How to limit teams view to just their own assignments - google-sheets

I have a google sheet work order page set up. The columns are:
ID No., Title, Description, Location, Crew Assigned, Date Assigned, Hours Worked, Work Description.
Crew Assigned are pulled from a dropdown populated by a second sheet. So the entry is standardized.
I want the crew, when they open up the work order sheet, to see only the rows that are assigned to them. They would then enter Hours Worked, and the Work Description. They use apple mobile devices exclusively.
Is there a best practice for this type of work delegation within sheets?

The best way to do this is to have one master spreadsheet and then to each team give a new spreadsheet with FILTER(IMPORTRANGE(... formula.


Extract and match multiple rows in google sheets

I'm in Google sheets, attempting to assign the correct Salesforce Account IDs to a LONG list of accounts. I have exported all accounts with IDs, and in another sheet I have a list of opportunities I need to import with DataLoader. However, in order to attach these opportunities to their accounts, they need to have the Account ID.
Essentially I need to take Account Name from each sheet, take the corresponding ID and assign that ID to both Account Names. I am not a developer but I am a Salesforce Admin which does require some basic formula building and I'm more than willing to give anything a shot in order to not have to match them manually, one-by-one. Thanks.
You need VLOOKUP.
Reorder your columns so the Account Name comes first, then Id. Optionally sort by Name, performance will be better. Think what you'll want to do with duplicate accounts.
the parameters are
which value,
against what range (putting dollar signs helps fix the range, otherwise as you drag the formula down it might drag the range down too),
cell from which column to return,
is the reference table sorted

Is there a way I can pull unique links into a Data Studio report?

I'm self thought in data studio and am currently creating a database of all my companies customers. As a part of this database, I want our sales team to have access to all of the customers past and current information. This includes a unique link to a companies profile. We work off Google Sheets so I have a google sheets document with the customers information including the unique link. This would currently be fore 1,700 customers so I can't do them manually!
I want to make a nice button that would say "Customer profile" which would be created from this unique hyperlink. The only way I can figure out doing this is by using a one cell table and having the long hyperlink displayed. Is there a way I can use an image to create a unique button when the database is filtered? I.E if I filter the database to show company X's information a button will have their profile pulled from the sheet.
Additionally (a lesser question because it's more for ease instead of functionality), there is a form that our sales team can fill out during the call which I currently have embedded. Is there a way to embed a JotForm form through google sheets also? It means we would be able to pre-populate the form and the sales-person wouldn't have to waste time filling out a customer reference or company name etc.
Any help would be really appreciated! Please let me know if any more information is needed.
This is only an answer to your first question.
You can create a Calculated Field in your data source.
Let's say that you have "Company_Name" and "Website_URL" fields in your data source. Calculated Field will look like this:
Then you name this field for example "Company_Website_Link" and add this to your work.

Find total at given time based on check in and check out times Google Sheets

I am trying to make a google sheet based off of attendance check-in and check-out times at the facility I work at to show how many individuals are in the building at different points during the day.
In one column I have check-in time, in another column I have check-out time and in a third column I have the different timestamps where I want to know the total attendance at that timestamp.
The best I've been able to come up with is =arrayformula(COUNTIF(A2:A,EQ(D2,MEDIAN(A$2:A,B$2:B,D2)))) but it's not returning any values. I've included an example sheet that shows what information I have available.
Google Sheets example:
Try using countifs:

Publishing sheets results in all errors

I have a roster style spreadsheet from which I want to publish a few pages. I can publish most of the pages fine, but I'm having trouble with displaying the values in a few.
I've created a sheet that takes today's date and populates with the values from another sheet with today's date in its title. That way when I publish this particular sheet it will change every week, without the need to re-publish a different sheet every Monday.
The thing is, when I do publish these individual sheets every week there's no issue; but when I try and publish this automatically updating one every cell with values just contains #VALUE!, with a couple of #REF! errors.
This doesn't make sense to me, as they contain the same values. The only difference is that one has values that populate from other sheets (but even the ones that are working have some cells that update from other sheets, and they work fine!)
EDIT: When using ImportRange() to try and port the data to another sheet a few cells display: the ones only locally referencing this particular sheet, and not calling information from elsewhere.

Can I make a summary of only selected data?

I want to select only certain rows and columns and use the same "summary of responses" feature but for limited data rather than all of it. Is this possible?
The report is with ALL DATA from this sheet - I want the exact same output but with only certain email addresses.
Google Form:
If I have a google spreadsheet can I make a summary of only selected data?
Yes, but I think your Title may be misleading. I thought at first you wanted any summary but now believe you want the specific format provided by Form > Show summary of responses, and that is quite different.
Is this possible?
In essence, I think not. For example, in Excel it is easy enough to avoid charting data simply by hiding it. That seems not to work here. Even deleting data in the Form responses sheet does not change the Summary of responses.
This presumably because both the Form responses sheet and the Summary of responses are distinct views of server-side data. I doubt there is a means for a user to control the code that drives the Summary of responses, whose data is gathered from the individual form submissions (as is the data shown in the responses sheet). Submissions have spawned both the sheet and the Summary but the two are independent of one another.
On the other hand.
As mentioned by #zeroCoder, equivalent results might be obtained by a user though it would seem with a considerable effort. A script may be required to set the chart type to use for each question by question type (if to avoid an ad-hoc basis, Form by Form). Once the type appropriate to each column has been determined it would be a little tedious but not difficult to create the corresponding chart. Adjusting the formatting, scales etc to match that of Summary of responses would also be tedious but with a script would not need to be purpose-built for each Form individually.
That said, I hope I am crassly mistaken and that actually it is quite easy. I suspect however you would have heard by now were that so.
Another option is to use the Awesome Tables web app. It allows filtering of your data (and more). It is available as a gadget on Google Sites.
So this doesn't use the built in feature exactly but it does the trick.
Take your sheet with all the rows and figure out which columns you want to show.
Create a new sheet called preview or whatever.
in the top cell for each column reference the row from the responses sheet like this ={'Form Responses 1'!A:A}
Then hit File>Publish to web and chose to publish your Preview sheet only.
Get your shared link (shorten it if you must).
Post that url in your form only and presto.
You win!
You need to use pivot tables here are some tutorials on how to use them:
How to create a pivot table report
Summarize your data with pivot tables
