How can I transfer pictures into iOS Simulator? - ios

I'm testing out a few things and want to do some screen grabs to show the difference depending on different pics but I can't easily get them on the device. I'm using React Native and I'm on a mac using Xcode.

You can simply drag the image into the simulator and it'll work.


How to close individual React Native emulator?

I'm running my app on a React Native emulator. I was originally emulating just the iPhone 6, and then added an iPhone 6 Plus emulator. When you add a second emulator it keeps the first one open. How do you close one of them while keeping the other open? Basically I want to de-select one of the emulators shown in the photo below:
Xcode device's emulator behaves like any other window, so you just have to Cmd+W on the one you want to close, it's like closing just one window of any other application.
And if you want to know more about Mac keyboard shortcuts, here's a link!

iOS Simulator - Dragging images from Finder Not Adding to Photos in Xcode 10

Just installed macOS Mojave and Xcode 10. I'm trying to drag images from Finder onto the Simulator to add them to Photos, which was working the day before on High Sierra and Xcode 9.
Does anyone know if Apple has changed / blocked this or if there is another solution to get local images into Photos?
As of Version 10.1 (SimulatorApp-877 CoreSimulator-581.2), I found what works for now.
For some reason keeping the Finder window in the background and keeping the simulator window in the foreground while dragging and dropping the photo into Photos app works. Selecting multiple photos does not work since trying to do that brings the Finder into foreground.
Make sure your Finder stays in the background and, no, selecting multiple images does not seem to work no matter what I have tried.
I hope this helps!
Just hold the image to Photos icon and drop it, this will help you.
-Drag a photo
For some reason, you have to hold the image you're dragging over the Simulator window for a few seconds (specifically, until the window gets into focus and the little plus symbol next to the cursor disappears). This might be a bug in Xcode 10.
The drag&drop feature works well in XCode 12. If it isn't working for you, just try to quit and reopen the simulator.

I need iOS screenshots for devices I don't have

I'm making a sticker pack for iOS, and before I can submit it to the App Store, I need to include at least one screenshot of the app from a 5.5" iPhone, and a 12.9" iPad Pro. These are both devices that I don't have.
I'm also not that well versed in photoshop, but I could learn it as I have read that that's a way to make screenshots to use for the App Store.
Thank You for your help!
You could use simulator. With your app opened in simulator press cmd+S or from menu: File -> Save Screen Shot. Screen shot will appear on your desktop.
UPD: as opposed to you'll get ready to use screen shot with size exactly as in simulator without further work like cropping it
Note: Screenshots resolution is independend of your monitor resolution. So this even works when your monitor has lower resolution than what you need for the screenshot.
use the Xcode simulator to run your app on any device you don't have. Then take screenshots using Mac OS X built-in screenshot functionality :)
P.S. make sure the simulator runs at 1:1 scale (set it in the view menu)
#Fydor's apple+s tip sounds way better
The simulator for each device is one option. However, I prefer to use a service for this. I will not plug any services, but google "iOS screenshot service" and take your pick to automate away this process. It should now be part of your app release workflow.

My app on iPad can't read photo after iOS9.3

My app only support iPhone device, it can run correctly under iOS9.2 on both iphone and iPad. But after updating to iOS9.3 and iOS9.3.1, my app on iPad can't read user's image. (Both ALAsset and PhAsset have the same problem. )
The image will return nil, and I ensure it's a bug, because it can read image correctly, when I change my support device to universal in Xcode.
Is it a bug for iOS? Or it becomes the rule? All app need to support universal ??
What's the fastest way to make myapp support iPad? I just want to use the scaling like the way iPhone app run on iPad.
I have also faced same kind of problem two days ago, I think you need to update your xcode. Update your xcode to the latest version 7.3
It worked in my case.
I met exactly the same problem and I fixed it.
I can't find any quick solution, and I decide to make my app into support universal.
This means support both iPad and iPhone.
The main efforts are the resolution issues. iPhone is 16:9(320x568 for logical resolution) and iPad is 4:3(768x1024 for logical resolution).
To speed up the modification and no change for my art images, so I put my content int the middle on 4:3 screen.
One good thing to support iPad, users can easily search on app store when he use iPad.

iOS app not displaying correctly iPad

I am working on an App which should be able to run on iPhones and iPads.
I have been able to run it on iPhones and it is displaying perfectly. But when I run it on an iPad the App itself is very zoomed in. I am not sure what main issue.
This is how it displays on iPad:
And this is how it comes up on an iPhone:
Any idea how to fix it or what the issue is?
Your app isn't made to run on the iPad. When displayed on the iPad, it just stretches the display of the iPhone version (you can see that by the 1x button on the lower right corner of the screen). You need to setup your XCode project as a Universal App (instead of it being just for iPhone) and then you'll be able to take advantage of the entire iPad screen and design the display especially for it.
You can set the app as Universal on your project properties in XCode:
