problem computing/parsing oggs/opus audio files header - parsing

I am reading an ogg audio file header and am having some difficulty understanding how to compute the location of the next ogg file segment. i was able to use this webpage as an example: using this example.ogg file i was able to compute the right locations of the oggs headers.
BUT... in the example link, at offset (dec) 128 + 1 there is FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF B6 and calculating this is simple, 12*255 = 3060, 3060 + 182 (hex B6) = 3242, 3242 + 1 + 13 + 128 = 3384. so from the start of the last read header 0x3A (dec 58), if i seek a total of 3384 bytes, i am exactly at the spot of the next ogg file header.
now, where my problem comes in is this. in a real ogg/opus file, the values to calculate where the next ogg header are slightly confusing me. here is an image hopefully it will make it a little easier to get my problem across.
i am not sure how to proceed here. 0x48 = dec 72. so i would assume that there are 72 records here that are 3 bytes long each? that doesnt make sense. Or would it be 72 records, and the 0x03 at offset 0xAC is just part of the calculation? this is confusing to me, and i am not sure if i am asking the question right. but what i am trying to do is just parse the whole ogg file from top to bottom. im not looking to do any sort of processing at each header (yet) and i just need to fogire out the correct way to calculate these ogg header/segment location. if i need to elaborate on anything please ask and i will do my best. thanks in advance

i was able to figure this out. was just a simple misunderstanding on my part. when you read (as in the example above) 0x48 = dec 72. next add current position in file, then add 72 to that, then add/sum the next 72 characters, whatever they may be. this will give you the offset ((from the beginning of the file) of the next ogg entry


Postscript file - Image instead text

With a Postscript driver (Xerox, Canon, HP, all), when I create a PS file, for example when I print the test page in the printer properties, I get :
OK :
The view of the result is correct (with GSview for example)
Not OK :
The file size is to big, more than 4 MB.
When I edit the file, I have one big image (doNimage). I think is the reason of the big size file.
The example file :
I'm on Windows 10, similar problem with Windows server 2012 r2.
I let the configuration of the driver by default.
Anyone has an idea ?
Thanks a lot.
I don't understand your problem, the file you posted a link to contains text. Here's an example:
360 4485 M <202530360E0F1102381030100D100B0824152D30103102020C302A1E19181B1E1730132E28301530132D3B02230B2A2E22081308>[46 16 28 70 18 42 44 44 54 32 28 32 36 32 25 39 65 40 40 28 32 44 44 44 18 28 53 45 20 47 38 45
40 28 34 40 40 28 40 28 34 40 18 44 44 25 53 40 16 39 34 0]xS
M is a moveto and xS uses the xshow operator to draw the glyphs represented by the character codes in the hexstring, using the values in the array to modify the width of each glyph.
If you were expecting to see ASCII character codes you are going to be sadly disappointed, the files uses an incrementally downloaded subset TrueType font, so the character codes are defined as they are encountered, that is the first glyph used will be given character code 1, the second will be character code 2 and so on.
Even without that, using ASCII would limit the languages that could be supported. Back in the 1980s that maybe didn't seem like a problem, but its a long time since that was considered acceptable.
If you were expecting to be able to modify the text by editing it in a text editor, forget it. PostScript is a programming language, and the output of a PostScript printer driver is a machine-generated program. Its a lengthy process for a skilled user of the language to decipher what the program is doing. The program is not amenable to alteration, if there's a fault in the output, correct the original document and recreate the PostScript program from the original.
PostScript is not an editable format.
Thanks all for your response. I see I was not very clear in my question.
Here is the state :
With the PS driver, on a windows server 2008, I get this file :
Inside the file I can see the text "Page de test d\222imprimante"
On a Windows server 2012 R2 :
I can't see any text. It's a printer page test too.
I need to see text because I'll print document with code inside. Code for a printer to identify page type. (for example a white page for the tray n° 1, yellow page for tray 2)
KenS : I understand your point. But why the same driver give different file.
I checked if it's really the same. The only difference I see is the OS, one x86, the other x64.

What is this most likely if not Lua bytecode?

I considered posting this in reverse engineering but because of the brevity of the question and general irrelevance I decided to post it here.
This may be a really easy question but I haven't been able to find an answer - I should probably read a bit of Lua's source before asking this, but here goes: in a program that has integrated Lua, this is the first few bytes of the buffer being executed:
11 16 A5 F1 9E A8 8B 64 78 8E 2F EA 1C 31 D3 B6 D3 D5 77 23 77 79 1B 73
I've never understood Lua very well, but that doesn't look like byte code. Is there anything else it could be or is it just certainly something custom? I'm pretty sure actual Lua opcodes haven't been modified.
if possible put whole file somewhere. Lua bytecode usualy starts with 1B 4C 75 61 and then some debug infos however there are zeros for spliting of the informations which your sample doesnt have
other way is asking on
Put this into a file and try running luac -l filename on it. This will disassemble the binary to the VM instructions.
If it is Lua code you'll get some meaningful output.

What format is this string in? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm trying to figure out what data an iPhone game app is sending. It uses the GKTurnBasedMatch framework.
I've captured some of its packets and I found a promising XML message with this string as the value for a game-state key:
Base64, of course! So I decoded it and got:
Looks like a dict with another Base64 string in the GameData key. However, Base64 decoding that gives me a bunch of binary data:
02 01 14 c2 a9 69 f2 22 d1 bd 5c 10 7d 6f 96 b4 .....i."..\.}o..
e1 e2 9c 55 a3 51 ac 6d e7 5c a5 dc c2 c2 37 6c ...U.Q.m.\....7l
3e 2e 07 7d 89 23 b1 6d 11 6f bf 0e a0 da e4 ab >..}.#.m.o......
d9 18 17 4d cc aa 73 d6 17 b9 f7 55 15 ed 60 b9 ...M..s....U..`.
which is uncompressible:
>>> len(game_data)
>>> len(game_data.encode("zlib"))
It's not zlib-encoded:
>>> game_data.decode("zlib")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#126>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\lib\encodings\", line 43, in zlib_decode
output = zlib.decompress(input)
error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check
And it's not even zlib without the header:
>>> def inflate(data):
import zlib
decompress = zlib.decompressobj(
-zlib.MAX_WBITS # see above
inflated = decompress.decompress(data)
inflated += decompress.flush()
return inflated
>>> inflate("roflcopters".encode("zlib")[2:])
>>> inflate(game_data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#130>", line 1, in <module>
File "<pyshell#128>", line 6, in inflate
inflated = decompress.decompress(data)
error: Error -3 while decompressing: invalid distance too far back
I've tried using this online Objective-C compiler along with various classes like NSUnarchiver, NSKeyedUnarchiver, and NSPropertyListSerialization, but no luck, yet. Those all seem to produce output which at least has recognizable strings in it so even if they are used, something else must be going on as well.
The only similarity between different batches has been that they all start with 0x0201. Everything else seems totally different, even for subsequent updates for the same match, which makes me wonder if there's some obfuscation/encryption going on...
Any tips on where I can go from here?
It's almost certainly some proprietary structure from within the game, serialized out to bytes. 0x0201 could well be versioning for a struct, or just a set of flags that doesn't change across blobs you've seen.
There's no need to assume this is intentionally obfuscated or encrypted data. Standard textual (JSON, XML) and binary (bplist) containers are increasingly ubiquitous and often make one's life easier, but there's nothing nefarious about representing data in a more raw binary format if it's convenient. (See below re: encryption)
To really reverse engineer this in any more detail may be a Sisyphean task: figure out what the values in the binary blob are, numerically or otherwise. Match up the game state data with known (or unknown) values for the game. Do reverse engineering on the code to see what it's writing. That's some varsity stuff, but it's possible.
Re: encryption: encryption, or at least signing, is common in some parts of online gaming to prevent tampering with game state by bots to gain advantage. Whether that's happening here or not is anyone's guess. A bunch of floating point numbers that represent world positions could look similarly random.

FFmpeg can't decode H264 stream/frame data

Recently I had chance to work with two devices that are streaming the H264 through RTSP.
And I've ran into some problem trying to decompress this stream using FFmpeg library.
Every time the "avcodec_decode_video2" is called - FFmpeg just says something like:
[h264 # 00339220] no frame!
My raw H264 stream I frame data starts like this: "65 88 84 21 3F F8 F8 0D..."
(as far as I understand this 0x65 indicates that it's a IDR frame?)
Other frames for one device starts like: "41 9A 22 07 F3 4E 48 CC...."
and for other device - like this: "61 9A 25 C1 1C 45 62 39...."
Am I missing some frame data here?
Does FFmpeg needs to have some extra parameters set up?
I was expecting at least "00 00 00 01" bytes at the start for the frame data... but this is what I've got..
Ok, managed to make things working.
I needed to include the sequence (SPS) and picture parameter sets
(PPS) for my frame data before sending frame to the FFmpeg.
I needed to add 4 extra bytes "00 00 00 01" after SPS and PPS data.
Here is a little picture showing what I mean:
Bytes "65 88..." is where my original frame data begins.
This SPS and PPS information was not included in RTP packet. I'm using Live555 library for RTSP streaming, so I've used subsessions "fmtp_spropparametersets" function to get what I need. This information was Base64 encoded. (Sample: Something like this "Z0KAKNoC0EkQ,aM48gA==") Note that there are two "parameters" SPS and PPS seperated by "," and those parameters doesn't have a "00 00 00 01" included, so you need to add them.
Some code sample (I'm using Qt library here):
QByteArray ba = pSubSession->fmtp_spropparametersets();
QList<QByteArray> recordsList = ba.split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < recordsList.size(); i++)
mExtraData += QByteArray::fromBase64(;
Now for every frame I do something like this:
QByteArray ba = QByteArray(4, 0); // Prepare the "00 00 00 01"
ba[3] = 0x01;
mpTrackVideo->buffer.insert(0, mExtraData);
mpTrackVideo->buffer.insert(mExtraData.size(), ba);
Year ago I thought I had H264 stream support integrated in my project till I've had chance to test it with some other devices...
So you need to keep in mind that some devices might send SPS and PPS data for every I frame... and some might not!

Reading and parsing the width/height property of a bitmap

I'm trying to write a bitmap (.bmp) parser/reader by reading raw bytes from the file and simply checking their values, and I've come across something I simply cannot wrap my mind around.
The image I'm trying to read is 512x512 pixels, and when I look at the width property (at 0x12 and 4 bytes onward) it says 00 02 00 00 (when viewed in a hex editor). I assume this is the same as the binary value 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000. This somehow represents 512, I just cannot figure out the steps to get there.
So what I really need to know is how are integers represented binarily, and how do I parse them correctly? Any help is much appreciated. :)
What you are seeing in your hex editor is actually right. Just remember that bytes are in little endian order, so the value is actually 00 00 02 00 = 0x0200 = 512.
Actually 0x200 in hex equals 512 in decimal. You may have the position of the width/height properties wrong.
