Converting subflows into modules in node-RED - docker

i'm new to node-red and docker. For my internship i was asked to convert a subflow into a module (in order to be in the palette of every instance of node-RED created) So, i've started with a little example showing how to add custom node as a module by following these steps (the node-RED is installed in a docker container):
connecting to an ec2 machine
going inside the container by executing the command docker exec -it mynodered /bin/bash/
and then i follow the steps as shown in this example to create the node and install it. After that i went to the "manage palette" to look for the recently installed module but it's not there ... If some one could help i will appreciate that. Thanks

Firstly, Nodes installed on the command line with npm will not show up until Node-RED is restarted.
The problem with this, in your case is that you created the node in the docker container, under normal circumstances any files you created in the running container will be lost when you restart it. This is because containers do not persist changes.
Also in the docker container the userDir is not ~/.node-red but /data.
So when you restart the container the node will likely be lost and it also will not have been installed into the node_modules directory in the /data userDir unless you have /data backed by a persistent volume.
If you want to create a node on your local machine, you can test it locally by using npm to install it and then restarting the a local instance of Node-RED to pick up the new node.
You can then use the npm pack command to create a tgz file which you can upload to the remote instance via the Palette Manager to test it in the Docker container if needed.
For longer term use of this new node you have several choices:
Publish the node to public npm with suitable tags and have it added to the public list of Node-RED nodes as described in the doc. This will allow anybody to install the node. You should ONLY do this with nodes you expect anybody to be able to use
Build a custom docker container that installs your node as part of the build process. Examples of how to do this are here
Build a custom docker container with a custom settings.js that points to a private npm repo and catalogue service that will allow you to host custom nodes. A blog post touching on this is here
Secondly the guide you are following is for building Node-RED nodes, but not for converting a subflow into a node. While it is possible to completely reimplement the subflow from scratch it will probably require recreating lots of work done in the nodes in use, this is not really an efficient approach.
There is on going work to build a tool that will automatically convert subflows into nodes but it is not ready for release just yet.
I suggest you join the Node-RED Slack or Discourse forum to be notified when it is available.


Docker for custom build process

I have an executable that performs a number of tasks such as:
Copy .NET source code to a directory
Run another executable that modifies the source code
Run MSBuild to build the code
Publish the code
Run add-migration to create database
Run another executable that populates the database from files
I've set this up on my laptop, and everything works correctly, and now I want to publish this to the cloud.
Is it possible to create a docker image that does all these kinds of things, and run it on Azure Container Instances? Or do I need to run this kind of system on a VM?
I'm new to docker so don't know what it's capable of, but if I can run it on ACI as-needed that would be great, so I'm not paying for a VM 24/7 when this process only happens a few times a day
Docker is an open source centralised plateform design to create, Deploy and run Application.Its uses OS level of virtualization.Docker uses container on host to run the application.Container is also like a Virtaul Machine but its advantage, there is no preallocation of RAM as we have in VM.
Is it possible to create a docker image that does all these kinds of
things, and run it on Azure Container Instances? Or do I need to run
this kind of system on a VM?
Yes it is possible to create docker images using docker compose yaml file . In that yaml file you need to write all the task you want to peroform and then build an images of that file and push it container registery and create a conatainer instance of it.
You can take reference of these thread for Copy source code and to add it into docker image using Dockerfile.and how to create database in docker container using yaml file

How can I save any changes of containers?

If I have one ubuntu container and I ssh to it and make one file after the container is destroyed or I reboot the container the new file was destroyed because the kubernetes load the ubuntu image that does not contain my changes.
My question is what should I do to save any changes?
I know it can be done because some cloud provider do that.
For example:
ssh ubuntu#POD_IP
mkdir new_file
after reboot I have
ssh ubuntu#POD_IP
ls shows nothing
But I want to it save my current state.
And I want to do it automatically.
If I use docker commit I can not control my images because it makes hundreds of images. because I should make images by every changes.
If I want to use storage I should mount /. but kubernetes does not allow me to mount /. and it gives me this error
Error: Error response from daemon: invalid volume specification: '/var/lib/kubelet/pods/26c39eeb-85d7-11e9-933c-7c8bca006fec/volumes/': invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid specification: destination can't be '/'
You can try to use docker commit but you will need to ensure that your Kubernetes cluster is picking up the latest image that you committed -
This is going to create a new image out of your container which you can feed to Kubernetes.
Ref -
Update 1 -
In case you want to do it automatically, you might need to store the changed state or the files at a centralized file system like NFS etc & then mount it to all running containers whenever required with the relevant permissions.
K8s ref -
Docker and Kubernetes don't work this way. Never run docker commit. Usually you have very little need for an ssh daemon in a container/pod and you need to do special work to make both the sshd and the main process both run (and extra work to make the sshd actually be secure); your containers will be simpler and safer if you just remove these.
The usual process involves a technique known as immutable infrastructure. You never change code in an existing container; instead, you change a recipe to build a container, and tell the cluster manager that you want an update, and it will tear down and rebuild everything from scratch. To make changes in an application running in a Kubernetes pod, you typically:
Make and test your code change, locally, with no Docker or Kubernetes involved at all.
docker build a new image incorporating your code change. It should have a unique tag, often a date stamp or a source control commit ID.
(optional but recommended) docker run that image locally and run integration tests.
docker push the image to a registry.
Change the image tag in your Kubernetes deployment spec and kubectl apply (or helm upgrade) it.
Often you'll have an automated continuous integration system do steps 2-4, and a continuous deployment system do the last step; you just need to commit and push your tested change.
Note that when you docker run the image locally in step 3, you are running the exact same image your production Kubernetes system will run. Resist the temptation to mount your local source tree into it and try to do development there! If a test fails at this point, reduce it to the simplest failing case, write a unit test for it, and fix it in your local tree. Rebuilding an image shouldn't be especially expensive.
Your question hints at the unmodified ubuntu image. Beyond some very early "hello world" type experimentation, there's pretty much no reason to use this anywhere other than the FROM line of a Dockerfile. If you haven't yet, you should work through the official Docker tutorial on building and running custom images, which will be applicable to any clustering system. (Skip all of the later tutorials that cover Docker Swarm, if you've already settled on Kubernetes as an orchestrator.)

Self updating docker stack

I have a docker stack deployed with 20+ services which comprise my application. I would like to know that is there a way to update this stack with the latest changes to the software from within one of the containers running as a part of the stack?
Approach i have tried:
In one of the containers for a service, mounted the docker socket and the /usr/bin/docker file and downloaded the latest compose file from the server.
Instantiated a script which downloads the latest images
Initiate a docker stack deploy with the new compose file
Everything works fine this way but if the service which is running this process itself has an update and if that docker stack deploy tries to create this service before any other service in the stack, then the stack update fails.
Any suggestion or alternative approaches for this?
There is no out of the box solution for docker swarm mode (something like watchtower for single docker). I think you already found the best solution for doing this automatically. I would suggest you put the update container (the one that is updating the services) on a ignore list. Then on one of your master nodes, create a cron that updates that one container. I know this is not a prefect solution, but it should work.
The standard way to do this is to build a new Docker image that contains your new application code. Tag it (as in the docker build -t argument) with some unique version, like a source control tag or date stamp. Start a new container with the new application code, then stop and delete the old container.
As a general rule you do not upgrade the software inside a running container. Delete the old container and start a new container with the software and version you want. Also, this is generally managed by an operator, a continuous deployment system, or an orchestration system, not by the container itself. (Mounting the Docker socket into a container is a significant security exposure.)
(Imagine setting up a second copy of your cluster that works exactly the same way as your production cluster, except that it has the software you want to deploy tomorrow. You don't want your production cluster picking that up on its own until you've tested it. This scheme should give you a reproducible deployment setup so that it's easy to start that pre-production cluster, but also give you control over which specific versions are running where.)

keep CDH container running

I am learning CDH and Docker and didn't have prior experiene in setting up both tools. After reading documentation i managed to run CDH docker in mac environment and also completed example given in quick start guid. But when next day when i started mac book again to learn something new but i didn't find my previous work which i found very strange and even couldn't see container running which seems fine to me.
What i really want to do is i don't want to loose my work even after stoping docker container. could you please guid me how do i configure docker so that i will not loose my work even after restarting docker again?
Every instance of a docker run will allocate a new filesystem, essentially starting from scratch.
If you actually want to "save" your work, then you need to volume mount (using -v docker flag) your local filesystem into the container for at least the following directories.
HDFS Data Directory
NameNode Data Directory
I think the hadoop data folders are somewhere under /var/lib/hadoop-*, by default
The better alternative for saving your workloads would be the CDH VM, where it actually has a persistent HDD associated with it.

Setting up a container from a users github source

Can be closed, not sure how to do it.
I am to be quite frank lost right now, the user whom published his source on github somehow failed to update the installation instructions when he released a new branch. Now, I am not dense, just uneducated when it comes to docker. I would really appreciate a push in the right direction. If I am missing any information from this post, please allow me to provide it in the comments.
Current Setup
O/S - Debian 8 Minimal (Latest kernel)
Hardware - 1GB VPS (KVM)
Docker - Installed with Compose (# docker info)
I am attempting to setup this (, first I should clone this git to my working directory? Lets say /home for example. I will run the following command;
git clone -b docker_and_rework
Which has successfully cloned the source files into /home/ddns/... (working dir)
Now I believe I am supposed to go ahead and build something*, so I go into the following directory;
Inside contains a docker-compose.yml file, I am not sure what this does but by looking at it, it appears to be sending a bunch of instructions which I can only presume is to do with actually deploying or building the whole container/image or magical thing right? From here I go ahead and do the following;
docker-compose build
As we can see, I believe its building the container or image or whatever its called, you get my point (here). After a short while, that completes and we can see the following (docker images running). Which is correct, I see all of the dependencies in there, but things like;
go version
It does not show as a command, so I presume I need to run it inside the container maybe? If so I dont have a clue how, I need to run 'ddns.go' which is inside /home/ddns, the execution command is;
ddns backend
I am also curious why the front end web page is not showing? There should be a page like this;
But again, I believe there is some more to do I just do not know what??
docker-compose build will only build the images.
You need to run this. It will build and run them.
docker-compose up -d
The -d option runs containers in the background
To check if it's running after docker-compose up
docker-compose ps
It will show what is running and what ports are exposed from the container.
Usually you can access services from your localhost
If you want to have a look inside the container
docker-compose exec SERVICE /bin/bash
Where SERVICE is the name of the service in docker-compose.yml
The instructions it runs that you probably care about are in the Dockerfile, which for that repo is in the docker/ddns/ directory. What you're missing is that Dockerfile creates an image, which is a template to create an instance. Every time you docker run you'll create a new instance from the image. docker run docker_ddns go version will create a new instance of the image, run go version and output it, then die. Running long running processes like the docker_ddns-web image probably does will run the process until something kills that process. The reason you can't see the web page is probably because you haven't run docker-compose up yet, which will create linked instances of all of the docker images specified in the docker-compose.yml file. Hope this helps
