Apple Search Ads rate limit - rate-limiting

The official documentation of Apple Search Ads does not mention any rate limits. , but while trying to call the API through a script, I ran into 429 responses. Where can the official rate limit be found for ASA ?


Quota limit exceeded but no quota used?

Morning, everyone,
I come here today because I have a problem with the youtube API. I upload every day about 50 videos via the API, but I don't understand why since 3 days no more videos can be uploaded, the error I'm given is an overrun of the allowed quotas, which is strange because in the youtube API console, no quota has been used for 3 days (because of this error no video can be uploaded) ... ?
Thank you for you help
The main problem is youtube changed their API access, now in order to access their API one must apply and get accepted by their API compliance form

Increase the quota for Youtube v3

I'm a developer of a program for streamers. It receives and displays various information, such as chat, super chat, sponsors. The problem is that at the moment the program is close to the limit. And this despite the fact that I increased the delay between requests, but it did not help, because every day there are new users.
How can I increase the quota for Youtube v3?
Check this quota request page for Youtube API. You'll be required to answer several questions:
This application also requires you to submit screenshots and design
documents relating to your API Client(s) and your use of YouTube
API(s). If you do not have these ready, please apply once these are

Watson Personality Insights API rate limit

In their Documentation they have not mention any api limit as 6 per minutes and when I actually started hitting the api continuously I was able to hit 10 api per min. What's the issue?

YouTube Data API - "Serving Limit Exceeded"

Over the past 24 hours we had a large number of TubePress users report an error message from YouTube:
Serving Limit Exceeded
Most of our users have their own Google API Key, and our cloud-hosted TubePress installation isn't anywhere close to hitting the daily quota. I can't find any documentation on this particular error message, nor can I understand why it would suddenly present itself on so many sites with different keys.
Could anyone explain what's going on?
Even the reason of failure is about quota, it has nothing to do with the quota because the default limit is largely enough. The problem is the new Youtube anti-spam algorithm deployed at the end of last month. Unfortunately it impacts negatively on the normal users.
This is probably because your "Per-user limit" is set too low. You can up it by going to Google Developer console -> APIs -> Enabled APIs -> <the API that's causing you trouble> -> Quotas and set "Per user limit" higher.

Twitter API rate limits for posting updates

I have an application for sending out say around 100+ tweets every day. I am using OAuth for authentication. The twitter API says that post messages are not rate limited. However I am receiving the following error:
403:The request is understood, but it has been refused. An accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when requests are being denied due to update limits (
error - User is over daily status update limit.
request - /1/statuses/update.json
Relevant discussions can be on the Internet at: or
TwitterException{exceptionCode=[15bb6564-010f3e5b], statusCode=403, retryAfter=0, rateLimitStatus=null, version=2.1.11}
Does this mean that status update API calls are also rate limited?
Yes Status updates are rate limited. but 100 per day won't be an issue.
Current Twitter Limits
The current technical limits for accounts are:
Updates: 1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as updates.
From :
Are you using some kind of shared hosting? the twitter API is limited by IP address and if there are other apps on your IP address also using the twitter API then you will be sharing rate limits with them. I ran into this issue with a tiny app on google app engine, despite only making about 10 requests in an hour.
The update limit is 1000 per day.But these are divided into intervals in which different amount of tweets are allowed per window. You can follow this thread.
Does this mean that status update API calls are also rate limited?
Yes,but not directly. As "The twitter API says that post messages are not rate limited" is true but not all POST requests are status update calls.
