airflow 2.0.2 does not support task_group - task

I'm using airflow version 2.0.2 (MWAA and local install)
However, i can't import below packages.
from airflow.decorators import task_group
from airflow.utils.task_group import TaskGorup
The official doc says it works..

are you using pyCharm? when installing package apache-airflow try selecting specify version to True, and selecting version 2.3.4.


ios project shows errors after installing SkeletonView package

As soon as I add SkeletonView package with package Manager, xcode started showing these crazy errors. I installed 1.9.0 version of SkeletonView (selected exact version on package manager)
what should I do now?

I am trying to install Kivy again it is shows this warning

this error and warning is showing when I tried to install Kivy
As Python 3.10 is still currently relatively new and library developers need to recompile their package to the newest version, there is currently no way to install Kivy and its dependencies on Python 3.10 . I suggest you downgrade to Python 3.9 or even 3.8 for the installation to succeed.

Why can't I install this aqueduct

Why can't I install this aqueduct?
Although I have installed dart before as shown in the picture:
It's important to ensure that the dart SDK is in the PATH. You can easily test it by trying to use pub or dart.
One way to ensure it's in the PATH is by creating a .bashrc file in your user's folder.
Then add the following:
export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/dart/installation/bin/folder"
First of all check if dart is installed using dart --version if it gives a command not found error that means it is not installed (hence why you cannot install aqueduct since it requires pub which is shipped with the dart sdk).
To install dart on macOS first install brew and the follow the instruction here (don't run brew switch dart 2.1.0 as shown in the screenshot since it makes no sense because current the latest stable is 2.9.1 and 2.1.0 is pretty old).
If you don't want to install brew you can download the sdk here (for your system) extract it, and update your path variable as #gabriel-octávio says.

How to point to new install Opencv with PythonPath?

After installing and building opencv 4.0 with this script, I import opencv with python and checked the version. It prints 3.2.0 instead of 4.0.0
I also found a few others with the same problem here. The answer is to export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${OpenCV DIR}/release/python
I'm not to familiar with using Python paths but I assume the correct statement to use is export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${opencv-4.0.0}/release/python_loader and reload bashrc. Is this the right way to load the recently installed opencv for python?
Here is what my directory looks like
export PYTHONPATH=~/opencv/opencv-4.0.0/release/lib/python3

install package using pip (version confused)

I think since I'm new to python, I installed packages in multiple subversion. like python 2.7.15 or python 2.7.14.
If I import certain package (e.g., hdf5storage) using terminal (python 2.7.15), I can >> import hdf5storage
but if I import the package using jupyter notebook (python 2.7.14), i cannot. >> import hdf5storage
no module called hdf5storage.
I didn't install this different version on purpose, it just happened.
I used pip2 to install packages. Can anyone explain how to solve this issue, for a beginner? How do I use virtualenv or edit PATH, it's very confusing for me. Any answer would be appreciated!
