Is there a way we can input values into an array using Yeoman / Inquirer.js - yeoman

To Generate a Yeo man generator I want to input an array like the list of fields which I want for a CRUD operation, to do so I want to input this information by typing fields one by one. Is there a way to do so in Yeoman which uses inquirer.js internally. Please help.


Partial deserialization with Apache Avro

Is it possible to deserialize a subset of fields from a large object serialized using Apache Avro without deserializing all the fields? I'm using GenericDatumReader and the GenericRecord contains all the fields.
I'm pretty sure you can't do it using GenericDatumReader, but my question is whether it is possible given the binary format of Avro.
Conceptually, binary serialization of Avro data is in-order and depth-first. As you traverse the data, record fields are serialized one after the other, lists are serialized from the top to the bottom, etc.
Within one object, there no markers to separate fields, no tags to identify specific fields, and no index into the binary data to help quickly scan to specific fields.
Depending on your schema, you could write custom code to skip some kinds of data ... for example, if a field is a LIST of FIXED bytes, you could read the size of the list and just jump over the data to the next field. This is pretty specific and wouldn't work for most Avro types though (notably integers are variable length when encoded).
Even in that unlikely case, I don't believe there are any helpers in the Java SDK that would be useful.
In brief, Avro isn't designed to do that, and you're probably not going to find a satisfactory way to do a projection on your Schema without deserializing the entire object. If you have a collection, column-oriented persistence like Parquet is probably the right thing to do!
It is possible if the fields you want to read occur first in the record. We do this in some cases where we want to read only the header fields of an object, not the full data which follows.
You can create a "subset" schema containing just those first fields, and pass this to GenericDatumReader. Avro will deserialise those fields, and anything which comes after will be ignored, because the schema doesn't "know" about it.
But this won't work for the general case where you want to pick out fields from within the middle of a record.

How to create dynamic parser?

I want to create something called dynamic parser.
My project input is some data file like XML, Excel, CSVand ... file and I must parse it and extract its records and its fields and finally save it to SQL Server database.
My problem is that fields of the record is dynamic and I can not write parser in development time. I must provide parser in run-time. By dynamic I mean a user select each record fields using a Web UI. So, I know the numbers of fields in each record in run-time and some information about each field like its name and so on.
I discussed this type of project in question titled 'Design Pattern for Custom Fields in Relational Database'.
I also looked at Parser Generator but i did not get enought information about it and I don't know it is really related to my problem or not.
Is there any design pattern for this type of problem?
If you know the number of fields and the field names then extract the data from the file and then build a query using string concatenation

Translating choice lists in LightSwitch

Is it possible to translate the display name of choice list items defined for LightSwitch entity properties?
I would like to be able to show different users translated display names in their language when they are viewing the SAME record, and also show translated names in the autocomplete combo box when they are editing a record.
Not really, no. The values are stored in the LSML file & aren't able to be modified at runtime. If you need to translate the values, then you'll need to use a lookup table (possibly by using a custom RIA service) instead of a Choice List.
The advantage of a Choice List is that it's very quick & easy to set one up.
The down side of a Choice List is the lack of flexibility, or even reusability (you have to define the values for the list every time you want to use it somewhere).

form-only lookup

How can I create a form-only look up in Informix 4GL? I am using form painter plus the informix SE. Any help would be appreciated. I tried to create the form but the field is empty while selecting the choice. I think I am missing the relation or something.
FORMONLY is the equivalent of DISPLAYONLY in isql perform screens. Why not just define the database columns in the attributes section and use the NOUPDATE attribute for each column, or use BEFORE EDITUPDATE OF tabname, ABORT?
Since I4GL doesn't come with a form painter, the only ways to know what you can do with it is by reading the manual for your form painter, or by experimenting.
I'm also not entirely sure what you mean by a FORMONLY lookup? It could be any of a number of items. But the basics are that the field in the form is FORMONLY.fieldname TYPE xyz where xyz is the appropriate type. You use a CONSTRUCT or INPUT to get data into that field; you process the input to do the lookup. INPUT is more appropriate for an exact value lookup; CONSTRUCT will allow more flexible querying.
Since you've not shown what you've tried, nor indicated which form painter you're using, it is going to be hard to help further.
(And I note you've asked this question on the IIUG (International Informix Users Group) mailing list for 'classics' too.)

How to sort by JSF label in sortable datatable

I am showing a (language specific) label for values in a column. The column is sortable and the JSF label is different from the database value. I am using a primefaces datatable with pagination.
How can I sort by label and not by the database value? Is there any kind of translation possible so my JPA criteria knows about the different value?
Sorting it in-memory is not an option since the dataset might be huge and I only want to display a subset (pagination size is e.g. 10 items per page)
I believe it is not possible to achieve what you are looking for.
Your database cannot sort unless it knows what the value is. You can translate the label and sort after loading from database, but you dont want in-memory sort due to resource constraints.
The best solution would be to implement localization solution in database. Then your db could look up the translation for each label and apply sorting. Personally I believe this is the way to go when localizing any application as it allows for easy translations by end-users. You could even write Java resource bundle provider that does db lookups instead of referring to filesystem bundles.
There's an example of lazyload here:
Part 4 – Lazy Loading and Pagination with JSF 2.1 / Primefaces 3.5 DataTable and Form validation.
You can write a custom sort following the method from that link.
