Vaadin 23 configure routes for dynamic and static pages - vaadin

I have the following view:
#Route(value = "jobs", layout = JobsLayout.class)
public class AllJobsView extends VerticalLayout implements LocaleChangeObserver {
with route = "jobs". Such page is available via /jobs url
Now, I'd like the following pages:
for example
where I'll show the job description
As you may see, the website may have tons of "dynamic" pages like
and so on.
And also a few "static" pages like
All of them ("dynamic" and "static") are located under pretty much the same URL pattern.
How to properly configure such routes with Vaadin framework?


.NET MVC DisplayModeProvider fallback

I am currently using DisplayModeProvider to check if a mobile request is coming in and serving up a file if I detect a mobile request otherwise I'm serving the default page Page.cshtml. This also works as a fall-back - if there is a mobile request for PageX but does not exist but there is a PageX.cshtml, I serve PageX.cshtml. This is working as intended.
I would like to add to the fall-back behavior as I include support for tablet requests. So when a tablet device request is detected, if I have a Page.tablet.cshtml, it will go ahead and serve that file. If there isn't a ...tablet.cshtml file, I'd like it to try to serve the file and if a does not exist, we would serve the Page.cshtml file.
Is there a way to do this without having to create a ...tablet.csthml file for every page and Html.Partial'ing a within it?
You can do that by changing the route preference dynamically. Define the hierarchy as you want like tablet first then mobile and then web pages.
Here is a sample how CustomViewEngine can do that:
public class MyViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
public MyViewEngine()
: base()
ViewLocationFormats = new[] {
PartialViewLocationFormats = new[] {
Here the view will be searched in the /Views/tab/ folder first then /Views/mobile/ followed by /Views/ and the /Views/Shared/ folders.
Detail of the implementation have been discussed here: ASP.NET MVC Custom View Routing

ZF2: Using JSON-RPC without MVC?

It is stated in the ZF2 documentation, as well as by Matthew Weier O'Phinney's blog, that:
Many developers want to stick this in their MVC application directly,
in order to have pretty URLs. However, the framework team typically
recommends against this. When serving APIs, you want responses to
return as quickly as possible, and as the servers basically
encapsulate the Front Controller and MVC patterns in their design,
there's no good reason to duplicate processes and add processing
It is recommended that you put the server endpoints in the public directory structure. For example, you might have /public/some-api.php that instantiates and runs the Zend RPC Server. But I have already created this dope module in which I have a bunch of classes and a config file that lays out the dependency injection, factories, etc for creating the classes.
Soo... how do I leverage that code in my RPC server, without putting it into a MVC controller?
Here is how I did it. I have this broken out into a few files, but you can put all this in your public root directory, something like rpc-service.php:
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager,
class Bootstrap {
/** #var ServiceManager */
private static $serviceManager;
private static function _go() {
require __DIR__ . '/../init_autoloader.php';
$config = include __DIR__ . '/../config/application.config.php';
$serviceManager = new ServiceManager(new ServiceManagerConfig());
$serviceManager->setService('ApplicationConfig', $config);
self::$serviceManager = $serviceManager;
* #return ServiceManager
public static function getServiceManager() {
if (!self::$serviceManager)
self:: _go();
return self::$serviceManager;
$sm = Bootstrap::getServiceManager();
use Zend\Json\Server\Server,
$jsonRpc = new Server();
echo $jsonRpc->getServiceMap()->setEnvelope(Smd::ENV_JSONRPC_2);
else {
As you can see, I'm using the Service Manager! Yay. All is right in the world.

Web Api 2 global route prefix for route attributes?

I'd like to expose a company's api by two ways: (pure WebApi web site) (add WebApi to existing MVC5 company site)
So, I placed models/controllers in a separate assembly and reference it from both web sites.
Also, I use route attributes:
public class ProductsController : ApiController
Now, the controller above can be accessed by: which is good which I'd like to change to
Is there a way to keep using route attributes and setup MVC project so it adds "api" for all routes?
So this is probably not the only way you could do it, but this is how I would do it:
Create your own Attribute that inherits from RoutePrefixAttribute
Override the Prefix property and add some logic in there to prepend "api" to the prefix if running on the desired server.
Based on a setting in your web.config, prepend to the route or not.
public class CustomRoutePrefixAttribute : RoutePrefixAttribute
public CustomRoutePrefixAttribute(string prefix) : base(prefix)
public override string Prefix
if (Configuration.PrependApi)
return "api/" + base.Prefix;
return base.Prefix;
(The below option is no longer supported as of Web API 2.2)
Alternatively you could also specify more than one route prefix:
public class ProductsController : ApiController
You can use Map on IAppBuilder
So Startup class will looks something like this
class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
app.Map("/api", map =>
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
Another option would be to forward traffic from one site to your Web API. Are you set on hosting two instances? If not, you could host only the one instance under say On your MVC company site implement an HttpHandler to redirect all traffic matching /api/* to
a. Create the handler in your MVC app:
public class WebApiHandler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string url = "" + context.Request.RawUrl.Replace("/api","");
//Create new request with context.Request's headers and content
//Write the new response headers and content to context.Response
b. Register the handler in your web.config:
<add verb="*" path="api/*" type="Name.Space.WebApiHandler" validate="false" />
c. Enable CORS in your Web API if you haven't done so already.
You can just implement your api service as
Then use UrlRewrite to map to
We even support this method of UrlRewrite in link generation, so if you generate links from the, your links will point to
Note that this is the only form of URL rewrite that works correctly for MVC link generation ( ->

How to dynamically generate urls used by grails.plugins.springsecurity?

This is not one of the simple questions.. So let me explain it in detail...
The background:
In my grails application I have this mapping:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
This means that all url's my application will process has preceding url parameter "storeId". All controllers will use this parameter to render content and perform other actions...
Also I have controller with annotation
class SomeController {
def index = {
// ...
Let's say user is trying to access this page:
If this is unauthenticated user, security-plugin will redirect him to the
The issue is:
When spring-security will redirect to this page, user will see 404. This happens because login controller will handle only urls like
The question is:
What should I do to dynamically build this url?
It turns out that:
There is config param for
spring-security, called
"auth.loginFormUrl". But this is just
static text. And I need to build this
url based on what url influenced this
The redirection is done (I'm not 100%
sure) in
But how to override it?
Typically that's a static value, but it's called from LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint.getLoginFormUrl(), so you could subclass that and do a dynamic calculation of the url in an overridden method. The plugin already subclasses it with org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.AjaxAwareAuthenticationEntryPoint so you should extend that.
To register your implementation instead of the plugins, add a bean override in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy:
import com.yourcompany.yourapp.YourAuthenticationEntryPoint
beans = {
authenticationEntryPoint(YourAuthenticationEntryPoint) {
loginFormUrl = '/login/auth' // has to be specified even though it's ignored
ajaxLoginFormUrl = '/login/authAjax'
portMapper = ref('portMapper')
portResolver = ref('portResolver')
You don't have direct access to the request in this method, but it's available in a thread-local - call org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.SecurityRequestHolder.getRequest().

Asp.Net MVC: How do I enable dashes in my urls?

I'd like to have dashes separate words in my URLs. So instead of:
I'd like:
Is this possible?
You can use the ActionName attribute like so:
public ActionResult MyAction() {
return View();
Note that you will then need to call your View file "My-Action.cshtml" (or appropriate extension). You will also need to reference "my-action" in any Html.ActionLink methods.
There isn't such a simple solution for controllers.
Edit: Update for MVC5
Enable the routes globally:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
// routes.MapRoute...
Now with MVC5, Attribute Routing has been absorbed into the project. You can now use:
On Action Methods.
For controllers, you can apply a RoutePrefix attribute which will be applied to all action methods in that controller:
One of the benefits of using RoutePrefix is URL parameters will also be passed down to any action methods.
public class ClientsController : Controller .....
public ActionResult Edit(int clientId) // will match /clients/123/edit-client
You could create a custom route handler as shown in this blog:
public class HyphenatedRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler{
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString().Replace("-", "_");
requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString().Replace("-", "_");
return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
...and the new route:
new Route("{controller}/{action}/{id}",
new RouteValueDictionary(
new { controller = "Default", action = "Index", id = "" }),
new HyphenatedRouteHandler())
A very similar question was asked here: MVC support for URL's with hyphens
I've developed an open source NuGet library for this problem which implicitly converts EveryMvc/Url to every-mvc/url.
Uppercase urls are problematic because cookie paths are case-sensitive, most of the internet is actually case-sensitive while Microsoft technologies treats urls as case-insensitive. (More on my blog post)
NuGet Package:
To install it, simply open the NuGet window in the Visual Studio by right clicking the Project and selecting NuGet Package Manager, and on the "Online" tab type "Lowercase Dashed Route", and it should pop up.
Alternatively, you can run this code in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package LowercaseDashedRoute
After that you should open App_Start/RouteConfig.cs and comment out existing route.MapRoute(...) call and add this instead:
routes.Add(new LowercaseDashedRoute("{controller}/{action}/{id}",
new RouteValueDictionary(
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }),
new DashedRouteHandler()
That's it. All the urls are lowercase, dashed, and converted implicitly without you doing anything more.
Open Source Project Url:
Here's what I did using areas in ASP.NET MVC 5 and it worked liked a charm. I didn't have to rename my views, either.
In RouteConfig.cs, do this:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
// add these to enable attribute routing and lowercase urls, if desired
routes.LowercaseUrls = true;
// routes.MapRoute...
In your controller, add this before your class definition:
[RouteArea("SampleArea", AreaPrefix = "sample-area")]
public class SampleAreaController: Controller
// ...
public ViewResult MyAction()
// do something useful
The URL that shows up in the browser if testing on local machine is: localhost/sample-area/my-action. You don't need to rename your view files or anything. I was quite happy with the end result.
After routing attributes are enabled you can delete any area registration files you have such as SampleAreaRegistration.cs.
This article helped me come to this conclusion. I hope it is useful to you.
Asp.Net MVC 5 will support attribute routing, allowing more explicit control over route names. Sample usage will look like:
public class DogsAndCatsController : Controller
public ViewResult LivingTogether() { ... }
public ViewResult MassHysteria() { }
To get this behavior for projects using Asp.Net MVC prior to v5, similar functionality can be found with the AttributeRouting project (also available as a nuget). In fact, Microsoft reached out to the author of AttributeRouting to help them with their implementation for MVC 5.
You could write a custom route that derives from the Route class GetRouteData to strip dashes, but when you call the APIs to generate a URL, you'll have to remember to include the dashes for action name and controller name.
That shouldn't be too hard.
You can define a specific route such as:
"TandC", // Route controllerName
"CommonPath/{controller}/Terms-and-Conditions", // URL with parameters
new {
controller = "Home",
action = "Terms_and_Conditions"
} // Parameter defaults
But this route has to be registered BEFORE your default route.
If you have access to the IIS URL Rewrite module ( ), you can simply rewrite the URLs.
Requests to /my-controller/my-action can be rewritten to /mycontroller/myaction and then there is no need to write custom handlers or anything else. Visitors get pretty urls and you get ones MVC can understand.
Here's an example for one controller and action, but you could modify this to be a more generic solution:
<rule name="Dashes, damnit">
<match url="^my-controller(.*)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="MyController/Index{R:1}" />
The possible downside to this is you'll have to switch your project to use IIS Express or IIS for rewrites to work during development.
I'm still pretty new to MVC, so take it with a grain of salt. It's not an elegant, catch-all solution but did the trick for me in MVC4:
name: "ControllerName",
url: "Controller-Name/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "ControllerName", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
