implementing Minimum-Heap with LinkedList in Java - linked-list

I've got a task to implement a Minimum-Heap with linked list data structure.
I am a bit struggling with the structure of the program and will be glad for help.
My idea is to create a class called node with left son, right son, and parent.
create NodesLinkedList class extends Java's LinkedList so instead of storing elements, the LinkedList will store node objects.
Also in the NodesLinkedList class create methods like extract-minimum,minimum,insert like an actual heap.
do you think it's the right approach? am I missing here something?


Using the analyzer package, is it possible to create an instance of a DartType representing a would-be generated code?

While using the analyzer package, I was wondering if it was possible to create an instance of its DartType object.
The issue I'm facing is, the analyzer output doesn't give me a valid DartType for a given class because that class has yet to exist (it is not yet generated by a code-generator).
I can work around not using DartType directly and instead make some copycat class. But that adds a lot of complexity. So I'd like to be able to create a DartType representing the would-be generated class.
I've looked into the TypeSytem/TypeProvider objects which seem to object type-related utilities but didn't find anything I wanted.
Is that possible?

how can I prevent class and its members from being tree shaken?

I would like to make sure that a class and all its members are not tree shaken when compiled with Dart2JS.
There used to be a MirrorsUsed annotation but that is long gone.
Anyway to do that nowadays without having to create an object of the class and using its members?
Maybe a Pragma annotation?

Access private properties and methods between class extension categories in Objective-C

I have a class that I want to split across multiple files. I tried using categories, but can't figure out how to make it work.
My class is named UserManager and I want to create UserManager+Amazon and UserManager+Facebook.
The problem is that I do need to access private properties and/or methods in UserManager+Amazon that are implemented in UserManager+Facebook, and vice-versa.
How can I extract methods outside the main UserManager.m file, while maintaining the access to private stuff?
EDIT: #Avi has an excellent idea below, although I have not tested it.
I have also just discovered a solution: Properties for Class and Its Subclasses Only
It works with categories and subclasses. I have tested it with my code and it works. It uses a class extension on the BaseClass.h, complete with an implemented example immediately below the accepted answer.
I've been struggling with this recently as well.
My current idea is to create a third category UserManager+Private that implements all of the private methods and handles the properties via associated objects (
It feels very unwieldy, but it might work for you. I would still be interested in a better solution if one exists.

Grails: What is the difference between extending and embedding a domain class?

I'm very new to the Grails framework, so please bear with me.
Nonetheless, I am a bit confused on the functionality difference between extending a domain class and embedding objects.
From a database point of view, they both do the same thing. When embedding an object, all the properties of all the classes are stored in one table. Similarily, when extending a class (using table-per-hierarchy), all the properties of all the classes are stored in one table.
I'm sure there is a functionality difference between these two, and so I figured I ask this question.
When do you use either one?
The only technical difference is the ability to have multiple tables through the table per subclass property when extending a class. Otherwise, they are identical in use.
However, that said, by extending another class you are also modeling that within the class structure so you can make use of instanceof and polymorphic features of Java/Groovy.

Grails Domain Class Abstract/Non-Abstract Dynamic Check

I have a loop in my controller that does something like this:
for(d in grailsApplication.domainClasses) {
def c = d.getClazz().count()
// construct table containing object instance counts
My intent is to use this loop to count the instances of non-leaf domain classes in my database. Is there a way to query the domain class itself to find out if it is abstract or not? I wasn't sure if there were some member functions automatically added by the framework since I am still new to Groovy/Grails. I couldn't find anything that addressed it in the Grails documentation.
Figured it out after a few minutes of poking around the Groovy documentation. The function isAbstract() can be invoked on the domain class to determine whether or not the domain class is a leaf node in the class hierarchy
