How can I use Chinese letters for locals lua - lua

im trying to make locals with Chinese letters
local 屁 = p
屁 = p
none of those work
any ways to do it?

You can't do this as "屁" is not a valid Lua identifier.
Lua identifiers can only have letters, numbers and underscores and must not start with a number.
However, you can create a table with a key 屁:
local chinese_letters = {
["屁"] = p
And access it as chinese_letters["屁"], for example
local chinese_letters = {
["屁"] = 10
By the way, the correct name for these chinese characters is Hanzi


Lua unusual variable name (question mark variable)

I have stumbled upon this line of code and I am not sure what the [ ? ] part represents (my guess is it's a sort of a wildcard but I searched it for a while and couldn't find anything):
['?'] = function() return is_canadian and "eh" or "" end
I understand that RHS is a functional ternary operator. I am curious about the LHS and what it actually is.
Edit: reference (2nd example):
Actually, it is quite simple.
local t = {
a = "aah",
b = "bee",
c = "see",
It maps each letter to a sound pronunciation. Here, a need to be pronounced aah and b need to be pronounced bee and so on. Some letters have a different pronunciation if in american english or canadian english. So not every letter can be mapped to a single sound.
z = function() return is_canadian and "zed" or "zee" end,
['?'] = function() return is_canadian and "eh" or "" end
In the mapping, the letter z and the letter ? have a different prononciation in american english or canadian english. When the program will try to get the prononciation of '?', it will calls a function to check whether the user want to use canadian english or another english and the function will returns either zed or zee.
Finally, the 2 following notations have the same meaning:
local t1 = {
a = "aah",
b = "bee",
["?"] = "bee"
local t2 = {
["a"] = "aah",
["b"] = "bee",
["?"] = "bee"
If you look closely at the code linked in the question, you'll see that this line is part of a table constructor (the part inside {}). It is not a full statement on its own. As mentioned in the comments, it would be a syntax error outside of a table constructor. ['?'] is simply a string key.
The other posts alreay explained what that code does, so let me explain why it needs to be written that way.
['?'] = function() return is_canadian and "eh" or "" end is embedded in {}
It is part of a table constructor and assigns a function value to the string key '?'
local tbl = {a = 1} is syntactic sugar for local tbl = {['a'] = 1} or
local tbl = {}
tbl['a'] = 1
String keys that allow that convenient syntax must follow Lua's lexical conventions and hence may only contain letters, digits and underscore. They must not start with a digit.
So local a = {? = 1} is not possible. It will cause a syntax error unexpected symbol near '?' Therefor you have to explicitly provide a string value in square brackets as in local a = {['?'] = 1}
they gave each table element its own line
local a = {
This greatly improves readability for long table elements or very long tables and allows you maintain a maximum line length.
You'll agree that
local tbl = {
z = function() return is_canadian and "zed" or "zee" end,
['?'] = function() return is_canadian and "eh" or "" end
looks a lot cleaner than
local tbl = {z = function() return is_canadian and "zed" or "zee" end,['?'] = function() return is_canadian and "eh" or "" end}

lua tables - string representation

as a followup question to lua tables - allowed values and syntax:
I need a table that equates large numbers to strings. The catch seems to be that strings with punctuation are not allowed:
local Names = {
[7022003001] = fulsom jct, OH
[7022003002] = kennedy center, NY
but neither are quotes:
local Names = {
[7022003001] = "fulsom jct, OH"
[7022003002] = "kennedy center, NY"
I have even tried without any spaces:
local Names = {
[7022003001] = fulsomjctOH
[7022003002] = kennedycenterNY
When this module is loaded, wireshark complains "}" is expected to close "{" at line . How can I implement a table with a string that contains spaces and punctuation?
As per Lua Reference Manual - 3.1 - Lexical Conventions:
A short literal string can be delimited by matching single or double quotes, and can contain the (...) C-like escape sequences (...).
That means the short literal string in Lua is:
local foo = "I'm a string literal"
This matches your second example. The reason why it fails is because it lacks a separator between table members:
local Names = {
[7022003001] = "fulsom jct, OH",
[7022003002] = "kennedy center, NY"
You can also add a trailing separator after the last member.
The more detailed description of the table constructor can be found in 3.4.9 - Table Constructors. It could be summed up by the example provided there:
a = { [f(1)] = g; "x", "y"; x = 1, f(x), [30] = 23; 45 }
I really, really recommend using the Lua Reference Manual, it is an amazing helper.
I also highly encourage you to read some basic tutorials e.g. Learn Lua in 15 minutes. They should give you an overview of the language you are trying to use.

Iterate Chinese string in Lua / Torch

I have a lua string in Chinese, such as
str = '这是一个中文字符串' -- in English: 'this is a Chinese string'
Now I would like to iterate the string above, to get the following result:
str[1] = '这'
str[2] = '是'
str[3] = '一'
str[4] = '个'
str[5] = '中'
str[6] = '文'
str[7] = '字'
str[8] = '符'
str[9] = '串'
and also output 9 for the length of the string.
Any ideas?
Something like this should work if you are using utf8 module from Lua 5.3 or luautf8, which works with LuaJIT:
local str = '这是一个中文字符串'
local tbl = {}
for p, c in do
table.insert(tbl, utf8.char(c))
print(#tbl) -- prints 9
I haven't used non-english characters in lua before and my emulator just puts them in as '?' but something along the lines of this might work:
convert = function ( str )
local temp = {}
for c in str:gmatch('.') do
table.insert(temp, c)
return temp
This is a simple function that utilizes string.gmatch() to separate the string into individual characters and save them into a table. It would be used like this:
t = convert('abcd')
Which would make 't' a table containing a, b, c and d.
t[1] = a
t[2] = b
I am not sure if this will work for the Chinese characters but it is worth a shot.

Get an array from a string of numbers separated with comma

How can I convert a string like s = "6.1101,17.592,3.3245\n" to numbers in Lua.
In python, I usually do
a = s.strip().split(',')
a = [float(i) for i in a]
What is the proper way to do this with Lua?
This is fairly trivial; just do a repeated match:
for match in s:gmatch("([%d%.%+%-]+),?") do
output[#output + 1] = tonumber(match)
This of course assumes that there are no spaces in the numbers.

How to replace many symbols with a single word in Lua?

I must replace all of these characters, "①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩", with "\item".
I have used this code:
stra = string.gsub(text, "①", "\\item")
strb = string.gsub(stra, "②", "\\item")
strc = string.gsub(strb, "③", "\\item")
strd = string.gsub(strc, "④", "\\item")
stre = string.gsub(strd, "⑤", "\\item")
However, this is very verbose. Is there a simpler way to replace all of those items?
local symbols_trans = {
["\226\145\160"]--[[①]] = "\\item1",
["\226\145\161"]--[[②]] = "\\bananas",
["\226\145\162"]--[[③]] = "\\cactus",
["\226\145\163"]--[[④]] = "\\etc",
["\226\145\164"]--[[⑤]] = "\\item5",
["\226\145\165"]--[[⑥]] = "\\item6",
["\226\145\166"]--[[⑦]] = "\\item7",
["\226\145\167"]--[[⑧]] = "\\item8",
["\226\145\168"]--[[⑨]] = "\\item9",
["\226\145\169"]--[[⑩]] = "\\item10",
text = string.gsub(text, "(\266\145.)", symbol_trans)
Or if you want to replace them all with"\\item":
text = string.gsub(text,
[\160-\169] is equivalent to [\160\161\162\163\164\165\166\167\168\169].
See the Lua manual for information on ranges and, in general, Lua patterns.
You could also be fancy:
text = string.gsub(text,
return "\\item"..(string.byte(c)-160+1)
This will turn ① into \item1, ② into \item2, and so on.
Use a "set" as described in the tutorial:
string.gsub(text, "[①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩]", "\\item")
Is there a simpler way to replace all of those items?
Not without a Lua pattern matching library that knows what UTF-8 is. Lua is not Unicode aware; it has no idea how to search for Unicode symbols.
If you're using some non-multibyte encoding, then what John suggested might work. But not if it's UTF-8.
For your specific case, you could always do this:
local symbolsToChange { "①", "②", ...}
for i, sym in ipairs(symbolsToChange) do
string.gsub(text, sym, "\\item")
