow. Especially since the RKResponse class has quite a few wrapper functions to determine the status code of the response (isOK, isCreated, isForbidden, isUnauthorized, etc.).
In comparison, ASIHttpRequest doesn't use NSURLConnection, but instead uses the lower level CFNetwork code. ASIHttpRequest allows me to see exactly what came back over HTTP without sending out errors left & right.
Question is, am I doing something wrong, or is this the expected behavior out of RestKit? Has anyone successfully been able to make a calls to [RKResponse isAuthenticated]? Although its inconclusive to me, is there any difference between running in async and sync mode in this regard. I did read somewhere that NSURLConnection run in sync mode will act a bit differently, even though the underlying code is just calling the async operations. Does this have more to do with me using RKObjectLoader as opposed to just RKRequest? Perhaps the fact that the payload can't map to a model causes anger, but it seems that the code is breaking earlier within RKRequest.sendSynchronously, prior to when mapping actually takes place.
Bottom line is my code needs to be able to freely read HTTP status codes. Any guidance would be most appreciated.
The common way for RestKit 0.20.x is to subclass RKObjectRequestOperation.
I wrote a blog article about this problem which can be found here:
"... when authentication fails, the authentication challenge gets cancelled and that effectively voids the request."
RestKit already includes a delegate method for this:
(void)request:(RKRequest *)request didFailAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge;
Triggers before
(void)objectLoader:(RKObjectLoader *)objectLoader didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
When HTTP Basic authentication fails, so we can use this instead.
