I was able to apply a "ftp-data" filter on a pcap file and was able to extract the contents of a abc.7z file. It is a password protected file and needs a password to open it. Is there a way to find the password hidden inside a pcap file that has captured FTP traffic? I tried to filter with "http" and followed HTTP and TCP streams, but there isn't any useful information there.
Aaron is correct.
If somebody were to send a password-protected file and the password over the same network, and did not send the password in some encrypted form (TLS connection, SSH session, protected Wi-Fi network, etc.), then somebody sniffing the network would be able to do exactly what you're trying to do, i.e. access the file's contents.
So, unless the password was sent in that fashion by a user who didn't know that it exposed the password, and thus the file, to sniffers or who didn't care that it exposed the password, and thus the file, to sniffers, you won't have access to the password from a network capture.
I am a beginner on mosquitto (Alpine Linux machine)
After several searches I did not find the answer
I would like to authorize MQTT messages only from one device in the network
I tried changing "aclfile.example" to "acl.acl"
user "equipment IP"
topic test
But this did not restrict the connection to only this equipment (The server can still receive messages from others)
There are several things that probably need covering here:
Mosquitto ACLs deal in users and topics, not IP addresses.
By default (at least until v2.0.0 shipped this week) mosquitto allows clients to connect without specifying a username/password. You can disable this by adding allow_annonymous false to the config file
Just renaming the example ACL file will not cause it to be loaded, you need to explicitly point to it in the config file with the acl_file directive.
You will also need to specify a password file with the password_file if you want to ensure that a specific username can only be used by authorised clients.
If you really want to limit access to a single local machine then you may do better looking to user the firewall to only accept external connections from that IP address using the firewall. e.g. iptables on Linux.
There are a couple of ways to do this. The easiest would be to define one user, and disable anonymous access. Your mosquitto.conf file would look like this:
port 1883
allow_anonymous false
password_file /etc/mosquitto/pwfile
You might have other options in your config file for things like logging and persistence, but these lines would only let clients that had the user/password connect. You then set your one username/password up in the pwfile file. Here's a great blog post about how to do that: http://steves-internet-guide.com/mqtt-username-password-example/
Keep in mind that your client node now has to also provide the username/password on the CONNECT packet, or be denied access.
Another way would be to issue an SSL cert to your client, and only allow that cert in. Again, Steve has a great blog post about how to set that up: http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/creating-and-using-client-certificates-with-mqtt-and-mosquitto/
I couldn't find exact answer.
In similar topics, people say that without Private key you can't view HTTPS response, but I am surprised, why key needed at all? For example, when browser requests https://example.com, it can read view it's html output.
And I want the same in WireShark (one of my program reads response from https://example.com and want to view just that page's outputed HTML). However, I can't understand why Private key is needed with this simple task?
If you didn't need to know the private key, an attacker wouldn't need it either – then any HTTPS traffic including login information, credit card numbers, photos, etc could be read by anybody that is on the same network as you (somebody listening to wi-fi traffic), or anywhere between you and the server (ISPs). This would be a disaster.
HTTPS (or more specifically TLS) was created for this purpose – to be able to communicate with remote parties securely without having complete trust in every single node on the way to the remote party. It relies on public-key cryptography, which makes it so that it is easy to encrypt messages with the public key, but extremely difficult (or practically impossible) to reverse the encryption without knowing the private key.
A browser which communicates with a server via HTTPS creates a link based on keys exchanged securely. Only the server and the browser know these keys, and so only the server and the browser can send and receive messages to each other.
Wireshark, even if it is running on your computer, is not running as a part of your browser and hence does not know the keys that the server and the browser agreed on. So it is impossible for it to read the traffic.
It may be somewhat surprising to know that even if somebody (Wireshark) can read all the data your browser exchanges with a server, it will not know the keys that the browser and server agreed on.
Traditionally, secure encrypted communication between two parties required that they first exchange keys by some secure physical channel, such as paper key lists transported by a trusted courier. The Diffie–Hellman key exchange method allows two parties that have no prior knowledge of each other to jointly establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel. This key can then be used to encrypt subsequent communications using a symmetric key cipher.
Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Wikipedia
I have a program in which checks a php file on a web server to see if the user is verified. The php files runs through the DB and checks and echos "verified" if they are.
Now, people are now easily bypassing the verification system by installing Xampp, routing my server to in their hosts file, and then setting a script that echos verified.
I want to be able to check the IP address of my domain to check if it is routing to
How would I go about resolving the IP address of a domain through delphi?
I used to use a similar hack to get around ICQ server-side verifications. Very convenient when I wanted to test alpha/beta builds that I was not invited to :-)
Indy, which ships with Delphi, has a TIdStack.ResolveHost() function, and a separate TIdDNSResolver component, which can both be used to get the domain's IP(s). It also has a TIdStack.LocalAddresses property to retreive the local IPv4 addresses. Or you can just use the socket API gethostbyname() or getaddrinfo() functions directly, along with platform-specific APIs to enumerate the local IPs, like the GetAdaptersAddresses() function on Windows.
However, rather than having the PHP script simply echo plain-text back to your app, a much more secure option that does not require you to verify IPs is to have your app create a dynamically generated nonce value and send it to the PHP script, then have the script process it, hash it, whatever as needed using an algorithm that only you know, and then send it back to the app. The app can perform the same algorithm and compare the results. Unless someone takes the time to reverse engineer your app, they will not be able to reproduce your algorithm or fake its results with their custom Xampp scripts.
Even better, use SSL/TLS to encrypt your connection to your domain server, and give your domain server an SSL certificate that your app can verify before it exchanges any data with your PHP script. If you do just this much, you can continue using the plain-text echo since SSL/TLS will verify you are connected to your domain for you.
If we have something like this url:
I know that example.com will be sent as plain text, but /Some/Page/index.html?id=15 is sending securely.
Now, my question is, if we have something like this:
May attackers know that I'm visiting somesubdomain.example.com? or they just can know I'm visiting example.com?
In other words, is subdomain part of url sending securely?
If the client is using Server Name Indication (most modern web browsers/platforms do), the host name (not the rest of the URL) will be visible in clear in the handshake in the server name indication extension, so both www.example.com and somesubdomain.example.com will be visible.
If the client isn't using SNI, an eavesdropper would still see the server certificates and the target IP address(es). Some certificates can be valid for multiple host names, so there may be some ambiguity, but this should give a fairly strong clue to the eavesdropper.
In addition, the same eavesdropper might be in a position to see the DNS requests (unless you've configured the hosts explicitly in your hosts file perhaps).
In general, you shouldn't assume that the host name you're trying to contact is going to be hidden. Whether it's a subdomain isn't relevant, it's the full host name as it's requested by the client that matters.
When using https all traffic between http client and server is encrypted. That does not mean it is safe, but it is encrypted according to what you refer here. Something a network sniffer can see is the ip address you communicate with. That is regardless of what network name had been resolved to that address.
Simply try yourself and use a network sniffer. I recommend wireshark.
I have built several applications in delphi using the indy components suite(version 10.5.2 i think) and they all are working. I have just finished setting up the POP3server and it works locally. I can see mail sent locally on there. I have been using "localhost" as my hostname. However, i want to graduate to a higher level of function. I want to be able to receive email from the internet such from msn, gmail, yahoo ... The problem is I don't know how to do this. What address should I be using inorder to do this? So far "myhouse#localhost" has been working but only internally; can't seem to get external mail in there. Is it possible to receive mail like this? Thanks.
You need to register a domain, and then setup its DNS records (in particular, its MX records) to point to your server machine. That way, when an email is destined for any "#yourdomain" address by any sending service, it will be routed to your server machine (which needs to run an SMTP server to receive emails - POP3 is for downloading emails from your mailbox, not for putting emails into it). If your server does not have a static IP, then you need to use a service like DynDNS to mange the DNS records for you so they can account for your dynamic IP whenever it changes.
"The Internet" doesn't use POP3 to send and receive email, it uses SMTP. Here's how email "flows" from the sending computer to the receiving computer:
Server needs to send email to address: myhome#localhost. The first thing it does is isolate the server name, that's the part after "#". Next it uses DNS to lookup the SERVER IP for the computer that's supposed to receive email for the given domain. DNS contains a special record for this purpose, it's called the "MX" record. You can use command line tools like dig on Linux or nslookup on Windows to find this address, or you can use an online tool like the one found at http://www.mxtoolbox.com/ (google found this site, I assume there are many others!).
If you try to locate the MX record for your "localhost" domain you'll obviously discover it's not possible, because it's not a fully-qualified name. You first need to get yourself an domain name, so you can register a MX record!
Things you need in order to RECEIVE email
Need an "real" IP address. Servers outside your local network need to contact your server, and they obviously need a way to do it. Make sure no routers along the way block SMTP ports.
You need to register an domain name, add a MX record and point it to your "real" IP address.
Need to run SMTP server software on your box. You can use Indy components to write one.
Things you need in order to SEND email
Theoretically sending email with SMTP is the easy part. You just contact the responsible server using SMTP and send email, that's the way the protocol works: any computer in the world may send email to any SMTP server.
Practically sending email is the most difficult thing you'd have to do, mostly because foreign SMTP servers don't trust you (ever heard of SPAM?). Here are some of the things you might need to do so foreign SMTP servers accept email from you. There's no definitive list because the protocol itself doesn't include a clear authentication mechanism, so every big SMTP server out there uses it's own heuristics to decide rather to accept email from you or not. You'll find yahoo especially fun!
You need to have REVERSE DNS for the IP you're using to send email.
You need to send from one of the SMTP servers listed in DNS as your MX servers.
Your DNS records need to have long TTL (this rules out Dynamic DNS services)
Many other things...
What people usually do?
eMail is hard, there's a surprisingly small number of full SMTP servers available for your own server: Exchange, Notes, Postfix, QMail, Sendmail. They're all notoriously difficult to configure. Most people would use hosted mail services, some people would use the SMTP services provided by the ISP, and very few would install one of the mentioned services.
If you really want to write your own SMTP server go ahead, but you might want to install one of the ready-made ones before, to get a bit of eMail and DNS experience. The Linux ones are cheap to install and may also help with development (you don't want to send too much bad email to your free yahoo address, you might get blacklisted!)
POP3 is a protocol to read email from a mailbox. The TidPOP3Server component implements a POP3 server (and AFAIK it has no host property to set...), while TidPOP3 implements a POP3 client. To read mail from GMail or any POP3 server you need a TidPOP3 component. The hostname to set is the DNS name the service instructs you to use (i.e. pop3.mydomain.com).