iOS app needs reinstall to receive push notifications - ios

I have encountered a strange behaviour with an iOS app that my team has developed.
The users can enable notifications in the app and receives notifications from Firebase Cloud Messaging. We had complaints that the notifications were not coming through, so after some basic troubleshooting, we discovered the only solution was for the users to uninstall the app and reinstall it while allowing the notifications when they start it the first time.
Why did this happen? Did something change from Apple's side? Publishing a new version of the app fixes the problem?


iOS Remote Notifications not being sent to iPhone

I am using Firebase to send remote notifications to my iOS app but recently my remote notifications being sent do not display on the phone. After debugging the app and studying the console log I noticed that the phone was receiving the signal from the server for the notifications but seems to encounter a TLS-related error as shown in the screenshots below.
I have updated all the certificates and profiles involved in building the app and the app builds fine with no errors, but I am not sure how to progress in solving this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Firebase iOS push notification receiving but sometimes not?

I have implemented push notification in my iOS App using Firebase SDK and I am successfully getting push notifications from Firebase console as well as from server.
But on many occasions, I wait and wait, and even send 5-6 notifications from Firebase console but not received on App. I tried to change network (both Mobile data & WiFi) but still not receiving. After waiting for an hour and more, suddenly it starts working (I am not re-installing App).
What may be the reason? If network is an issue, then why is it not woking though I change my network to WiFi having good bandwidth?

Push message incidentially not received on iOS-device

Over the last few months, we have been integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging into our project. The project uses the Firebase SDK, wrapped in a Cordova plug-in (cordova-plugin-firebase).
It is all working great, that is for Android at least. For iOS it is partially working. We received a few complaints from customers about them not receiving notifications, while all of the other iOS devices were correctly receiving messages.
After on-site device checking, we found out:
The device successfully obtained a FCM-token.
This FCM-token was subscribed to all the correct topics.
This FCM-token had the latest app version.
Both individual push-notifications (to the device), as well as topic notifications were not received
Messages from the Firebase Cloud Console were not received either
sometimes reinstalling the app worked
Receiving over Cellar/WiFi did not change anything
Permission was granted to receive push notifications
It is very hard to debug an issue like this, because installing a development version fixes it for some reason.
What are possible reasons for Firebase to not deliver the message to iOS? Or is it possible to see whether a delivery to APNS fails within the Firebase Console?

Appcelerator - ios push notification bug

I'm working with push notifications using Appcelerator.
Is it possible that this important bug
is still open?
The bug occurs when an ios app receive a push notification. If the app is closed, nothing is fired.
On iOS, there is no way to handle a push notification is it arrives when the app is closed.
I'm so disappointed. Push notifications are important in modern apps! And in Appcelerator don't work!
First of all that bug is still open because it can never be solved and in fact it is a limitation from Apple itself or even it is the limitation of every mobile OS.
Apple Push Notification Limitation
Read the above link for more details and you will have your all doubts cleared about Push notifications. Currently Titanium support best Push Notification handling when compared to cross-platform frameworks.
After reading above post, if you have any other doubts, then we are happy to help!

iOS Pushbots not working

Today I published my first app to the iOS App Store (hooray!).
When I tested the app, push notifications worked perfectly fine (using pushbots). But after downloading the app from the App Store, I did not receive any push notifications anymore.
I'm hoping someone here knows what might be the cause of this problem.
