Issue with docker-compose support while installing VECTR - docker

I am trying to install VECTR on the GCP Ubuntu instance and following the official writeup for the same.
I used apt-get to install requirements (docker-ce, docker-ce-cli,, docker-compose, unzip) on Ubuntu (GCP).
But while trying to run docker-compose up -d , I am getting issues with the docker-compose version.
ERROR: Version in "./docker-compose.yml" is unsupported. You might be seeing this error because you're using the wrong Compose file version. Either specify a version of "2" (or "2.0") and place your service definitions under the services key, or omit the version key and place your service definitions at the root of the file to use version 1.
Changed docker-compose.yml file and padded version to 2.
But now getting a different issue:
ERROR: Invalid interpolation format for "ports" option in service "tomcat": "${VECTR_PORT:-8081}:8443"

The docker-compose distro has been deprecated. Instead, you should install docker-compose-plugin. This is going to be more important over time because the versions are getting very far apart (currently 1.25.X vs 2.6.X). Instead of executing docker-compose up, you will now execute the command:
docker compose up


How to use fscrawler in ubuntu?

Is it possible to use fscrawler in ubuntu? I have used on windows and it works fine. When I try to follow the same implementation on ubuntu I am getting all kind of errors.
First I just tried to pull the docker image and run it according to this guide and getting the image with docker pull dadoonet/fscrawler
When I tried to run it with docker run -it --rm -v /home/index:/root/.fscrawler -v /home/messages:/tmp/es:ro dadoonet/fscrawler fscrawler job_name I got this error
/usr/bin/fscrawler: 47: /usr/bin/fscrawler: ps: not found
ERROR StatusLogger Reconfiguration failed: No configuration found for '4e0e2f2a' at 'null' in 'null'
After that I tried to fllow this tutorial fscrawler tutorial to install it and use it in linux. Idownloaded the fscrawler-es7-2.8-SNAPSHOT version, but running bin/fscrawler resumes in the folder where I unzipped the files just gave me this error bin/fscrawler: command not found
Is there any way to use fscrawler in a linux system?
It's a bug on Docker. (
If you install it manually (install the JVM and FSCrawler) it should work well.

Dockerfile Alpine Mariadb latest with SphinxSE

I have a Dockerfile for MariaDB 10.1.26 which I use in connection with SphixSE.
Defining Dockerfiles for versions 10.4.18 and 10.5.9 along the same lines is easy, but SphinxSE cannot be installed.
Specifically the command INSTALL SONAME 'ha_sphinx'; raises an enigmatic error.
What can I do to make it work with these versions, too?
For the time being it cannot be done. shows that the package does not support SphinxSE. shows that MariaDB does not support Alpine.

Docker for Windows "The system cannot find the path specified" when trying to install Shopware 6 locally

I'm using Docker for Windows and I am trying to install Shopware 6 with the dockware image.
When I enter command:
docker cp shopware:/var/www/html/. ./src
it copies some files, but after some waiting time I get the following error:
C:\mypath\src\vendor\shopware\administration\Resources\app\administration\node_modules\.cache\terser-webpack-plugin\content-v2\sha512\69\3c\9b1ea7d80f60c821b53797c0afe66e6b56c9637c96d7e70bbd16d7911ef6cd73eae0ac183fa8811f363a3c04742ad3efd1254748e650129d83c4b10522cb: The system cannot find the path specified
I also tried to install it on a different Windows-PC - same error.
Docker for Windows v 3.2.2
I'm following these installation instructions:
What I tried so far
using Windows cmd/Powershell/VSCode terminal
starting terminal(s) as administrator
using Docker for Windows v
using dockware/dev:6.3.2
Enable NTFS long paths (registry entry HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem)
It worked a few months ago, I don't know whats different this time...
Any ideas?
The error your are seeing is related to the webpack cache. Webpack is used to build the frontend code for shopware.
If the webpack processes are running, this cache can change often.
I would say this error is quite random and it's safe to ignore this error and try it again. What happens if you do you? Do you get an error on the same path or on a new one?

./ Error: Ubuntu focal is not supported

I'm trying to use composer and for the same I'm using the below command for installation.
curl -O
chmod u+x
These above commands successfully executed.
But when I executed this command (./ then I'm getting below error
Terminal Throws Error ///Ubuntu focal is not supported
Please help
Hyperledger Composer Installation
I also find this kind of error during Hyperledger Composer installation this problem mainly depends on the Ubuntu version.
Steps to overcome this problem.
upgrade ubuntu version as per your ubuntu versoin please follow:
open file with your compatible editor
update line:
#Array of supported versions
declare -a versions=('trusty' 'xenial' 'yakkety', 'bionic');
# Array of supported versions
declare -a versions=('trusty' 'xenial' 'yakkety', 'bionic', 'focal');
After saving this file
Run command: ./
I hope this problem will resolve if anything please feel free to write.

Cant load CSS with Docker installation on Superset

I installed superset following these steps using Docker but when I go to http://localhost:8088/superset there is no CSS. Furthermore, every time I try to create a chart I get sent back to the main page. Like, if I hit http://localhost:8088/chart/add I get the same static interface of http://localhost:8088/superset
I am trying to install on a MacBookPro 2018.
Link to installation steps I followed
Code I used
git clone
cd incubator-superset/contrib/docker
docker-compose run --rm superset ./
docker-compose up
I installed Apache Superset, docker version and I faced the similar issue. When I logged into the superset container by running docker exec I found that webpack.js was taking time to compile source. Once done it loaded perfectly.
Sometimes it takes time to build the superset_node package, which is responsible for compiling the UI components. In order to force-build them without waiting,
docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
