How to create a linked sheet that checks a box for a day if found and inserts text from another column - google-sheets

I'm trying to create a sheet in google sheets for my team that shows me what runners have run on what day of the week. Their activities are automatically imported via Zapier with dates from Strava into another worksheet. I would like to have it where when they run and it imports the activity into the sheet, in the other worksheet, it checks off the day of the week for that runner. Ideally, it would reset weekly. Pictures are attached. Thanks!
Also, it would be helpful to have it where it shows the total number of miles per runner in a week, and miles per runner per week (like in this picture)


Pushing Monday data to Google Sheets via Zapier

I have a CRM board in which has contact details for my suppliers. I would like to create a Zapp that pushes the data of this CRM to a Google Sheets file. After the initial push, I want it to always be in sync so if any new items are created in the CRM or existing ones updated, Google Sheets rows update to reflect this.
How can I do this? In the below, I am not sure which accomplishes first A) the initial push of all the data in the board (given that the Google Sheet is empty now) and then B) the continual update + sync.
I can find lots of material online on pushing data from Gsheets to Monday but not as much for the vice versa.

Find total at given time based on check in and check out times Google Sheets

I am trying to make a google sheet based off of attendance check-in and check-out times at the facility I work at to show how many individuals are in the building at different points during the day.
In one column I have check-in time, in another column I have check-out time and in a third column I have the different timestamps where I want to know the total attendance at that timestamp.
The best I've been able to come up with is =arrayformula(COUNTIF(A2:A,EQ(D2,MEDIAN(A$2:A,B$2:B,D2)))) but it's not returning any values. I've included an example sheet that shows what information I have available.
Google Sheets example:
Try using countifs:

How to limit teams view to just their own assignments

I have a google sheet work order page set up. The columns are:
ID No., Title, Description, Location, Crew Assigned, Date Assigned, Hours Worked, Work Description.
Crew Assigned are pulled from a dropdown populated by a second sheet. So the entry is standardized.
I want the crew, when they open up the work order sheet, to see only the rows that are assigned to them. They would then enter Hours Worked, and the Work Description. They use apple mobile devices exclusively.
Is there a best practice for this type of work delegation within sheets?
The best way to do this is to have one master spreadsheet and then to each team give a new spreadsheet with FILTER(IMPORTRANGE(... formula.

Find issues in jira created between 6am to 3pm for all days of current month using JQL

I want to filter the issues created between 6am to 3pm, for which I have tried:
AND created > startOfDay("+6h") AND created < startOfDay("+15h")
But this only shows the current day issues created between 6am to 3pm.
Can anyone help me to "find the issues created between 6am to 3pm for all days of current month?"
I don´t think that is possible using out of the box JQL unless you find a JQL addon OR use a custom SQL (only SERVER, since that is restricted in CLOUD).

Publishing sheets results in all errors

I have a roster style spreadsheet from which I want to publish a few pages. I can publish most of the pages fine, but I'm having trouble with displaying the values in a few.
I've created a sheet that takes today's date and populates with the values from another sheet with today's date in its title. That way when I publish this particular sheet it will change every week, without the need to re-publish a different sheet every Monday.
The thing is, when I do publish these individual sheets every week there's no issue; but when I try and publish this automatically updating one every cell with values just contains #VALUE!, with a couple of #REF! errors.
This doesn't make sense to me, as they contain the same values. The only difference is that one has values that populate from other sheets (but even the ones that are working have some cells that update from other sheets, and they work fine!)
EDIT: When using ImportRange() to try and port the data to another sheet a few cells display: the ones only locally referencing this particular sheet, and not calling information from elsewhere.
