Is it possible to show the print text in Wireshark when opening the PCAP file?
Example when I write:
print("No bytes here")
So when I double click and open the myFile.pcap file in Wireshark, it will show "No bytes here".
I'm having issues sending output containing Unicode box-drawing characters to a text file.
The string ┌───top───┐ prints to the terminal fine using the print command. It also renders properly if I open and write directly to a file in my code.
However, if I pipe the terminal output into a text file using
<run command> > out.txt, I get the result
Everything else prints fine, but why doesn't it handle certain Unicode characters?
Is there a quick fix for this?
I bought a no-name Android ESC/POS printer, it support Bluetooth. I need help in printing Cyrillic symbols in Windows-1251 charset. What I do first:
\x1B\x40 (ESC # to initialize printer)
\xD5\xD3\xC9\n (the text that I need to print, standard Windows-1251 symbols, but it shows me some abracadabra :))
I should say, that the charset is set to Windows-1251 on the printer (by the exe tool that comes with it)
Also I tried command \x1B\x74\x49 (it sets the Windows-1251 manually, but there is no effect). Any ideas what we can do with it? Thank you all.
You can try my app that print cyrillic text:
Configure your ESC/POS printers on 'Quick Printer' and print from your app.
I tried many variants and after this manual end up with this character code page settings { 27, 116, 9 }
outputStream.write(new byte [] { 27, 116, 9 });
outputStream.write("Привет Мир".getBytes("cp866"));
Try to convert your text to cp866.
And set code page in printer via ESC/POS command into 17.
With Universal Cyriclic decoder you can find your source encoding/decoding.
Enter in decoded field your output text. For example 袩褉懈胁械褌.
Select source encoding UTF-8.
Then find your wanted decoding charset by selecting field "display as".
I have a .txt file and it has FormFeed character between para1 and para 2.
Para2 needs to be shown in next page on printing hence FormFeed is placed here.
sample txt file layout:
expected layout on printing:
para1 is shown in 1st page and para 2 is shown in 2nd page as formFeed acts as page break.
When opened and printed with MS Word/WordPad:
expected layout is coming in 2 pages as expected.
When opened and printed with NotePad:
1)FormFeed is not acting as Page Break and all content is printed in 1 page only
2)FormFeed is displayed as unreadable Symbol
Final Printed layout when used Notepad:
Unreadable symbol (caused by FormFeed)
Why Notepad is unable to render FormFeed as pageBreak ?
Is it because NotePad is a text Editor While WordPad/MS Word is Word processor ?
Is there any way how we can make this work with NotePad ?
1)It is a text Editor program and cannot interpret Form Feed character as Page Break.
2) Hence there is no way we can make formFeed work as page break and print it by using NotePad.
WordPad/MS Word:
1) Both are Word Processor softwares and can interpret FormFeed correctly as Page Break.
Hence Unreadable symbol is not shown on opening txt file with them
2) We can also see the page Break by Print Preview feature in wordpad/NotePad.
This hyperLink provides additional information on this topic:
Additional Info
Also below hyperlink shows similar topic post asking for a universal solution for pageBreak Feature using txt file.
page Break in txt file Universal Solution
I am trying to print to Zebra iMZ320
This one prints when saved to a file as UTF 8 encoded and send to the printer using Zebra Utilities
^XA^LRN^CI0^XZ ^XA^CWZ,E:TT0003M_.TTF^FS^XZ ^XA ^PA1,1,1,1^FS ^FO010,610^CI28^AZN,50,40^FD*Arabic: زيبرة^FS ^PQ1 ^XZ
But does not fire from iOS source code directly.
Do I need to do anything else?
Im trying to print an excel document through a default printer configured from command prompt using PRINT command as shown below:
C:>print c:\printdocs\test1.xls
by typing above and pressing enter a line saying 'C:\test1.xls is currently being printed'
is getting displayed but the excel document is not sent for default printer for printing. Please help me with this, where iam going wrong.
print.exe is designed to print a text file, and nothing else. In fact, if you type print /? from a command prompt, it tells you that in the first line of the text:
C:\>print /?
Prints a text file.
PRINT [/D:device] [[drive:][path]filename[...]]
/D:device Specifies a print device.
So the answer to your question is that you can't print an Excel file via print from the command line, because an .XLS file isn't a text file.