How do you allow Neovim CoC to see include directories - clang

Coc in Neovim seems to be unable to see #include <avr/io.h> since I'm guessing that it's include path isn't known by coc. How can I allow coc to see this include path?

A solution was found to be the following:
In the root of your project directory (the base of compilation) add a file called compile_flags.txt.
To the compile_flags.txt file, for the AVR includes, add -I/usr/avr/include.
NOTE: The compile_flags.txt file only accepts a single argument per line, so the actual contents of this file should be
JSON Compilation Database Format Specification


What is the difference between the -i and -u parameters to the dcc command-line compilers?

What exactly is the -i option of the Delphi dcc command-line compilers (dcc32.exe, dcc64.exe, dcclinux64.exe and others)? As opposed to -u? Help just states this briefly (and Embarcadero documentation does not seem to expand upon the subject):
-I<paths> = Include directories
-U<paths> = Unit directories
For a while, I thought that -u is for including source code and -i for including precompiled .dcu files, but that does not seem to be the case. I also see cases where -i imports source code and -u imports .dcu files, and also that seems to work just fine. Another thought is that -u is meant to be the counterpart of the project's Search path in the Delphi IDE, and -i the counterpart of the Delphi IDE's global Library path, but that does not seem conclusive, either.
When should I use one or the other, -i or -u?
The Remarks section of this page begins
The $I parameter directive instructs the compiler to include the named file in the compilation. In effect, the file is inserted in the compiled text right after the {$I filename} directive.
The default extension for filename is .pas. A filename specified with no file extension always gets the .pas extension. If the filename does not specify a directory path, then, in addition to searching for the file in the same directory as the current module, Delphi searches in the directories specified in the Search path input box on the Delphi Compiler page of the Project > Options dialog box (or in the directories specified in a -I option on the command line compiler). ..."
The important thing to understand is that this is not talking about searching for source files in general, but rather for single files named in a source file by an
{$inc }
{$include }
directive in a source file. For example
unit SomeUnit;
{$inc SomeIncludeFile}
Files named inside an {$inc} or {$include} directive are known as "include files" - hence the title topic of the quoted page. Subject to the restriction noted in the final paragraph of the Remarks, the directive can appear pretty much anywhere in a source file and, during compilation, the compiler substitutes the contents of the named file for the directive (including the filename). The support for include files in Turbo Pascal pre-dates its support for units and was primarily to ensure that two or more source files could behave as if they contained identical text, for example shared code or definitions.
The -i setting tells the compiler one or more folders in which to look for files such as SomeIncludeFile which are named by include directives the compiler encounters while compiling the source files in a project.
The -u setting tells the compiler where to look for unit files (e.g. .Pas and .Dcu ones) during a compilation.

How to make Visual Studio Intellisense recommend "" Include?

In VS2019, when I have the possibility to include a class, Intellisense only suggests includes with angled brackets (<>). But in most cases I want quote includes ("").
Is there a way to customize it/ let Intellisense suggest both?
Actually, VS does not have such option to automatically switch to realize your requirements. I think this behavior depends on how you reference the header file into the project. So you have to change the way which you import these header files.
Note: <> searches the header files under include directories or additional include directories
while "" searches the header files under your project folder first and then search under include directories or additional include directories.
So the solution is that:
Please remove the path of these header files under include directories and additional include directories.
Then, right-click on the Header Files folder of your c++ project-->Add-->Existing Item to add these header files into your project.
Then, you can see that Intellisense will recommend "" rather than <>.
This is my test result:
I have a header file called header.h and I configured its path into additional include directories, and when I call its variable, you can see:
If I removed the path from additional include directories and add it into the Header Files folder.

How to include file from Erlang/OTP module

I need to include some head files from Erlang/OTP module, is there any practical method other than using absolute path like
Yes, ref the Question: Erlang: what is the difference between "include_lib" and "include"?
you should use -include_lib(XXX) instead of -include(XXX) if include from its system library.
I think you can use:
include_lib is similar to include, but should not point out an
absolute file. Instead, the first path component (possibly after
variable substitution) is assumed to be the name of an application.
The code server uses code:lib_dir(kernel) to find the directory of the current (latest) version of Kernel, and then the subdirectory
include is searched for the file file.hrl.

iOS App Contains Developer Path Information

Inspecting an archived app, I can see the full path listed for a few source code files in the app binary. Not all source code files are listed.
strings - the_binary_app | grep "\.m"
as well as a few others. I can not determine how the full paths for a few source code files are embedded in the app binary. I would like to remove them. Any ideas? Is this a build setting or is the project file slightly corrupted?
Some belong to a lib and others are files that belong to the project.
The __FILE__ macro expands to full path to the current file. This is one likely way you might be getting the paths into your executable. For example, the expansion of the assert macro includes the __FILE__ macro.
Look at the output of your strings | grep pipeline. For each of those files, go into your project in Xcode and open that file. Then go to the Related Files doodad and choose “Preprocess”:
Then search through the preprocessor output for the file's path. You will find lots of false positives, because there will be lots of # line number/path directives. You can ignore these, because they only produce debug output, which is not included in your executable file (unless you've done something weird with your build settings). You might find it faster to save the preprocessor output to a file, then open that file and pipe it through grep or use a regexp search/replace to delete all lines starting with #.
Find the other instances where your path appears as a string constant. For example, if you used the assert macro, you will find something like this:
(__builtin_expect(!(argc > 0), 0) ? __assert_rtn(__func__, "/Volumes/b/Users/mayoff/TestProjects/textViewChanged/textViewChanged/main.m", 16, "argc > 0") : (void)0);
That's a case where the path will end up embedded in your executable.
If that doesn't find all the places where you're embedding your path, try selecting “Assembly” from the Related Files doodad. The assembly will be full of comments containing your path; everything after # is a comment in the assembly output, so ignore those.
You will also see your paths in .file directives. I believe these only produce debug symbol output, which doesn't go into your executable, so you can ignore those too.
You will also see your paths in .asciz directives shortly after .section DWARF,... directives. This is more debug symbol stuff that you can ignore.
Look for the remaining cases where your path appears in the assembly output. You need to figure out how to eliminate these cases. How you do that will depend on the context in which the paths appear, so if you need more help, update your question with what you find.
Sounds like your code contains the __FILE__ macro somewhere.

[perl]How to force perl use modules in my own path?

I want to let perl use the DBI module in my own path(suppose, /home/users/zdd/perl5/lib/DBI), but the sysem also has a DBI module which is /usr/lib/perl5/lib/DBI.
when I write the following code in my script, perl use the system path be default, how to force it use the one under my path?
use lib './perl5/lib/DBI';
use DBI;
sub test {
/usr/lib/perl5/lib/DBI was added to the PATH environment variable in my bash profile, it was used by many scripts, so I can't disable it.
The file for the main DBI module is in ./perl5/lib. So your path is not pointing to it.
The DBI folder contains sub-modules of DBI, e.g. DBI::Foo (the :: in module names is a representation of your module directory structure).
Try using ./perl5/lib as your library instead.
Also, using a relative path will fail if the current directory is not what you think it is. If you are in doubt, have your script call cwd to see what the current directory is.
For debugging purposes, it may be helpful to use:
no lib '[main Perl module library path here]';
That way you can be sure you are only using your custom module path. Any failure to find a module will cause an error, rather than silently using the system version.
Update: For more information, see Perldoc on use lib. Perl will use the library that you have specified first. If it does not, that indicates it is not actually finding the module in the location you have given.
In addition to what dan1111 suggested, I would also recommend you print out #INC (just before your use DBI statement) and dump %INC (just after your use DBI statement) to see what your script is doing. That may help you debug the issue.
