Swipe between multiple CollectionViews in iOS Swift - ios

I hope someone can help me.
I would like to swipe left and right between several CollectionViews and add another CollectionView in Runtime with a button on the last page.
How could I build up the structure?
My purpose: The user can create his own smart grid to create different shortcuts in each CollectionView item. I want to add more "pages" now.
Thank you!
>> I have attached a picture of how it should work <<
EDIT: I found something helpful for my case:

There is a number of ways you can do that. One way is to use UIPageViewController where each UICollectionView is hosted by a UIViewController (or UICollectionViewController)


How i can use multiple nib files with multiple arrays?

I am creating my iOS app, and i during that , now i have to build scrollable screen where there is image view, labels, collection view, Reviews etc (Prototype Image is attached). I am wondering is it possible to make that type of screen with UITable view using multiple Nib files? (If it is possible, kindly guide me as how i should use multiple Nib files with multiple arrays). And , if it is not possible, how else i can go for it? Kindly guide me, and sorry if thats a duplicate because i have searched but i was not able to find any good answer.
There are several approaches that you can do.
If you want to use UItableview, then you need to create multiple
UITableviewCells, where each cells is based on the section of the design. Then you can load it by using array, as you logic stated above. For example indexpath[0] you'll load the cell with the picture(lets call this pictureCell), then indexpath[1] you'll load descriptionCell, and so on.
The other approach is using Scrollview, with several UIViews on a vertical stackview. And then you'll create a UIView Subclass based on the section of the design. This is usually my go to solution.
I'm not sure what "array" is refering to here, but by the look of your screenshot, I would go with a StackView inside a UIScrollView, or something like that. No need for a UITableView if you don't have a repeting pattern, you can just stack multiple views in a scroll view.
I hope it's clear enough.

It is possible to create a floating button in tableview bottom?

In my application i have a UIViewController in that one tableview with two custom cells,i want to display a floating button in my tableview.it is possible,it is possible give me some suggestion r link.
Thank you in advance!
"That question is not related to my question.i have a two custom cells with different heights in one tableview."
Answer is
Here is the simple solution for adding a floating button to our application.
we can add a button through "storyboard" like this
after adding the button create action what do you want.it's working fine.
thank you.

Create vertical tabbar for ipad

Today I tried to implement a vertical tabbar for iPad. I checked a lot of questions on Stackoverflow and other sites but couldn't find the appropriate answer. Here are what I found:
In my opinion, the third component is great. However, I guess I'll have to customize a lot before I can use to create this following UI:
So do you know any components/libraries that match my UI? It would be great if anyone can suggest me a correct one. Thanks.
Try to use FSVerticalTabBarController. I have used it and it is easy to modify...
You can try this component IIViewDeckController. Its very light weight.
Usually it will be used for Stackview, left Menu kind of UI.
But you can do a small trick like below to achieve your design above.
The component have left, right, top, bottom and center stack of controllers.
Use a UITableView on your LeftViewController to design your above UI.
Each index will act as a container of OneViewController.
Clicking one cell of your tableview will place the appropriate ViewController in the center controller of IIViewDeckViewController.
Its very easy, I guess you will like it. Just take some time to go through their examples.
Hope it will be useful
I translated futuresimple/FSVerticalTabBarController into Swift 5.
My repo is https://github.com/coyingcat/VerticalTabBar
Apple's doc Implementing a Container View Controller is great also

ios coverflow displaying many items like three instead of one at a time

I want to implementing coverflow like the one on the below image show below (instead of showing 1 at a time it can show many like 3 at a time). Can someone help me on the approach, or lead me to any tutorial will be appreciated
Thank you in advance
what i understood from your question is that you want to implement coverflow.
so u can achieve this using by adding UIScrollView to UItableView Cell, if you want only one row then just play with our few tableView delegate methods.
This tutorial help you to proceed. revert back if you need any help.
also take a look at this post: Check here

implementing uitabbar to uitableview

I want to put a uitabbar into a section in uitableview, I have hard time looking a way for it, since I just started doing XCODE in less than a month. Anyone there know the solution for it? Any help is appreciated, and if possible, could you share a link for the tutorial or examples as well. Thanx in advance.
You can't do it in this way. They both are different things but you can have UITableView inside the uitabbar view. But vica-versa is not allowed ...this is not feasible and also not proper as per apple's guideline. So, please make sure not to use in this way...rather go for some other alternative :
like put Custom UIToolBar in header of tableView , having look & feels like Tabbar.
You cannot put a tab bar into a tableview.
I you want to use a tab bar, use it as a sub view of a UIView.
The UITabBar is supposed to contain other views. So no, you cannot add it to your table view. To get the look and feel of the Groupon app, there are two things you could do:
1. Create a custom tableviecell as advised above.
2. Since the toolbar (which looks like a tabbar) is outside the actual table, you can have it as a separate view and reduce the size of the table to accommodate it. Or add the toolbar to the footer view of the table.
