Does heroku postgres support reactive? - heroku-postgres

Can an application built using quarkus with reactive be deployed on heroku? As far as I could see, for heroku postgre, only jdbc is mentioned in the heroku documentation.
Quarkus reactive uses mutiny.


Even if you start Rails in Sakura Cloud, it will be "Can not access this site"

I am planning to use the Sakura Cloud to perform the production operation of Rails application.
I constructed the environment according to the following procedure and started the server, but it was useless.
Flow of environment construction
I set Sakura Cloud as below and did an ssh log in from the development environment.
I installed Ruby using Rbenv, and installed bundler, and Rails.
I started the server with RAILS_ENV = production bundle exec rails s - e production - b <IPv4 address>.
It is my first time to use production and Sakura Cloud, so it may be that I have missed or made a mistake with some setting.
It will be helpful if someone with detailed knowledge lets me know.
Setting of Sakura Cloud
1 core, 1 GB
CentOS 7.5
NIC is Internet connection, paravirtualized mode (I do not understand this in any way.)
The public key contains the public key generated in the development environment, there is no startup script
Application stacks
ruby 2.2.10
rails 5.0.7
SQLite 3

AngularJS frontend and Rails backend with AWS in Ubuntu

I would like to discuss about AngularJS and Ruby on Rails working together and deployed in AWS (Amazon Web Services).
So far, I have a development environment with an AngularJS frontend that sends request to a Ruby on Rails API backend. These both are two separate applications (they are in separated git repositories).
The AngularJS app is running in a Node.js server listening on one port, and Rails is running in a Webrick server listening on another port.
Although they work together, AngularJS is not physically integrated in the RoR app.
Now its time to deploy in production environment. For that, I will use an EC2 AWS instance (currently deploying using Elastic Beanstalk). As far as I understand, I can't have the same architecture here.
I would like to know your suggestions this point. Do you see any advantages or disadvantages?
Should I update my development environment, so the AngularJS app is integrated inside the RoR application (and deploy just one application)?
This is something I don't like, because I guess I have to modify many things.
On the other hand, is it possible to run both applications separately, the same way I do in development?
Can I install a node.js and a Unicorn or whichever server manually in production in the same instance?
I finally deployed with two separated applications as described above. The main difference is around the servers. My AngularJS frontend finally runs on an Nginx. And my Rails API is running on a Unicorn.

How do I deploy my rails app to Heroku using an existing SQL database?

I have an existing MySQL database and would like to build a Rails app on top of it. How do I deploy my app to Heroku but still use my existing database instead of the default PostgreSQL database?
Rephrasing the question slightly (formerly, it was "Is it possible to deploy...").
Yes. You can configure your application any way you like including specifying a non-Heroku database in your config file, and including using the default Heroku paradigm of using environment variables for config but with manually set database URLs in the environment variables.
You can either continue hosting your MySQL database separately, or migrate your data to a MySQL database hosted within the Heroku platform, like ClearDB (provided as a Heroku add-on).
Yes, although Heroku recommends that you use PostgreSQL, it is possible to migrate MySQL to Postgres with their service. They have an article in their docs for just such a scenario:
They recommend you first install the gem
If your needs are MySQL specific and you have to use heroku clearDB has and addon that you can use with your heroku app.

Deploy Neo4j on Rails

I've been developing my rails application using the gem neo4j.
When I run the server it executes an embedded neo4j server.
In production, is it ok to use this embedded server?
How can I can connect my rails application with with the standalone neo4j server?
It seems like you can use the gem neography to achieve this. Just set it up with the ip of your standalone server and you should be good to go.

Is it possible to connect single Heroku-RedisToGo from 2 different Heroku instances?

I have one Rails instance and another Node.js instance. The plan is to publish information from the Rails project using Redis's pubsub and subscribe by the Node.js program. The node.js program will publish the information to other clients through web sockets (or long polls).
The whole thing is working perfectly while deployed in combination of remote linux machines. On Heroku, Redis To Go is added as an add-on with the Rails instance. Redis can be connected and working fine from this instance.
But I am not getting how to reach to this Redis add-on from the Node.js instance. I've added REDISTOGO_URL from the environment of Rails instance to the environment of Node.js, but it's not working. Sample errors I'm getting (from logs and REPL) are
==> Error: Connection in pub/sub mode, only pub/sub commands may be used
==> false
Can somebody please show me a way how to accomplish this?
Yes, all you have to do is set the heroku config value similar to:
'heroku config:add REDISTOGO_URL=[your redis togo url]'
Heroku will then add your config var and restart your app.
You can check to make sure it's added correctly by doing a 'heroku config' on both repositories and comparing them.
