Visual Studio 2019 Uses Wrong Edge Browser Profile - visual-studio-2019

In VS 2019, I created a new Browser Profile for IIS Express by using the "Browse With ... " option. In that dialog, I used "Add ..." and copied in the program and argument values from one of the profile shortcuts on my taskbar.
Program: c:\Program Files(x86)...\msedge.exe
Arguments: --profile-directory="Profile 2"
After creating that Browser Profile, I then set IIS Express to use my newly created browser profile as the default when launching my app.
However, when I press the IIS Express button to run my web app, the app launches in Edge -- but uses a generic profile instead of the specific profile that I pointed to with my arguments.
The Edge profile that I'm trying to use has specific extensions that help with debugging in the browser that I don't have installed in all my Edge profiles.
Is there a way to get VS 2019 to launch the correct Edge Profile?


Install4j What is the counterpart under MacOS for create a Windows URL Link

I want to ship my application with an installer created by Install4J. The installation itself works, but I want to place a link in the dock or on the Desktop on macOS. Is there a counterpart for the action "create a Windows URL Link", that can be used for Apple OS?

IE add on Edge IE mode

I have enabled Enterprise mode and redirected all the intranet site to open on IE.
Problem is that I have IE add-ons which only open in IE is not opening in Edge IE mode. When I am trying to open the internal page it's given me jar file extension and asking me to choose the application through which I can open the jar file. In IE I am not facing the issue.
Is there any settings I need to do for IE ADD-on to open in IE mode

how to get signing keys for blackberry?

Signing keys for blackberry link For BlackBerry 10 apps developed using Android. When I selected the First CheckBox for BlackBerry Keys Order Form, it is automatically point to another links are Sign In to BlackBerry ID. How to submit Blackberry Keys Order Form. How to do I received Client-RDK.csj and Client-PBDT.csj files.
It is my understanding that the 2 .csj files are required to sign and port an Android application to the Blackberry Playbook Tablet, which does not currently run the Blackberry 10 OS.
The file you are looking for to sign the Android application for Blackberry 10 devices is a file with the .csk extension. (Filename: bbidtoken.csk)
I believe you do need to Sign-in with/Create a Blackberry ID to Access the Blackberry Jam Zone (Developer Portal).
After you have successfully signed into the Jam Zone, you will be asked to Create a Blackberry ID Token by entering a password into the available fields. Blackberry also notes that you can "also request your BlackBerry ID token from the Deployment Setup Wizard in the BlackBerry Momentics IDE."
----------- Follow these steps which taken from blackberry documentaion-----------------
Set up your development environment
2.In Windows and Linux, click Window > Preferences. In Mac OS, click Momentics > Preferences.
3.Expand BlackBerry, and then select Signing.
4.Click BlackBerry Deployment Setup Wizard.
5.Follow the steps in the wizard to configure your BlackBerry ID token.

Can't connect to and debug my azure app

I have a mvc4 project that I have published to azure through a publish profile that I use by right clicking my main project and go publish.
All this works great and has for a while.
But now I need to debug the app so I installet the azure tools and according to tutorials I should then have my application under "Windows Azure Compute" in server tab. I do not there is nothing under there.
If I select "Add Deployment Environment" I can click a link that says download publish settings file so I did and I got the file. When i then import it, it looks like this:
however if I now click the little arrow next to 3-Month Free Trial the arrow simply disappear. There is nothing there.
I noticed that the publich settings file I had since before was not at all the same as this new one I got now. I could not use the old one here.
I also noticed that a new Certificate showed up on the azure page like so:
I should mention that before it said upload a .cer file, something i never did.
Okay thats all I know.
I had missed that azure toolkit comes with a emulator (system tray)
enabled that and created a web role (right click project and chose create azure role)
and now i can debug in the emulator on my local machine and so far it has worked brilliant.
Beware that it can require you to run visual as admin to work.

Running BlackBerry application automatically directly after installation

I have written an application that injects some menu items in other BlackBerry applications (for example a "bookmark this page" menu item in the BlackBerry browser). I have configured the application to be run automatically at startup (of the device) so when the device starts, the menu items are installed in the other applications.
However, I would also like to have my application started directly after installation (via OTA), so the menu items are directly available to the user. Is there a way to accomplish this without having the user to reboot the device or manually start the application after installation?
Autostart applications should run
automatically after they have been
installed. What could have happened
is the application tried to autostart,
but didn't have the permissions to do
what it wanted and failed with a
ControlledAccessException. Often this
can be seen as the application failing
to start, but in fact it did start but
just wasn't allowed to do what it
tried to do.
Check the event log on the BlackBerry
(alt+lglg). You should see an entry
for your application being started
after it was installed.
Mark Sohm BlackBerry Development
BB Support Community Forums :Can we automatically run the application after install
