Cannot send text from https. website - post

I have created an Arduino based project for my water co-op that monitors water levels in our water tanks. If the water level drops below a certain level an alert text is sent to the appropriate workers' mobile phones.
I have no trouble sending these texts from one of my websites. But I cannot do the same using the co-op's website. My website is http/ based, the co-op's website is https/ based. I am providing this info because these differences may be what is causing this problem.
The pertinent code that works is as follows:
const char server[] = "";
client.println("POST /includes/send_text.php HTTP/1.1");
client.println("Host: "");
If I change this code to match the co-op's website:
const char server[] = "";
client.println("POST /includes/send_text.php HTTP/1.1");
client.println("Host: "");
the texts are never sent.
The co-op's website is just a basic website. There is nothing out-of-the-ordinary about it. If I can send texts from my website I do not understand why I cannot do the same to the co-op's website.
Here is a link to the co-op's website for your perusal.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
P.S. I can provide more code, but what I provided above is the only code that is changed in the sketch.


Little Snitch reports my app (when run in simulator) wants to connect to random websites

I have an app that uses a web service to get data. I hit one site for the data, passing in various parameters/methods depending on what data I need. The base URL of the site is always the same. I'm using AFNetworking whenever I get/receive data.
When I launch my app in the iOS simulator, Little Snitch indicates that my app wants to connect to a couple of sites - sites that are not in my code!
Example sites Little Snitch has indicated:
Anyone know why this happens?
I'm only hitting some Cold Fusion methods at no other sites. The Acquisign site has no links to any of the mentioned sites. I load no web pages, just get JSON back from the CF methods invoked at the Acquisign site.
More info:
I've fond that this has to do with OpenDNS. If I set my network to not use OpenDNS, I don't get these random connection warnings from Little Snitch and my app. (Today it wanted to connect to home and
OpenDNS is most likely responding to a non-loading page request with a page of link suggestions. I now wonder what the non-loading page is - as I only hit one site and get JSON back and the JSON contains no other URLS....

Is it possible to post a Twitter "tweet" from an small embedded system?

Everything I can find assumes I can use some "large" Twitter API, or run PHP code. I have a very small platform based on an ARM M0+ bare metal (no OS) and would like the device to post "tweets".
For example, everything I see implies I must connect with SSL -- on this small processor, that is probably possible, but not very realistic. Nor is dealing with OAuth and such.
My leaning is to create my own "service" on my home server that can accept a username and password and tweet, then do all the heavy lifting to post on behalf of the embedded device but this seems like a cop out to me.
Is it really that hard to post to Twitter?
[Edit: I'm writing the code myself in C at a very low level]
If I were you I'd start here:
Well, it looks like the answer is: "suck it up princess" - there isn't a well known, light, tweet maker out there.
I'll have to decide if I should proxy my posting through a PC or attempt to support SSL on my wee little board and support the Twitter API.
Thanks for your consideration!

using \\servername\sharename in IE9 not being picked up as intranet site

I have a very basic intranet site for our company, and it's main purpose is to link to SMB shares on our network, so people can open files and edit them, without the need to then reupload to the site.
What I have, is a basic < a href="\IP ADDRESS\SHARENAME\">< /a>
The issue seems to be, regardless of whether I use the IP address, or the actual DNS name of the machine, IE9 always seems to think the intranet is an internet site, and stops these links from working.
Let's say for example, the web server address is, and I have a share on that same server for a global phone directory spreadsheet. I want someone to be able to click on the link on the page, and have it open that file directly.
So for the href, I put in \\\intranet\phone directory\list.xls
Or something like that. IE9 (which is what all our users are using), considers this link to point to file:// directory/list.xls
That's great, but as it doesnt consider this to be on the intranet, it blocks the file:// protocol, and the link does nothing.
If I add the site to my trusted sites list, it then works correctly. So I am wondering if there is a way on the programming side of things, that will let me create these kind of links and have them auto picked up as an intranet link?
Failing that, I will post on serverfault, and see if someone can guide me on applying a policy to add this site to trusted sites for all users and computers.
Many thanks
As it turns out, I was accessing the intranet by using either the FQDN or the IP address of the server.
As this article shows, , if I just use the server name instead, and drop the domain name from the end, the links behave as I would like.
Sorry for this useless question.
Thanks, Eds

On Windows Phone, can I view the source of a URL, if the URL itself is known?

and thanks for looking.
Imagine your standard barebones Windows Phone app. Say, I have a URL in mind. I want to be able to view the HTML source for that URL, because I'm looking for particular info that is on that page. Is there any way to do this?
You can pull down the html for any page using HttpWebRequest. This project demonstrates that among other things.
WebClient, HttpWebRequest and the UI Thread on Windows Phone 7
If scraping data from webpages, be sure to verify the rights granted by the site's owner for that purpose.

Wall on FaceBook

i would like to post a message on facebook wall (standard friend/group's wall) not the Apps. using delphi, i could log-in but i dont know how to post a message on it. any suggestion?
I have never used Delphi so im not sure about the language structure
but facebook API is basically HTTP Requests, you should be able to build a class that upon instanation you would authorize your app and then have a set of methods that publish data via HTTPRequest and validate the response
Heres something you may wish to look at:
Facebook emailer in delphi via CakeMail:
And how to post via HTTP:
It is possible.
If you're able to login you can use a sniffer to take a look for the details of how it is accomplished by Facebook itself when you do it withing a browser (kind of reverse engineering). Wireshark is the best tool for me.
Look and take your time to understand what's going on between your browser and the servers when you post messages to your friend's wall.
Once you understand the details, you can mimic the exact same behavior from your Delphi program to get the same results, for example with the TidHTTP or TidTCP components.
Facebook is AJAX intensive: series of HTTP GET/POST operations without full page refreshes.
Don't forget you're mimicking a undocumented and internal communication mechanism. Facebook or any other target site may change it's internal's and broke your program compatibility anytime.
Remember this kind of program may be prohibited... read the facebook agreement's for further details.
delphibook is a Delphi library to support Facebook applications.
Two possible links that may provide some guidance? They are not in delphi, but I assume the api would be similar to javascript/php ?
