unable to find jvcore.bpi when linking - c++builder

I use C++Builder (RAD Studio Professional). I have tried installing the JEDI libraries, both though GetIt and GitHub, both giving the same result: "file not found". I tried searching for the file in the system, and found it in the installation files, but linking to that file causes COFF/OMF errors.
Can anyone help me with this, as its a fresh install of RAD and JEDI. I'm a bit confused.


Jedi Project and Delphi 11 doesn't install via GetIt

I have attempted to install Jedi into Delphi 11, it goes through the installation process and Getit reports it as installed but it does not appear in the component palette. I have Jedi installed in Delphi 10.4.
Both JEDIVisualComponentLibrary and JEDICodeLibrary (Both JCL-2021.09) have been copied to the CatalogRepository but looking in the Options\language\Delphi\library none of the JediVCL libraries were entered and and only the 32 bit version of the CodeLibrary.
I entered the paths in Options/Language/Delphi/Library and restarted Delphi but none of the Jedi VCL controls appeared on the Palette.
Tried running uninstall from GetIt but nothing seems to happen then it says Done. Where do I find the actual Install/Unistall programs?
How do I clear out the Jedi Libraries and what is the best way to install them.
Got into your same situation and I didn't find JVCLInstall.exe either.
I went into folder:
and opened JVCLInstall.dproj in Delphi 11 IDE. I run it from there and a JVCL install wizard poped up. I went through it and, despite some warnings, I got the components installed and available after closing and opening the IDE.

RAD Studio 10.2.3 Jedi JVCL Install Problem

I've uninstalled my RAD Studio 10.2.2 and installed 10.2.3 in my Win10 development VM. Along the way I uninstalled all the previous 3rd-party libs, including the Jedi GetIt packages, and per the instructions got rid of all the old Jedi source and DCP/DCLs. I'm attempting to install them back into 10.2.3 via GetIt. The JCL libs install fine, but when I try to install JVCL, the installation batch file hangs after compiling the installer and the VM comes to its knees. I rebooted, started taskmgr and watched as the batch file ran - it appears to go into a loop creating many instances of msgfmt. I've tried removing it all again, downloading and installing the 3.8 version myself and running the install batch file by itself, same problem; then backing up to the 3.6 version that had installed OK in 10.2.2, and it does the same thing. If I edit the batch file to skip the language-setup section, the batch file completes OK, but trying to re-run the GetIt update causes it to re-download and replace that batch file. :(
The installer does compile before the languages part of the batch file is reached, so I tried running the installer directly. I assume I'm not passing it cmd line info it needs, because it compiles the 64-bit libs fine but chokes immediately on compiling the 32-bit version of JvCore250.bpl with an unspecified compile error.
Anyone else run into this? Is a solution known?
Turns out to ultimately be a pathing problem. When multiple installations of the IDE exist on a machine (e.g. my VM has or previously had D2007, XE2 and 10.1 on it), the PATH environment variable can be too long - edit the PATH in the system to remove the old/stale paths. Then make sure that the library paths in the IDE includes $(BDSLIB)\$(PLATFORM)\release or you'll get "can't find RTL" when building the packages.
For me the problem is generated from the msgfmt.exe of dxgettext.
msgfmt.exe generates multilanguage messages, for a multilanguage support of jvcl installation.
For the specific problem of msgfmt.exe try to see this: dxgettext and Windows 10
I resolved the problem opened the install.bat file in jvcl folder, and I commented (with ::) every line where the msgfmt is executed.
If you use getit I suppose you have to open the folder where jvcl is downloaded and search install.bat (I didn't use getit)
Instead I downloaded jvcl directly from github in my component folder, and I did what is written above in that folder.

Delphi 10.3.2 - Cannot resolve unit name System.Classes

Brand new installation of Delphi 10.3.2
Error Insight reports errors 'Cannot resolve unit name' on core RTL and VCL units, like System.Classes
This pollutes the error insight report, and also blocks code completion (control+space) which is a real issue...)
What I have tried so far:
Create a new VCL Form project: Same error, but project compiles without error
Checked that Control+Enter open the source file: ok
Checked that source folders are declared in the Browsing path (general Options)
Added the source folders to the Library path (general Options)
Installed IDE Fix Pack for delphi 10.3
Uninstalled previous delphi versions (XE4 and 10.2)
Cleaned the system PATH variable by removing references to previous delphi installations
I'm out of idea on how to fix this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Edit: When switching to Win64 platform, error insight errors are gone. So I tried to delete the Win32 platform, and re-create it:same errors happen again.
Edit2: I uninstalled and installed Delphi 10.3.2 again: The error is still there...
Here's what I have done to resolve this issue:
declare the bin directory of delphi in the Library path. same for bin64 folder
clean up of runtime packages
install all official patches for delphi 10.3.2 (when installed from iso)
Note that the first install was done with the online installer (so patches were not required)
I believe that the issue came from an incorrect library path, with bin and bin64 directories missing...

Error installing Jedi VCL

I have Delphi XE Pro, I'm trying to install the latest Jedi Visual Component Library.
The version is: JVCL348CompleteJCL26-Build5178
I followed the instructions and deleted all old versions.
Installed JCL. No problem.
When installing the JVCL using the install.bat I got a fatal error
File not found: JvTypes.dcu
I posted this problem on the jedi.org issue tracker, a week ago but nobody seems to be answering questions there.
I have a JvTypes.pas from an older version of JVCL. Can I use that?
Problem solved. Apparently not all the files got unzipped.
I deleted the JVCL folder and then re-unzipped it.
This time the installation was completed.

Default Library Path

Prior to my problem, I attempted to install a component which required me to change my Library - Win32 library path. The installation did not work out so I left it. A few days ago, I ran Delphi to work on my project. I compiled the program but Delphi told me "Unit not found: 'Systems.pas' or binary equivalents (.dcu) so I changed the Library path to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\lib. I was then able to compile my program but when I clicked a button, none of the code ran!
I went back to check my syntax and everything was correct hence why I was able to compile my program (note: my code and program was left untouched for weeks). I then tried to re-install Delphi (2 times) expecting that the Library Path would fix, but it didn't.
After the failed attempts of trying to restore default settings I did some researched on stackoverflow but I could still not find the answer. Topics I've come across:
Delphi XE : Lost Library path
Delphi can't find System.dcu; what should the default path settings be?
I added the ShowMessage function to test if it worked and it did so I really have no clue what the problem is. However I am still suspecting that my Library Path is incorrect.
What do you guys think the problem could be?
my code
or my IDE library path
Note: current library path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\lib
Also, how can I fix this problem?
I guess the linked answer should solve you problem. If you need specific data for Delphi 2010, here is the registry file for 64-bit Windows (for 32-bit Windows the registry branch should be [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CodeGear\BDS\7.0\Library]):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Browsing Path"="$(BDS)\\SOURCE\\WIN32\\VCL;$(BDS)\\source\\Win32\\rtl\\common;$(BDS)\\SOURCE\\WIN32\\RTL\\SYS;$(BDS)\\source\\Win32\\rtl\\win;$(BDS)\\SOURCE\\WIN32\\WEBSNAP;$(BDS)\\source\\ToolsAPI;$(BDS)\\SOURCE\\WIN32\\IBX;$(BDS)\\source\\Win32\\Internet;$(BDS)\\SOURCE\\WIN32\\PROPERTY EDITORS;$(BDS)\\source\\Win32\\soap;$(BDS)\\SOURCE\\WIN32\\XML;$(BDS)\\source\\Win32\\db;$(BDS)\\source\\Indy\\Indy10\\Core;$(BDS)\\source\\Indy\\Indy10\\System;$(BDS)\\source\\Indy\\Indy10\\Protocols;$(BDS)\\source\\database;"
"Debug DCU Path"="$(BDS)\\lib\\Debug;$(BDS)\\Lib\\Debug\\Indy10;$(BDS)\\RaveReports\\Lib"
"Language Library Path"="$(BDS)\\lib\\$(LANGDIR);(BDS)\\lib\\$(LANGDIR)\\Indy10"
"Package DCP Output"="$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\\Dcp"
"Package DPL Output"="$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\\Bpl"
"Package Search Path"="$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\\Bpl"
"Translated Debug Library Path"="$(BDS)\\lib\\$(LANGDIR)\\Debug"
"Translated Library Path"="$(BDS)\\lib\\$(LANGDIR)"
"Translated Resource Path"="$(BDS)\\lib\\$(LANGDIR)"
"Search Path"="$(BDS)\\lib;$(BDSUSERDIR)\\Imports;$(BDS)\\Imports;$(BDS)\\Lib\\Indy10;$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\\Dcp;$(BDS)\\include;$(BDS)\\RaveReports\\Lib"
If plain import of the above registry file does not help:
Reboot and try again;
If the problem persists, delete
Software\CodeGear\BDS\7.0 branches from both
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ hives and reinstall
Never run automatic installation procedure for unknown
component packages on your working system.
