Not accepted binary during upload to App Store Connect - ios

I am trying to upload a new release from my iOS app to App Store Connect, but I am getting always an error message while uploading the binary.
Here you have the error message:
I have created the new release version in App Store Connect, as always:
And as far as I know there is not version "9" anywhere.
Here you have a screenshot from the app identity panel from Xcode.
What am I doing wrong. I am not doing anything not done before to upload a new release from the app.

You need to update the version number and build number before uploading to app store.
-Version number you should increment when your previous version is live and ready for sale.
-Build number you have to increment when previous build is failed after uploading.
-Every time you have to give new build id increment by one. e.g Your version is 2. so can have build : 2.0,2.1,2.2 and so on.
For your case version 2.1 is closed for previous release either you can use 2.2 or 3.0. and for build you can use 61.


iOS application build uploading issue

I have successfully uploaded my iOS build on App Store today. Its been more then 5 hours now and the build is still not shown in Activities. I am using Xcode 10.1 to upload build and uploaded build using Xcode update build option. What needs to be done. I have tried to upload the same build again, but got "Redundant binary upload" error.
I had a similar issue. I upload a version with build number 2 and it was totally disappeared, I didn't find it anywhere and I can not re-upload it. I upload another build with number 3.
My app was approved and everything is okay. Today I received an email from Apple which said that I already have a build with a bigger version and I have to upload a new build bigger than 3.
I think somehow the service just hanged for a while(at least 2 days). But it hangs only the specific upload of build and it is not affecting the app.
You have several options:
Just wait
Create a new build with a bigger build number
Create a new version.
I did the second option and it was okay
Change the version of the app for example if it was 1.0 -> change it to 1.0.1 or 1.1
But you don't have to change the build if the app is not published to the App Store yet. Also make sure the build has been changed inside the .plist, that happens sometimes.
when you upload through Xcode to iTunesConnect it's can take a lot of time to process your build so just wait and it'll be finished eventually.

Trying to re-upload app compilation to iTunes Connect

Alright, I'm trying to upload my first app to the App Store, at first it got rejected due to a simple bug, But I can't figure out how to re upload the fixed version to iTunes Connect. When I try to send it through Xcode ou Application Loader, I get the following error:
The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken.
The app's version is 1.0, the build number is 1. I can't figure out how to replace the older rejected compilation with the new one. Every time I try sending a new compilation, I get this error. I already tried changing the app's version and bundle numbers. I also can't make a new version or even delete the app from iTunes Connect.
I'm using Xcode 9.
I probably rejected the rejected build, so the app's status is "ready to send" again, like in the beginning.
The error you have mentioned, does not seem to be about the version, but rather the app name. Its been asked and answered already
For versioning :
Read the Technical note on Version Numbers and Build Numbers.
Specifically :
For every new build you submit, you will need to invent a new build
number whose value is greater than the last build number you used (for
that same version).
You you will have to bump your build number.
Turns out it was the app's name (Display name)! Looks like that if you compile it with a different display name than what's on iTunes Connect, it will get you that error!

New version upload on TestFlight after prior version is already on App store

I have developed app and so many times I have uploaded on iTunes connect (TestFlight). Like :
Version Build
1.5 —> 1.0 This build is live — on App Store
1.4 —> 1.9
1.4 —> 1.8
1.4 —> 1.7
1.4 —> 1.6
1.3 —> 1.9
1.3 —> 1.8
and so on…..
Now I need to update one change and want to give for testing to my other friends, So I am trying to upload new version `1.5 —> 1.1’ on iTunes connect (TestFlight) through Xcode, but it gives error like : Version must be higher than the existing version on iTunes connect.
Before making live, I have uploaded so many build for the same version and same via Xcode , at that time it is done successfully uploaded.
Then why it gives me error now ?
What it means to say ?
How can I upload on TestFlight for testing ?
Please suggested me, what should I do.
It could be due to your app has become Live (Ready For Sale) on the AppStore.
I think Apple consider the version life cycle completed once the version is available to public users via AppStore.
In your case, 1.5 (1) is Live on AppStore which means version 1.5 life cycle completes with final version being 1.5 (1).
So, you would not be able to add any further new build with 1.5 version. Instead, you should create a new version higher than 1.5, i.e., 1.5.1, 1.6, and then upload the builds to that newly created version.
This is just my assumption, not 100% sure.
For me.. i regularly updating build(not version) and uploading the it to testflight and works, even i have uploaded it today just 1 hour ago and it worked fine. I think, you should clean->build and do same process again. Sometimes after changing build number, you might not have build the target and directly archived, in that case, such a errors are thrown by Apple.
So the probable solution is to just
clean->build -> archieve .... do same process again and upload it to appstore.
I had the same Issue. I released 1.0 build 5 to App Store(live). Had to make some quick changes, so tried to change the build number and released to Test Flight through iTunes Connect. I got no warnings or any errors. However, when I login to iTunesConnect and check in Activity tab the build number for that specific version says "The build is invalid" with a red exclamation.
Solution: Just increase the version no, not the build no if the app is already live.

How do you replace a rejected app store binary if the version number should not be incremented?

My app store submission was rejected and I'm trying to upload a replacement.
This answer says the version number should not be incremented:
When I resubmit my app after a rejection do I need to increment the version number?
On the iTunesConnect build page I deleted the previous build that got rejected and saved the page, but then when trying to submit the new archive from Xcode I got the Redundant Binary Upload error.
So if I'm not supposed to increment the build number, but I've already deleted the original build, and I still can't submit the new version how do I proceed?
Keep the same version number, but change your build number.
For example, if the original Version is 1.0 and the original Build is 1.0, you can keep the Version as 1.0 but change the Build to 1.0.1 to avoid that error.

Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '1.0' is closed for new build submissions

Xcode's organizer gives us this error message:
Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '1.0' is closed for new build submissions With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90186 for id 12abcb34-fdc5-6b7c-bf90-d589b9204aec
when sending a new build to App Store Connect in these cases:
1st case: apps were in "waiting for review status", we have removed them from this status prior sending the new build (with a new build version)
2nd case: Binary was rejected and we've tried to send a new build (with a new version too)
In all these cases, we've got this same message like the status of the app is still "in review" or "waiting for review". It's not a question of time because for some apps it is still the same problem 24h after having removed the apps from review.
And since the apps have been removed from review, or rejected, there is no more previous builds in the build section.
What is the issue here and how can I fix it?
In my case Simple answer is when your iOS "Version" x.y is uploaded to production/app store or sent for review then you cannot upload that version again and it doesn't matter if you have changed "Build".
I dont know why xcode simple didn't ask to "Update application version as current version was sent for review already"
Target app w app store icon > Build settings > Versioning > then increment Current Project Version & Marketing Version
