How to install thingsboard on Macbook - thingsboard

I am trying to install things board on Mac and I can't. This is the result I am getting after following the steps of installation in this link . Maybe I am doing something wrong because I can't fully understand the steps.


Issue while installing naoqi with ROS

I am new to ROS, I am trying to install naoqi for ROS noetic in ubuntu 20.04LTS,i have been following the steps given in the link :
While checking the naoqi installation and running the give code line ($ ~/naoqi/naoqi-sdk-, i got stuck at this
So I tried to search for the problem in online, but i am not able to get it, the only thing i found is that the packages were deprecated, and i dont know how to solve that while installing naoqi,can someone please help me in solving this
Thank you.
list changed sources according to your region?
Ever tried $sudo apt-get update? If there is any error, please change the source file 'source.list' first.

Cannot install asdf erlang on MAC OSX Mojave

I am trying to install Erlang in a Mac OS system with Mojave on it. However the installation hangs for no apparent reason:
$ asdf install erlang 22.2.8
asdf_22.2.8 is not a kerl-managed Erlang/OTP installation
The asdf_22.2.8 build has been deleted
Extracting source code
Building Erlang/OTP 22.2.8 (asdf_22.2.8), please wait...
I know the issue is not the network, as I have downloaded everything and the step that hangs forever is the Building step.
I have removed and re-installed both asdf and Erlang from scratch as well, but it didn't fix the issue.
I believe I have all necessary dependencies as well, otherwise the re-installation would have failed.
What can I do to fix this?
Go to ~/.asdf/plugins/erlang/kerl-home/builds/asdf_22.2.8 and look at the otp_build_22.2.8.log file. It should tell you what's going on.
Thanks to the post by #legoscia I went to ~/.asdf/plugins/erlang/kerl-home/builds/asdf_22.2.8 and looked at the otp_build_22.2.8.log while it was still being built.
By checking this I was actually able to find out that I had a problem with my brew installation, which in turn meant I was using a very outdated version of XCode and XTools.
By forcing an upgrade on my machine (and as a consequence fixing my broken brew installation), I was then able to smoothly run and install asdf install erlang.
I know this is the solution, but I will give credit to #legoscia, as without him/her I would not have been able to fix my issue.

Docker .exe won't even launch on w10 enterprise

i have an issue when installing Docker. The .exe didn't want to launch (no error message on double click), i'm only able to install it why command line :
install --quiet
But then, if i'm able to see the service running in my task managment, it is not here un my task bar.
I'm on Windows 10 Enterprise v1709.
If i force install without --quiet, i have this console error message :
Failed to install: Windows version not compatible.
But my Windows version is clean and updated (hyper-v enable etc...)
It's almost impossible to find any solution after many hours on the problem.
If somebody had any clue :)
Thanks !

npm: not found when building Docker container

I had a developer create a Docker file for me -- and it's worked for months flawlessly. Recently I formatted my mac to clean some space, and re-ran the command to build the Docker container, and I got the following error:
See this screenshot
I'm not quite sure what the problem is. It builds properly on my other machines, but it's giving me a hard time on this new fresh install. I'm not a technical person, thanks everyone.
By looking at your screenshot it seems like you are not installing npm.
Please add npm to your apt-get install RUN command.

Getting starting with phone gap with cordova

I know this is very basic question , but i want to start with phone gap ,and i have no ideas about it. so i started with phone gap official site .
but i am so confuse there is not straight forward way to start. and i also did googling and find some nice tutorial but all is so old .
I am confuse with Cordova . before it we have to only install phone gap Dmg and it show in our Xcode but now it it very confusing
there are some command on site to install like
$ sudo npm install -g phonegap
$ phonegap create my-app
$ cd my-app
$ phonegap run android
but cant move forward here
Please suggest some tutorial with latest SDK.
Your question is somewhat broad, but I'll try to help. Working with PhoneGap involves a few steps. You want to begin by installing a mobile SDK. This is used by PhoneGap to create applications and which you pick is up to you. Android is the most cross platform, but on Mac, iOS is a bit easier. The platform guides ( walk you through the entire process. You should get that setup first.
Then, installing PhoneGap is as you said - one npm install. npm is a Node.js tool, but you don't have to know Node at all. Just install it so you have the npm tool, then literally just type in what they said.
At that point, you can use the PG CLI to create projects. The general process is:
make a new project - phonegap create foo
add platform support (based on what you install - phonegap local platform add android
add plugins that you may need
then send to an emulator - phonegap run android --emulator
If this doesn't make sense, then I'd recommend narrowing down your question a bit.
