Z3 emitting array representation it cannot parse under ALIA - z3

Asking the Z3 binary (4.8.17; older releases too) to give its representation of an array in a toy model gives an as const form :
echo "
(set-logic ALIA)
(declare-const x (Array Int Int))
(declare-const y (Array Int Int))
(assert (= 1 (select x 0)))
(assert (= x y))
(get-value (y))" | ./z3 -smt -in
;((y ((as const (Array Int Int)) 1)))
Yet, the representation Z3 itself emits is not allowed under (set-logic ALIA):
(set-logic ALIA)
(declare-const y (Array Int Int))
(assert (= y ((as const (Array Int Int)) 1)))
(get-value (y))
;(error "line 4 column 42: unknown constant const (Int) (Array Int Int) ")
;((y ((as const (Array Int Int)) 0)))
If (set-logic ALIA) is removed, the rest of the above script works fine. It seems this is intended behavior as per this issue. My understanding is since the SMTLIB spec of ALIA doesn't contain the const symbol, it cannot be used.
However, the SMTLIB spec would also say (on pg 65) that (get-value (...)) only may return values that are in the ALIA signature, unless the symbol starts with "#". This seems to be violated by the first script.
It seems after a signature is set, Z3 enforces input adherence to that signature, but does not do the same for its responses. Is there any way to make Z3's responses strictly adherent to SMTLIB? I have read through the descriptions of all of Z3's parameters with no luck.
Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. As a final datapoint, cvc5 doesn't give any errors yet gives the correct output when running the second snippet with (set-logic ALIA).


Interaction between quantifiers and sets in z3

I am currently trying to use Z3 to encode a simple program logic for an untyped language with sets.
My symbolic execution engine needs to prove the validity of the following formula:
To this end, we ask Z3 to check the satisfiability of:
which we then encode as the following SMT-LIB formula:
(define-sort Set () (Array Real Bool))
(define-fun singleton ((x Real)) Set
((as const (Array Real Bool)) false)
(define-fun set-union ((x Set) (y Set)) Set
((_ map (or (Bool Bool) Bool)) x y))
(declare-const head Real)
(declare-const tail Set)
(declare-const result Set)
(declare-const value Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real)) (=> (select tail x) (> x head))))
(assert (> head value))
(forall ((result Set))
(let ((phi1
(forall ((x Real)) (=> (select result x) (> x value))))
(= result (union (singleton head) tail))))
(not (and phi1 phi2)))))
When given this formula, the solver immediately outputs unknown.
My guess is that the problem lies on quantifying over a variable that is bound to a set.
To check this, I simplified the formula above, obtaining:
which we then encode as the following SMT-LIB formula:
(define-sort Set () (Array Real Bool))
(define-fun singleton ((x Real)) Set
((as const (Array Real Bool)) false)
(define-fun set-union ((x Set) (y Set)) Set
((_ map (or (Bool Bool) Bool)) x y))
(declare-const head Real)
(declare-const tail Set)
(declare-const result Set)
(declare-const value Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real))(=> (select tail x) (> x head))))
(assert (> head value))
(forall ((x Real))
(=> (select (union (singleton head) tail) x)
(not (<= x value))))))
When given this formula, the solver immediately outputs
This confirms my guess that the problem lies on the quantification
over a variable that is bound to a set.
My question is whether or not Z3 supports formulae that include
quantification over sets. And, if so, what am I doing wrong?
Quantifier reasoning is always hard for SMT solvers, and in this case you have nested quantifiers. I'm not surprised to hear Z3 simply said Unknown in the first case. Also note that you are quantifying over what's essentially a function (Sets as you implemented are really functions), which makes it even more difficult. But even if you quantified over simpler things, nested quantifiers are never going to be easy to discharge.
Did you try skolemizing your formula, putting it into prenex-normal form, and getting rid of the existentials? That might get you a bit further though you might have to come up with appropriate patterns for instantiation.

Are equations with products of uninterpreted functions unsolvable in Z3

The following code
(declare-fun f (Int) Real)
(declare-fun g (Int) Real)
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(assert (= (* (f x) (g y)) 1.0))
returns "unknown", even though there is an obvious solution. Eliminating arguments to f and g (effectively making them constants?) results in "sat" with expected assignments. I guess, my question is: what is special about arithmetic with uninterpreted functions?
BTW, replacing * with + also results in "sat", so the issue is not about uninterpreted functions, per se, but about how they are combined.
Additional thoughts
Making the domain (very) finite does not help, e.g.,
(declare-fun f (Bool) Real)
(declare-fun g (Bool) Real)
(declare-const x Bool)
(declare-const y Bool)
(assert (= (* (f x) (g y)) 1.0))
returns "unknown". This is odd given that f:Bool->Real is essentially just two variables f(False) and f(True) (of course, the solver has to recognize this).
Inability to handle non-linear arithmetic over real-valued uninterpreted functions is a very severe limitation because arrays are implemented as uninterpreted functions. So, for example,
(declare-const a (Array Int Real))
(assert (= (* (select a 1) (select a 1)) 1))
returns "unknown". In other words, any non-linear algebraic expression on real array elements involving multiplication is unsolvable:'(
It's the non-liearity introduced by the multiplication that makes the problem hard to solve, not the uninterpreted functions. In fact, you can ask the solvers why by using the get-info command:
(set-logic QF_UFNIRA)
(declare-fun f (Int) Real)
(declare-fun g (Int) Real)
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(assert (= (* (f x) (g y)) 1.0))
(get-info :reason-unknown)
Here're some responses I got from various solvers:
(:reason-unknown smt tactic failed to show goal to be sat/unsat (incomplete (theory arithmetic)))
(:reason-unknown incomplete)
(error "sat, but with non-linear terms")
So, as the solvers themselves improve and start handling more nonliear arithmetic, you might get models eventually. But, in general, nonlinear problems will always be problematic as they are undecidable when integers are involved. (Since you can code Diophantine equations using non-linear terms.)
See also How does Z3 handle non-linear integer arithmetic? for a relevant discussion from 2012.
Removing uninterpreted functions
Even if you get rid of the uninterpreted functions, you'd still be in the unknown land, so long as you mix Int and Real types and non-linear terms:
(set-logic QF_NIRA)
(declare-const f Real)
(declare-const g Real)
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(assert (= (+ (* f g) (to_real (+ x y))) 1.0))
(get-info :reason-unknown)
Z3 says:
(:reason-unknown "smt tactic failed to show goal to be sat/unsat (incomplete (theory arithmetic))")
So, the issue would arise with mixed types and non-linear terms.

Why does Z3 return unknown for this nonlinear integer arithmetic example?

I have a simple example in nonlinear integer arithmetic, namely a search for Pythagorean triples. Based on what I read in related questions (see below), I'd expect Z3 to find a solution to this problem, but it returns 'unknown'. Here is the example in SMT-LIB v2:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(declare-fun xSquared () Int)
(declare-fun ySquared () Int)
(declare-fun zSquared () Int)
(declare-fun xSquaredPlusYSquared () Int)
(assert (= xSquared (* x x)))
(assert (= ySquared (* y y)))
(assert (= zSquared (* z z)))
(assert (= xSquaredPlusYSquared (+ xSquared ySquared)))
(assert (and (> x 0) (> y 0) (> z 0) (= xSquaredPlusYSquared zSquared)))
There are a few related questions, most notably:
How does Z3 handle non-linear integer arithmetic?
Need help understanding the equation
Combining nonlinear Real with linear Int
Z3 support for nonlinear arithmetic
z3 limitations in handling nonlinear real arithmetics
It seems that Z3 won't attempt finding a solution by bit-blasting unless variables have a finite range. Replacing (check-sat) with the following command will find the solution:
(check-sat-using (then (using-params add-bounds :add-bound-lower -100 :add-bound-upper 100) smt))
Alternatively, one can add assert statements forcing each variable to have some finite range.

Why operators '/' and 'div' in Z3 give different results?

I was trying to represent a real number with two integer numbers as using them as the numerator and the denominator of the real number. I wrote the following program:
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const f Real)
(assert (= f (/ a b)))
(assert (= f 0.5))
(assert (> b 2))
(assert (> b a))
The program returned SAT result as follows:
(define-fun f () Real
(/ 1.0 2.0))
(define-fun b () Int
(define-fun a () Int
However, if I write '(assert (= f (div a b)))' instead of '(assert (= f (/ a b)))', then the result is UNSAT. Why does not div return the same result?
Moreover, and the main concern for me, I did not find a way to use operator '/' in z3 .Net API. I can see only function MkDiv, which actually for operator 'div'. Is there a way so that I can apply operator '/' in the case of z3 .Net API? Thank you in advance.
Strictly speaking neither of these formulas is SMT-LIB2 compliant, because / is a function that takes two Real inputs and produces a Real output, whereas div is a function that takes two Int inputs and produces an Int (see SMT-LIB Theories). Z3 is more relaxed and automatically converts those objects. If we enable the option smtlib2_compliant=true then it will indeed report an error in both cases.
The reason for the div version being unsatisfiable is that there is indeed no solution where f is an integer according to (= f (/ a b)), but there is indeed no integer that satisfies (= f 0.5)

Sort Mismatch in Model

I have analyzed a formula in QF_AUFLIA with z3. The result was sat. The model returned by (get-model) contained the following lines:
(define-fun PCsc5_ () Int
(ite (= 2 false) 23 33)
According to my understanding of the SMTLIBv2 language, this statement is malformed. = should only be applied to arguments of the same sort. However, 2 has sort Int and false has sort Bool.
When I feed back just these two lines to z3, it agrees with me by saying:
invalid function application, sort mismatch on argument at position 2
Is this a bug?
If not, how am I supposed to interpret (= 2 false)?
The problem was due to a type error in the input. Z3 3.2 misses some type errors in macro applications. This problem was fixed. The next release will correctly report the type error (aka sort mismatch). Here is a minimal example that exposes the problem:
(set-option :produce-models true)
(declare-fun q (Int) Bool)
;; p1 is a macro
(define-fun p1 ((z Int) (y Int)) Bool
(ite (q y) (= z 0) (= z 1)))
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Bool)
(assert (p1 a b)) ;; << TYPE ERROR: b must be an Int
