Extract and match multiple rows in google sheets - google-sheets

I'm in Google sheets, attempting to assign the correct Salesforce Account IDs to a LONG list of accounts. I have exported all accounts with IDs, and in another sheet I have a list of opportunities I need to import with DataLoader. However, in order to attach these opportunities to their accounts, they need to have the Account ID.
Essentially I need to take Account Name from each sheet, take the corresponding ID and assign that ID to both Account Names. I am not a developer but I am a Salesforce Admin which does require some basic formula building and I'm more than willing to give anything a shot in order to not have to match them manually, one-by-one. Thanks.

You need VLOOKUP.
Reorder your columns so the Account Name comes first, then Id. Optionally sort by Name, performance will be better. Think what you'll want to do with duplicate accounts.
the parameters are
which value,
against what range (putting dollar signs helps fix the range, otherwise as you drag the formula down it might drag the range down too),
cell from which column to return,
is the reference table sorted


Is there a way I can pull unique links into a Data Studio report?

I'm self thought in data studio and am currently creating a database of all my companies customers. As a part of this database, I want our sales team to have access to all of the customers past and current information. This includes a unique link to a companies profile. We work off Google Sheets so I have a google sheets document with the customers information including the unique link. This would currently be fore 1,700 customers so I can't do them manually!
I want to make a nice button that would say "Customer profile" which would be created from this unique hyperlink. The only way I can figure out doing this is by using a one cell table and having the long hyperlink displayed. Is there a way I can use an image to create a unique button when the database is filtered? I.E if I filter the database to show company X's information a button will have their profile pulled from the sheet.
Additionally (a lesser question because it's more for ease instead of functionality), there is a form that our sales team can fill out during the call which I currently have embedded. Is there a way to embed a JotForm form through google sheets also? It means we would be able to pre-populate the form and the sales-person wouldn't have to waste time filling out a customer reference or company name etc.
Any help would be really appreciated! Please let me know if any more information is needed.
This is only an answer to your first question.
You can create a Calculated Field in your data source.
Let's say that you have "Company_Name" and "Website_URL" fields in your data source. Calculated Field will look like this:
Then you name this field for example "Company_Website_Link" and add this to your work.

Restricting a certain individual with Editor permissions from seeing data entered by others in a shared Google Sheet

I have a scenario where a fixed number of individuals (say 4-5) will be entering data to the same Google Sheet. So basically I will be the owner of the Google Sheet and will be sharing it with 4-5 individuals. What I need is; a certain individual A should only see data entered by him and not by rest of the individuals. How can I achieve this? All the individuals will need to enter their data to this sheet so all of them will have 'Editor' permissions. But then a specific individual A should not have access to what others are entering. It's ok if A can see data entered by himself.
this issue is recommended to be handled by series of IMPORTRANGEs and individual spreadsheets for each person where you as "administrator" will gather data from each minion into your master spreadsheet. this way no one will get access to sensitive data apart from you. in case there is a subset of the dataset you need to share you can export it into each spreadsheet from your master sheet.

How to limit teams view to just their own assignments

I have a google sheet work order page set up. The columns are:
ID No., Title, Description, Location, Crew Assigned, Date Assigned, Hours Worked, Work Description.
Crew Assigned are pulled from a dropdown populated by a second sheet. So the entry is standardized.
I want the crew, when they open up the work order sheet, to see only the rows that are assigned to them. They would then enter Hours Worked, and the Work Description. They use apple mobile devices exclusively.
Is there a best practice for this type of work delegation within sheets?
The best way to do this is to have one master spreadsheet and then to each team give a new spreadsheet with FILTER(IMPORTRANGE(... formula.

Browse Decision Table in WODM or iLog

I have a situation that I have a system that communicate with iLog and it should show the values of decision table first column.
Can I get all the values of the first column in a decision table? Given that the values are distinct and unique.
If yes, What if I want to get the values of the next column under the scope of the first column field.
I need this behavior since I have an agreement creation system which must allow creation of agreement terms based on what is already implemented in iLog
There isn't a way to extract values from Condition Column. I had also came across such situation when but couldn't get through it. However, there is a work-around for the same.
My Problem was, for example, there are rules to determine whether the user group to which user belong is allowed to approve the policy? If not, then what are the other user groups allowed to approve this policy?
One simple solution was to maintain two tables, one for checking and another to determine allowed groups. This was not accepted since business needs to maintain same data in two tables. Had it been FICO BLAZE Advisor, the same would have been implemented in a single table.
However, there is always another way to a problem. What I did is following:
1. Created a single table to list all are the groups which can approve the policy i.e. adding user groups into a list in the action column. Placed this decision table in a Rule Task.
2. In the final action of rule task, checked whether the user type of the incoming user exists in the list of user types. If not, it means user is not allowed to approve the policy so send the entire list; otherwise, set the list to null and set Approval flag to True.
I hope this may help you to find an alternate solution which may address your problem. Sometimes, we need to look for some weird way to get our work done.

How to get the specific <Ad ID, Campaign ID> that was clicked on from the landing page?

I've been searching for a solution to this, which I thought would be trivial, and seems pretty much impossible.
Here's the situation: I set up an AdWords campaign, ad groups and ads. I point them to www.mysite.com
Once visitors arrive to my site through one of my ads, I want to know which exact ad they clicked on (and campaign, as apparently the ad id isn't globally unqiue). Is this possible?
I first tried by enabling Destination URL auto-tagging, but seems like the gclid parameter is pretty much useless.
Then I looked at the UTMZ cookie, but it seems like at most (correct me if this isn't the case), you get the campaign number (is this even the ID in AdWords?) and the keywords searched or the ad's keywords, one of those. Not anything I can uniquely identify the ad by, right?
Finally, I looked at ValueTrack, although again correct me if I'm wrong, but this would mean manually changing the destination URL of each of my ads in AdWords, right? Even doing this, I'm not sure I can get something that lets me uniquely identify the clicked ad. Is {creative} what I want? It's described in the docs as the "unique ID of the creative", does that mean this includes the Campaign.Id and the AdGroupAd.Id?
There is a way to do what you want using tracking templates.
Navigating to auto-tracking and tracking template settings:
Log in to Adwords, and click "Campaigns".
Click "Shared Library" in the bottom left corner.
Under "Shared Library", click "URL options".
You'll now get these options:
These options are set for the entire account. I think it is possible to override the tracking template for individual campaigns, ad groups and ads. Here is what they mean:
Auto-tagging means that when a user clicks on an ad, they will go a URL with the gclid parameter appended, for example http://yourwebsite.com/?gclid=example. This value is useful for some things, such as for offline conversions, so your website should save it.
Tracking template
Tracking template means that when a user clicks on an ad, they will be directed to this URL. Interestingly, it does not have to be your website, as long as the URL redirects to your website. For instance, you could set it up to look like this:
{lpurl} and {campaignid} are placeholders which AdWords recognises and knows how to handle. So, for example, if a user clicks on an ad, they could go to:
trackingcompany.com must redirect the user now to http://yourwebsite.com, otherwise, it is in violation of AdWords policy and your ads could be rejected.
Now, here's the clever bit that I didn't realise because all of this is badly documented: you don't have to use a third-party tracking company to get access to things like campaign id. You can just reuse your own website! Just set your tracking URL to something like this:
You see that? {lpurl} will get replaced with the landing page, which is your website! So the user in our example would go to this URL upon clicking an ad:
It's not clear to me whether example.com must now redirect to the landing page URL without those parameters, or not.
I can't find documentation on these placeholders anywhere, but these are the ones that I've found work:
{lpurl} landing page URL
{campaignid} campaign ID
{adgroupid} ad group ID
{creative} creative or ad ID
{keyword} keyword
Auto-tagging and tracking template together
If you enable both auto-tagging and a tracking template, then AdWords would behave as it normally does with a tracking template, appending a gclid query parameter.
Addendum: ignoring these new query parameters in Google Analytics:
If you use Google Analytics, you probably want to ignore these query parameters, merging hits with these parameters with hits that don't have them. You can do that by setting the "Exclude URL Query Parameters" option to aw_campaignid,aw_adgroupid,aw_creative,aw_keyword. You can't apply this retroactively, so do this before making any AdWords changes.
As far as I know there is no value track for campaign or ad group ID. You could just append something to the end of each ad's destination URL based on the campaign & ad group, but that is a bit of a chore.
If you link your Google Analytics & AdWords accounts and use auto-tagging in AdWords you can get the information you want in GA through the AdWords report (shows campaign, ad group, keyword etc). GA is able to use the gclid to retrieve data from AdWords, and I think you can then use the GA API to get the campaign data back out if you want it.
You could:
turn off auto-tagging
pull the entire account into an excel file
insert a new column for each desired output variable (Campaign, ad id [like Headline?])
trim, lower, and find/remove spaces from the target columns (so something like: campaignname, compressedheadline)
then concatenate that column with your destination URLs and a UTM string like this:
use this function and replace with the appropriate columns
=concatenate([dest url column],"?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_content=",[compressedheadline column],"&utm_campaign=",[campaignname column])
if the functions for the parts between the quotes break the formula, paste them into their own cells and then reference the cells in the concatenate function.
Drag this formula down the entire account,
Copy / Paste Special / Paste Values of the new Destination URLs over the old Destination URLs.
Remove unnecessary columns that have been created between Campaign, Ad Group, Headline, Description Line 1, Description Line 2, Display URL and your new Destination URL.
Then highlight just the Campaign, Ad Group, Headline, Description Line 1, Description Line 2, Display URL and your new Destination URL and you can paste this into the AdWords Editor under "add/update multiple ads.
You can get this data from the CLICK_PERFORMANCE_REPORT - The only downside to this, is that this report can only be run for 1 day. so if you needed a month worth of data - you would have to run about 30 reports -
The ad Id is the "CreativeId" - you can get the campaignId and Adgroup ID as well from this report - there is 1 row for each click - (GCLID) these are unique.
see this link for more info on what fields are available
