Autodesk Forge App config; how to set multiple callbacks? - oauth-2.0

I have a new Forge App and it works for retrieving OAuth token for the one configured site (local, currently). Their documentation says that you can configure multiple callbacks for an app, but I only saw room for the one, and there were no examples. Can I just list them all separated by semicolons, or other punctuation?
When I did this exact same thing with configuring a Procore App, they had a text box and it was clear and easy to enter multiple callback locations. Forge, not so much.
Thanks in advance!
I have not experimented with trying to add multiple callbacks on one line because those environments are not ready yet for testing (but I would prefer to know the correct technique before proceeding!)


Consuming Webhook payloads in Vue/Pinia in real time

So, i'm relatively new to Vue, and I'm currently using it to build a small app that displays order data from Square's API.
I'm currently working on a stack that uses rails to make api calls using the square.rb gem. The frontend is entirely Vue which uses Pinia as a store, and there isnt going to be any kind of database behind this because reasons.
All data is provided directly via Square's API. I am currently polling to update order info, but my client wants to make this app truly real time, as it deals with food deliveries through ride-share companies and the purpose of this app is to show in real time statuses of orders for an in house screen at the restaurant.
Now Square has a webhook subscription service, and based on my reading it sounds like I can consume these to update my app, but there are a few logical leaps that I havent been able to make yet with how to get that data to the frontend of my app.
My questions are the following, with the intent being to connect the dots between the different technologies I might need to employ here to make this work. Kinda get a sense of what i'd need and where to link it up.
Can I use vue to consume webhook payloads directly and update through reactivity? That would be ideal, but I have found no docs yet that give me a good idea of whether thats possible.
If that is not possible, do I need to use some sort of socket connection ( to listen for these webhook updates?
If the current setup or proposed setup in the questions above is not feasible, what is a better solution for handling this while still using Vue?

Rails 4: How to create free demo version based on original app

I have a web application with Rails 4 where you have to log in to use it. Now I want a demo version of this app. By demo version I mean a version that has all the features of the original app but without the login. And all the demo data should (and can easyliy) be deleted from time to time (either automatically or manually).
With the original app up and running I want to implement the demo version with the least effort. Ideally I can use most of the original code without any changes. But changes to the original code on the other hand will be available in the demo version without any extra work.
My first idea was to implement the demo version just in the cache/session so if the session is expired, the data is deleteded as well. I canceled that idea due to the deep integration of ActiveRecord in the original app. I would have to re-code all the demo classes and/or build some abstract parent classes and so on.
The second idea was to simply use the original app but to add a flag to each demo account so that they can be distiguished from all the regular ones. I hesitate with this idea because I'm afraid to blow up my database (i.e. the tables that I use for the original app) with demo data leading to lower performance and higher cost/risk of wrong interpretations when evaluating the app data (e.g. how many accounts where created yesterday).
Do you have any ideas how to realize such a demo version in an elegant way?
Smart approaches welcome!
You can have a Guest user account, and a before action in ApplicationController that checks if the current application is in demo mode (specifiable through a custom config) and automatically logs in the user.
You can use a cron job to delete the demo data. Whenever is a good solution for managing cron jobs in ruby.
for automated fake data creating use whenever and faker gems. Faker will generate fake data. Whenever for cron job. And after every demo session it will clear the mock data.
take these point : session, cron, fake seed data

How to manage one repository of Xcode iOS app for multiple companies with slighly different requirments?

I have a mobile app developed for number of different companies on AppStroe. Each company is using different endpoint to server/icon/logo. I have managed to add this in custom plist file and according to companies endpoint, I switched to different build setting.
Now these companies are going to different ways of authentication. One is using another app to authenticate and one is using server calls. Also for one company I am receiving datas one from server call and other one from local files.
I have to handle different login behaviour for different projects. It is mostly display/disable some extra views. I don't want to have two repositories or branches. Because almost %85 of functionalities are same. I want to add functionalities same time to both and some times to only one of them and run my tests and all.
I am looking for some way way to manage this app to maintain most functionalities and keep it only one app. How can I do that? Any suggestion?
This is a very old problem. Basically you have two options: build time and run-time; from your description it may be that you need a both (I would not trust configuration to drive my authentication code).
Build time means using conditional compile (e.g. Which conditional compile to use to switch between Mac and iPhone specific code?) and a different build profile for each customer. I assume that Xcode Targets (see How to manage the code of multiple, very similar Xcode projects) allows you to define different build profiles.
Run-time checks maps to Feature Toggling.
I suggest not using version control to manage nuances of the same application because it quickly becomes a merge nightmare, even with Git.

Anonymous contact form iOS app

I currently work at a school and have an idea to create an app that allows students to contact a grown up (for example, the principle) anonymously through an app. The app would quite simply consist of a contact form. I am trying to find out the best, and easiest way to achieve this without setting up servers with a separate API. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to achieve it? Is there any way to set up an e-mail form with a pre set recipient and a built in sender-account? Please guide me in the right direction.
You would need to implement an SMTP client. You can use open source code like skpsmtpmessage
It's likely that their example app could be your solution.
Your biggest problem will be the deployment. You definitely need to pay an $99/y developer account and add all the students device ID's to your account (with a maximum of 100 devices/y) or register all of them as beta tester (I don't know the limitations).
Probably this isn't doable so easily, as it seems you don't have iOS developing experience so far. Maybe you can find something on the app store that works with self hosted databases. But you definitely need to host some kind of webApp/API.
You may want to give Appygram a try to handle the back-end if you are able to set up the contact form itself. While it's a separate hosted API, at least you don't have to build/manage it.
Appygram is a free web service that would allow you to configure all the details such as which adults could be contacted, their point(s) of contact (i.e. email address), and it would process and send all the submissions for you. All your app needs to do is send a form post request.
A nice thing about having this information outside of the iOS app itself is that you can change the contact details on the fly without requiring an update to the iOS app itself. Whether you use Appygram (which, since I contribute to it, I am slightly biased toward!) or something similar, I would say that since this is for students, I would recommend a solution that would allow you to update your configuration without requiring app updates.
Finally, I'd second what Julian said. The challenge here could be with deployment. One possible alternative would be to make this a mobile-friendly web page accessible only via student login or on the school network (or both). Would probably be easier development-wise and wouldn't require installs nor the hurdles that Julian described with device registration, etc. And, Appygram would still work with this setup as well.
Good luck!

How to filter devices in Flurry analytics?

We are beginning to use Flurry analytics in our iOS applications, but the production data is polluted by emulator sessions and QA device sessions.
Is it possible to avoid that in other ways than by using separate Flurry accounts for dev/QA and production? I cannot find options to filter data in the Flurry admin console.
I have read suggestions to use an invalid key for non-release configurations, is there nothing better?
Using a separate API key for testing/development and for the live version of the app is the best way to prevent test sessions from mixing with your live data. You can solve the problem going forward by creating a new project for future testing.
Looking backwards one way to filter out the data would be to use the time frame filters to remove the testing data from the metrics display.
If you have specific app versions that contain only testing data those can be deleted individually, but be very cautious with this approach. Version deletion is irreversible.
