React 17 iOS events acting strange - ios

I encountered a weird issue when testing our web application using iOS 15.2.1 (iPad Pro 3rd gen.) or using the Apple iPad Air/Pro Simulator. The same issue is reproducible on Chrome and Safari browsers.
This happen when clicking on two different buttons at medium pace (~500ms). The first click on the first button event fires the proper event handler. Then, when rapidly clicking on the second button, the same event as the first click is fired... This only happens with React 17.0.X. React 16 works as expected.
Here’s the very basic code sample reproducing the issue.


How to close individual React Native emulator?

I'm running my app on a React Native emulator. I was originally emulating just the iPhone 6, and then added an iPhone 6 Plus emulator. When you add a second emulator it keeps the first one open. How do you close one of them while keeping the other open? Basically I want to de-select one of the emulators shown in the photo below:
Xcode device's emulator behaves like any other window, so you just have to Cmd+W on the one you want to close, it's like closing just one window of any other application.
And if you want to know more about Mac keyboard shortcuts, here's a link!

angular 6 - problem with 3d touch on newest ios

I have problem with 3d touch in my angular 6 app. When browsing site on iphone 6 and newer (with newest ios), simple click is not recognized as click. You have to press screen a while in order to click something. On other mobile systems clicks work fine. I think this is related with 3d touch.
I'm using (click)="DoAction()" for handling clicks.
Is 3dtouch should be handled separately?
I think you can use this library in your app and it works fine:

cordova IOS app all onclick and back button not working for latest IOS 11.3.1

dear ios hybrid app rock stars,
i have developed IOS app using Framework7 with Cordova 7.0.1.
It was work fine before update mobile to IOS version 11.3.1.
But not all of devices using this app get updated to latest IOS version.
Now the problem happen.
When app open at the first time it works fine in all pages. Pages swipe and onclick to back button and menu onclick works fine.
But when we lock the phone with the app remain open behind. Then unlock the phone then click of the any function not working except the swipe of screens. onclick event and backbutton not working. Even menu also not open when we click icon for menu.
Again if we close the app completely then open again it will work fine.
only when we lock the device without close of the app (remain open) then again unlock the device and use app not working correctly. That makes the all click event not working. even menu links also not able to click.
P.s. App working fine on apple 4s with the IOS 9.3.5.
Any one have resolved this type of issue.
Video reference attached here:
there you can see menu, back and refresh icons clicked but its not working..
This is due to a bug in iOS 11.3 where the touch event timeStamp is being reported as negative value.
There have been commits to fix this in Framework7 v1 and v2 so the solution is to update the version of F7 in your app to the latest (right now that's v2.2.5 / v1.7.1).
See this discussion for more detail.

iOS 9 "Back-To-App" button quickly disappears

I made an iPad app using Flash Builder and Adobe AIR and it has been working fine. Recently I updated to iOS 9.2, I noticed that when I launch my app from Safari, the button of "Back to Safari" only shows for less than half a second and quickly disappears. I tried this function in other apps, such as launching any app from iTunes, that button always sticks there for a long time.
I did some research and haven't found anything so far. I am hoping to get some help here. Thank you in advance.

iOS Safari, when running our web-app in stand alone mode, crashes iOS in background

We're developing a web app that extensively uses Cavas 2D for some demos, and is successfully running on both iOS and Android devices. Recently we've added stand-alone mode for iOS devices, so user has to "Add-To-Home-Screen" and run it using screen icon, just like regular app.
What happens recently is that after 10-12 times we start the web app on iPhone4:
Status bar (initially set to 'black') suddenly turns white and we cannot exit Safari (by pressing home button).
If we try to make screen shot (home + power button), shutter sound is played as if screen shot was taken and saved.
If we try to lock the device (power button), screen turns black, but no action after that can bring unlock-screen or any screen for that matter - display remains black.
We can only do reset by pressing home + power for 10 seconds after this point.
If we do not lock the device, web app continuously work with no issues at all, it does not crash, but cannot exit it (double click on home button also has no result).
Has anyone experienced this with their web apps?
Any guidance in how to debug this would be highly appreciated. We've tried using Safari on OSX, connect iPhone to it and use Develop -> iPhone menu but no luck so far.
Thanks in advance!
I would start trying to debug by running XCode with the iPhone connected to the computer.
In XCode open "Organizer" and go to the tab "Devices".
You should see your device there, from which you can view the iOS console. That might be able to tell you what is going wrong with the phone stops responding.
I don't think you have to put the phone in development mode (or be a paid developer) to see the iOS console.
