Vaadin - set focus in Login Page - vaadin

I am using the login form to log in to the app. I need to set the Focus after starting the application to the Password field. I can only set a description through the getFrom method.
LoginI18n i18n = LoginI18n.createDefault();
i18n.setHeader(new LoginI18n.Header());
i18n.getHeader().setDescription("Login use user/user or admin/admin");

You have to use some JavaScript:


Quickbooks Online - How to implement SSO with intuit in Ruby/Rails

I was able to connect with to Intuit using the Minimul/QboApi gem and get the "Connect to Quickbooks" button working with oauth2 based on the example provided on Github. However neither the gem nor the samples show how to implement single sign on with Intuit. In the example provided by Minimul, the Connect To Quickbooks button is produced by intuit's javascript found at
and a setup script and the tag . The tag appears to have been deprecated. Or at least, it doesn't appear to do anything other than produce the button with the right text and logo on it.
But bottom line, I have been unable to find any documentation on the ipp.anywhere.js package, and not even sure if i's meant to used with oauth2 since it's not mentioned anywhere. I believe that the connect to intuit button does the right things, but the guidelines seem pretty strict about what that the button needs to say the right thing and have th eright logo or they will reject it in the store. They also seem to suggest that users are much more likely to try something if an SSO with Intuit workflow is enabled. Any help appreciated.
After some further work, I figured out a solution that can create a 'log in with Inuit button' , although it's a bit of a javascript hack. First, I determined that the only thing I really needed to change was the button image. In other respects the code behind ` works fine for either a "login with intuit" or "connect to intuit work flow" . The only problem is the button image.
Here is the code (adapted from Minimul/QboApi) to get access and oauth2 refresh tokens via a "Connect to Quickbooks" button.
Setup in the controller code in login or sessions controller:
def new
#app_center = QboApi::APP_CENTER_BASE # ""
state= SecureRandom.uuid.to_s
intuit_id = ENV["CLIENT_ID"]
intuit_secret = ENV["CLIENT_SECRET"]
client =
identifier: intuit_id,
secret: intuit_secret,
redirect_uri: ENV["OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL"],
token_endpoint: "",
response_type: "code"
#make sure to include at least "openid profile email"
#in the scope to you can retrieve user info.
#uri = client.authorization_uri(scope: ' openid profile email phone address', state: state)
Here is the code required to generate the button on the view. (The view needs to load jquery as well in order for the script to work.)
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= #app_center %>/Content/IA/intuit.ipp.anywhere-1.3.5.js">
grantUrl: "<%== #uri %>",
datasources: {
quickbooks: true,
payments: false
This code produces the following html on the page delivered to the client:
Connect with QuickBooks
This code produces a button with the Connect with QuickBooks image, and an event handler inside intuit.ipp.anywhere-1.3.5.js attaches itself to the click event.
The problem is that the button is styled by the class=intuitPlatformConnectButton attribute inside the generated <a> tag, so if you want a "login with intuit button instead of a connect with intuit button the class on the anchor needs to be changed to class='intuitPlatformLoginButtonHorizontal' but still needs to attach to the event handler defined for <ipp:connecttointuit>. The best solution that doesn't require mucking with intuit.ipp.anywhere is to create the connect button and hide it, and then create another tag styled with class=intuitPlatformLoginButtonHorizontal whose click event calls click on the hidden connect button. I use AngularJs on my login page, so I handle the click with ng-click, but it could be done simply with jquery alone.
<ipp:connecttointuit id="connectToIntuit" ng-hide="true">< </ipp:connecttointuit>
and the controller code:
$scope.intuit_login = function() {
let el = angular.element("#connectToIntuit:first-child")
This will result in a redirect upon authentication to the supplied redirect url, where you can use openid to get the user credentials.

Grails logout button not working

I am using the following code in my logout button :
<a id="login-control-logout" href="${createLink(controller:'LicGenerator', action:'logout')}"><i class="icon-off"></i> Logout</a></li>
Inside my controller, I am using the following code :
def logout() {
response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0)
It goes to login.html, but when I enter the username and password again, it doesn't log me back in and throws an error
type Status report
message /LicGenerator/j_security_check
description The requested resource (/LicGenerator/j_security_check) is not available.
When I refresh the browser, I got this error :
type Status report
message Invalid direct reference to form login page
description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid direct reference to form login page).
Also, the back button takes me to page even though I added cache control to response.
Simply invalidating your session for spring security is probably not advisable. As there is a SecuritySession which also has cookies. It may be better to use whats provided by spring security already.
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityUtils
redirect uri: SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig.logout.filterProcessesUrl
Then you can configure your default login url via the config options for the spring security plugin

Grails 2 with spring security: defaultFailureUrl not working

I'm playing around with the grails 2 framework in addition with the spring-security-plugin.
I built a custom login form, which should be always visible on the main page.
Thus, the user should always be redirected to the main page. Regardless of whether an error occurs or not.
In the case of a successful login everything works very well, but in the case of an error the flash scope is lost during the redirect. So I can't display the reason for the failed authentication.
According to the documentation, only the parameter 'defaultFailureUrl' should be adjusted.
But this doesn't work as expected.
Are there any other parameters necessary to achieve this functionality?
My Config.groovy
// Added by the Spring Security Core plugin:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.failureHandler.defaultFailureUrl = '/'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.auth.loginFormUrl = '/'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.logout.postOnly = false // Logout through direct link
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.userDomainClassName = 'de.msg.login.User'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.authorityJoinClassName = 'de.msg.login.UserRole'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.authority.className = 'de.msg.login.Role'
I hope someone can figure out a solution ;)
As I understood you want to show the message on same login page after submit the login page.
Use this property probably it will work :
set this in config.groovy
See this link

How to load the page as popup dialog without specifying "data-rel" in the caller link

Hi i'm new to Jquery mobile,have some servlet which evaluates username and password from login.html page as,
if(un.equals("user1") && pd.equals("password1")){
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("welcome.html");
rd.forward(request, response);}
else {
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("loginfailed.html");
rd.forward(request, response);}
what i'm trying is when login fails loginfailed.html should open as a popup dialog showing login failure notice example here. Pls help me to do this..
I've been using this:
Much easier to open from within javascript than the default jquery-mobile dialog, plus it looks like a dialog in that it does not take up the whole page.

Using Grails Acegi Plugin when a User domains "enabled" field is set to false. The user can still login

Is the disabling of users natively supported by the Acegi Grails plugin?
From the Documentation it appears to support the "enabled" field..
But after setting the Users "enabled" field to false, the user can still login and no "user is disabled" exception is thrown ( although there appears to be a catch for a user disabled exception in the default logincontroller)...
If this functionality is supported are there any other changes needed other than setting the users "enabled" field to false?
Guessing that this may not be supported, i have added a check to the login controller to check if a user is enabled when the user is logged in and sending them back to the login screen with a disabled message...
def index = {
if (isLoggedIn()) {
def dc = authenticateService.principal().domainClass
def user = User.get( )
if (!user.enabled){
flash.message = "User '"+user.username+"' is disabled."
redirect action: auth, params: params
redirect uri: '/home/'
However, this only work when I access the login page directly. When I try to login after entering a url (eg */user/list) from within the application; the user logs in and is taken url without calling my check in the logincontroller...
Try using a filter instead. I'm not sure the index closure is called unless you indeed hit the base URI for that controller.
