Connect Slack to Stripe - zapier

My company uses Stripe with many of our clients. We have 1 phone number that is linked to all accounts and our team is constantly asking what the 2 step code is to login to Stripe account. Is there a way to connect to Slack so we get codes there versus someone having to manually add to stripe for team member requesting code? Thanks so much!

This may not be possible by Zapier. You will have to do this via or other services such as


Where can I find the information or documentation to allow a stripe connected account to add bank information within my app?

I have been looking for documentation or tutorials which show what to do in order to allow a creator (who already has a connect account (it was created when he first authenticated)) to add the banking information necessary for him to withdraw funds from his connect account (transfer his funds).
How app works:
Creator makes an account like on patreon.
User subscribes to creator like on patreon.
How can I allow the express connected account add his details?
Here are some links I have gatherd but don't seem to contain info on how to:
It depends on what type of Account.
Standard Accounts:
Express Accounts:
Custom Accounts:
For express accounts redirect users to stripes onboarding
I emailed them for info before I got this answer. I will include their info here:
I understand you would like to know how a user can input their bank account information on the client-side.
As per in docs Stripe will handle onboarding, account management, and identity verification for your platform, which means you can onboard users very quickly. This is done by using the OAuth connection flow, after this, your user will be able to connect to your platform.
You can test this by trying the sample we have using Rocket Rides. Also, here you will be able to find the demo’s source code.
On the other hand, if you are referring to updating this information after the onboarding, this is done by logging on the Express Dashboard, and you can achieve this by integrating with the Express Dashboard.
Extra info:
This is especially helpful:

ios Stripe payment(Account to Account Transfer)

I am making an application in Objective-C(iOS). I want to transfer some amount from my account to the other account using my application.
Case: The transfers will be user specific.
1.There will be a user who will post his need for money.
2.The other person who wants to help him will contact him in personal chat.
3.There will be a payment option from where the donator will send money to the person in need.
Please help if anybody is having knowledge about it, as I haven't worked with stripe before.
Thanks in advance.
The first step would be setting up Stripe
The tutorial uses Heroku which handles the backend side of the payments.
Here is the documentation
Just incase you're looking for a way to do this with Firebase, check out my answer here Swift Firebase Stripe Connect
The next step would be altering your Stripe project to work for Stripe Connect
The documentation for Stripe connect is here
You basically need to setup your account to allow for users to sign up as 'Connected accounts' that can receive payments. Your stripe account takes the payment and then dishes out to the connected account accordingly, it needs to be setup in the node server.
Stripe has an example project that uses Stripe connect which is what you're looking for, this handles marketplace style payments.
Take a look at their project. The concept is that users can sign up online and be accepted for payments.
Here is the project
and the demo website

Where can I find the status of my OAuth Developer Verification request? (Google)
Per google's recent security change, I've completed the above OAuth Developer Verification form 7 days ago. However, I received no response or an e-mail to acknowledge receipt of this form from the Google Developers team.
Can anyone direct me to where I can find out the status of my request and/or a contact number or address so I can find out more?
Many, many thanks in advance!
Can you please provide some more information. For e.g. what were the scopes you are going to ask for, and if your application is for personal/public/gsuite use ?
If this is a personal app, you can just join the Google group Risky Access Permissions By Unreviewed Apps.
Also have you verified your domain via the Search Console ?
Additional F.A.Q
Edit #2.
I let the team reviewing the app know and they will reach out to you when the review is done. Currently, there is no place to check for the status of a review.

Paypal SDK Client ID

I'm confused about the Client ID I have to enter here. I found a few similar answers, but they are all old and don't answer my question.
So I have to enter my Client ID's here:
PayPalMobile.initializeWithClientIds(forEnvironments: [PayPalEnvironmentProduction: "HERE", PayPalEnvironmentSandbox: "HERE"])
But I don't know if I have to create REST API credentials or SDK credentials
I tried REST API first, but it didn't work.
And do I only need client ID's? So I don't have to enter the secrets to the email addresses anywhere?
All you need is to go to paypal developer account then
1- Go to Dashboard.
2- Create app.
3- you will find two tabs(sandbox and production) each one will give you an id to test on either modes.
you should also create testing accounts to make testing payments in sandbox mode
Here is a good documentation for Paypal mobile.

Stripe Connect payment in iOS

We want to integrate Stripe Connect with iOS application to transfer amount from one person to person.
Let's say, I want to transfer $100 to my sister's account using Stripe Connect Standalone/Managed Account. And we also want to take business commission from sender which includes stripe commission also.
We have gone through Sharing Customers also but won't be able to find any solution for Stripe Connect with iOS SDK.
We have also checked iOS SDK.
Can anyone please guide us how to integrate Stripe Connect with iOS mobile app in above scenario?
How can we transfer payment to end customer?
Do we need to integrate through iOS SDK or web page?
Stripe's iOS and Android SDKs serve the same purpose in a mobile application as Checkout or Stripe.js do in a web application: they take payment information and produce a token in return.
Once the token has been created, it must then be sent to a backend server where it can be used in API requests sent with the secret key. You can't create charges or transfers directly from your mobile app -- that must be handled by an external server.
(Also, please note that there might be compliance issues with what you're trying to do. I recommend you reach out to Stripe's support to explain your usecase and make sure it's something that Stripe can support.)
You can easily integrate Stripe Connect with your iOS app check the following link
Once you connect your stripe user id with server you can create charges and application fee using Stripe Api's from backend
