How to update membership life span of Userlist in Google ads Api? - google-ads-api

I am trying to update membership lifespan(ttl) of userlist in google ads API, but I cannot find any helpful resource for it.


Google Ads Smart Shopping Campaign - Product Group - Product inclusion/exclusion via Google Ads API

I'm having a little bit of trouble getting my head around modifying the Product Groups for Google Ads Shopping Campaigns via the Google Ads API. What I need to do is to modify the product inclusion and exclusion for certain campaigns.
I kind of figured out I can extract performance data from shopping_performance_view, but just not quite sure how I would be able to get Product Group information for a certain campaign.

Make own LinkedIn Bot With Google Sheets and Google Apps Script

I am trying to create a LinkedIn bot with Google Sheets and Google Apps Script to posts automatically on my LinkedIn company page, like I managed to do with my Twitter account following this tutorial:
The only tutorials I found for LinkedIn are with postman to make the LinkedIn API work but no way to schedule posts from a prepared list.
Thank you for your help.

Adwords api to fetch keywords associated with a google adwords account who can authoritize my app to get his google tracking id etc

I am a telephony based company. I would like my users to authenticate me using OAuth method to fetch their google adwords campaign details related to the google account. Which google adwords api should be used to achieve this requirement.
What do you mean by campaign details? There are many kinds of campaign-level report API that gives information about campaign like this performance report, for example:

Access Google Calendar in IOS using Service Account

I need to access a NON-public Google calendar WITHOUT requiring the user to log in or even have a Google account.
I created an Android app that accesses a Google calendar using a service account:
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
.build(); builder = new, jsonFactory, credential);
builder.setApplicationName(appName); client =; list =;
Events events = list.execute();
This included:
Creating a project in the Google App console
Creating a Service Account
Giving the Service Account access rights to the Google calendar
It works GREAT!
I need to do the same thing in IOS. I have read every question/answer I can find on this topic and have found VERY different answers. Many say that Google hasn't allowed this in the IOS SDK because service accounts are intended to be used by server-based applications. I don't agree since the functionality I need is available in Android. So, now what?
The use case is this:
My IOS app needs to access a Google calendar. That part is not too tough if you are okay with using OAuth. My problems with this approach are:
Requires to user to have a Google account. Many of my users are Apple-Only. I can't require them to get a Google account just to use my app.
I can't make the calendar public. So, I would need to give access to every new user. I guess I could do that with a web-based application but this doesn't fix the problem (refer to previous problem - no Google account).
I really need to be able to query the events in the NON-public Google Calendar WITHOUT the user needing a Google account. The solution IS using a "Service Account" (I think).
I read one question/answer that said this is possible but the solution was never posted. (How to list Google Calendar Events without User Authentication)
The official documentation suggests that if you want to handle Calendar API (for example), you'll have to have a Google Apps for Work (source).
If you have a Google Apps domain—if you use Google Apps for Work, for example—an administrator of the Google Apps domain can authorize an application to access user data on behalf of users in the Google Apps domain. For example, an application that uses the Google Calendar API to add events to the calendars of all users in a Google Apps domain would use a service account to access the Google Calendar API on behalf of users.
Once the prerequisite is met, you can try to just call the REST URLs of Calendar API based on your implementation (since there seems to be no iOS support or samples available in the documentation).

I need to read Google Groups Posts through Google Oauth

I am trying to read Google Groups posts, but I don't understand how to do it.
I've tried with OAuth 2.0 Playground. Google Groups Provisioning is working fine, but my objective is to get all of the discussions of a specific group that the current user subscribed to.
There is no API for Google Groups posts.
