Detect whether a Youtube video is licensed or not - youtube

So I got the new API cURL working for me for requesting video informations, I want to get the "licensed" info, tried with a music video, it worked, here.
My problem here is that I even tried it with a normal video, I got the same "licensedContent": true How can I detect if the music video is actually licensed?
For an example here is shakira's song and the description of the license here.

The following answer isn't complying with the YouTube operational API specification, you should instead follow my other StackOverflow answer on enumerating the musics in the given video. That way by checking whether or not the video contains musics you can deduce if the video is licensed or not.
Deprecated answer:
One more time YouTube Data API v3 doesn't provide a basic feature.
I recommend you to use my open-source YouTube operational API. Indeed by requesting you'll get the boolean whether or not the video contains a music in item["containsMusic"].
Hips don't lie:
(returning "containsMusic": true)
A not music
(returning "containsMusic": false)

means that the content was uploaded to a channel linked to a YouTube content partner and then claimed by that partner.


Does YouTube Data API V3 work with YouTube Music?

I would like to extract playlist data from Youtube Music, as well as metadata related to the songs in the said playlist. Is this possible with the Youtube Data V3 API, or YouTube Analytics API?
If so, where can I find documentation about calls and available metadata; I am not finding what I need on the YouTube Data API page. I am currently referencing PlaylistItems and Playlists in the reference Docs, but it seems that is geared to videos. Is that by design because you can toggle between video and audio in YT Music?
If possible is there an official Rust Crate?
Thank you in advance for the help.
Indeed, this feature is missing from YouTube Data API and quite a few other API users expressed the same need as yours.
The official Google staff account says the following:
This type of information is not available in the API. We have already raised a feature request for this but I can't guarantee that this feature will be implemented.
That is it: they may well implement this feature at some point, but, unfortunately, cannot tell when that'll happen.

How to identify if a video is a Premiere? ...via the YouTube API

On YouTube we have uploads of recorded videos, live streams, and now also Premieres.
Using the Videos: list endpoint of the YouTube Data API we can distinguish recorded videos from live streams by calling the endpoint with the liveStreamingDetails part. If details are given then it is a live stream. If not then it is a regular upload of a recorded video.
This approach doesn’t help me with identifying Premieres. They appear as if they were live streams. At least with the endpoint above I see no difference between live streams and Premieres.
Is there any way to check if a video is in fact a Premiere? I have the video id and want to achieve this by calling any of YouTube’s APIs.
Edit: The way I implemented this, I look for snippet.liveBroadcastContent, which is either 'upcoming', 'live' or 'none'.
This way you can identify if a video is currently a premiere, or the premiere has ended and it's a regular video.

JavaFX project play youtube videos

I work on an automatically music player. To be short, i use the api to get a lot of tracks names and tags. Using these tags and some intelligence computing algorithms, once you play a track, the player sets another track (with tags very appropriate to the tags of the track listened before).
I used the youtube API to search for the URL's of the movies, and I managed to make it work. Now I want to make the videos play on my music player. I have tried to place the youtube player on WebView. It works, but not as intended. I want to control that player. I want it to start playing automatically, and I want to get noticed when the video ended so I can start the next one.
Any clues of what should I do to play the videos from youtube based on the search that uses the Youtube API, and to have control over the youtube player that I place on my GUI(make it play and stop from command line)? Or is there any possible way do download the youtube movie and play it using the JavaFX API? I searched google and noticed I cannot download youtube movie into a format that can be played by JavaFX api.
Update Dec 4th, 2015
Some versions of JavaFX 8 are unable to play back youtube video content. Currently, for instance, Java 8u66 cannot playback youtube video content, but Java 8u72 early access release can.
Also note some of the videos referenced in the sample solution are no longer available or are protected from play in embedded video players. So ensure that you perform any tests using available and videos that have not been distribution restricted. Refer to the youtube documentation for information on distribution restriction if need be.
Any clues of what should I do to play the videos from youtube
As a hints to get you started, see code playing YouTube videos in JavaFX and the YouTube HTML5 api.
Here is the sample code I linked running and playing YouTube videos back within a JavaFX WebView with some (very minimal) control over the video playback via interaction with a JavaFX "New Song" button.
Or is there any possible way do download the youtube movie and play it using the JavaFX API? I searched google and noticed I cannot download youtube movie into a format that can be played by JavaFX api.
I think such a usage would violate YouTube's terms of service. I believe YouTube requires you to play the video back using the YouTube video player (let's them insert ads in the video player etc).
5.1 A
you agree not to distribute any part of or parts of the Website or the
Service, including but not limited to any Content, in any medium
without YouTube's prior written authorisation, unless YouTube makes
available the means for such distribution through functionality
offered by the Service (such as the YouTube Player);
5.1 C
you agree not to access Content through any technology
or means other than the video playback pages of the Website itself,
the YouTube Player, or such other means as YouTube may explicitly
designate for this purpose;
I advanced little, but I got stuck to other problems.
First of all, the code from jewelsea was great. Now I could embed the player into a secondary window of my player and it shows the movie based on the URL that i got using the youtube api. But it looks like JavaFX cannot show most of the movies. It shows me the youtube player and an error message saying that I need to install latest version of Adobe Flashplayer. From my research, I noticed that the webView can only show movies with quality set at 240p, not higher.
I have searched a lot on Google how to make my webView to play the 240p quality video. First of all, i tried to set the youtube query parameters ( I tried all the parameters from there: 1,5 and 6. But yet, I did not get the URL of movie with format that can be viewed on the webView of the JavaFX.
I also tried to embed the video quality in the URL of the movie like this:
http:/ ; but it does not work at all. I also wrote that URL in the browser and it looks like the youtube automatically sets the video to the highest quality, no matter what parameter I write in the URL.
The youtube api code that I used is the same like in this webpage:
I just moved the main class code to a method that returns the URL of the first video that is in the list, and I changed the " query.setOrderBy(YouTubeQuery.OrderBy.VIEW_COUNT); "
to " query.setOrderBy(YouTubeQuery.OrderBy.RELEVANCE);". And this works fine, it shows the url to proper music videos that I search.
I am sorry for not showing the code of my project but it is big and it contains 2-3 api keys, and if you tell me how to change the video URL http:/ to work on the code from this website: https:/ , then I will know that to do to make it work on my project as well;
And the thing about YouTube playback API also enlightened me. I see that API has a lot of functions that could help me to play a lot easier with the video content (make it play, make it stop) but the problem is that I do not have knowledge about javascript programming and it is very sad that I do not have those methods in Java API as well. Maybe I will give it a try and insert javascript code into my webview. But, if I edit the webview using javascript... Is it going to play higher quality movies on the JavaFX webView?

Youtube API - Video is not available

Is there any way to detect if a video was removed or unavailable?
We need to have ability to remove it from the video listing if it has been removed from youtube server.
Hung BUI if you are using youtube API there is a way to filter the video which has been removed or not availble in your locality.
Kindly watch this video and seek it to 2m:03s, The tutor will say how to filter the unavailable and restricted video,..
Youtube Video on YOUTUBE search API
Use a parameter format and restriction along with the youtube api endpoint
If you hit this endpoint of youtube you can get a set of youtube videos which can be embedded as well as we can check whether the video is restricted in our locality.

Youtube API Java client library - How check if a video entry is available for mobile?

I have a content management server application written in Java. A background process goes through a list of video ids and fetches the details for those video ids using Youtube API.
I would like to check if a particular video entry is available for mobile or not.
I checked syndicate allowed like
String videoEntryUrl = ""+videoID;
VideoEntry videoEntry = service.getEntry(new URL(videoEntryUrl), VideoEntry.class);
if(!videoEntry.getXmlBlob().getBlob().contains("yt:accessControl permission='denied' action='syndicate'")){
System.out.println("The video is syndicatable");
Checking for syndicate still not solved the problem and the server still lets in videos that cannot play on Android phone.
What is the right way to filter only the videos that can be played on mobile?
There's no single check to see whether a video is playable "on mobile".
There are a variety of different reasons why a particular video might not be playable on a particular platform, and unfortunately the only way to be absolutely sure whether a particular video will play in a particular player is to attempt to play it.
That being said, this blog post goes into more details about the types of common playback restrictions that crop up:
