Webhooks for Zapier - zapier

I am having some trouble using the webhooks Zap with another program called FileStage. I have the Catch Hook and Get enabled. I've been able to do this on one Zap but when I duplicated it (because I need more than 3 paths) it no longer works on the duplicated zaps. I also tested this through the sample data and it worked file, it's just not running with new data.
Any help that you can lend would be appreciated as it helps us streamline our workflow to ensure nothing's missed.

I've been able to do this on one Zap but when I duplicated it (because I need more than 3 paths) it no longer works on the duplicated zaps)
Each duplicated zap gets its own Webhook Url, so you'll need to set up multiple outgoing webhooks in FileStage.


Autodesk Forge App config; how to set multiple callbacks?

I have a new Forge App and it works for retrieving OAuth token for the one configured site (local, currently). Their documentation says that you can configure multiple callbacks for an app, but I only saw room for the one, and there were no examples. Can I just list them all separated by semicolons, or other punctuation?
When I did this exact same thing with configuring a Procore App, they had a text box and it was clear and easy to enter multiple callback locations. Forge, not so much.
Thanks in advance!
I have not experimented with trying to add multiple callbacks on one line because those environments are not ready yet for testing (but I would prefer to know the correct technique before proceeding!)

Using Zapier to process a backlog of existing emails in GMail?

I've successfully set up a Zap to process new emails matching a given search in my Gmail account (extracting info and adding it to a Google Sheet). But I'd like to make it process the 145 existing matching emails already archived in my Gmail as well. Is there a way to accomplish this?
David here, from the Zapier Platform team. Unfortunately, Zapier is built around doing ongoing work, not a single task. Polling is specifically designed to only process new things after the zap has been turned on. So, you'll have to cheat a bit.
For the purposes of your backlog you could set the gmail filter to look for what it's set to now, plus a label (say, zapier-backlog). If you do the search right now, it should be empty (and a poll on the zap with that search shouldn't return anything). After you turn the zap on, add that label to all emails you want processed, and the'll show up as "new" to the zap and all get processed accordingly.
Once that's done, you'll want to remove those changes and only have it process new emails. Hope this helps. ​Let me know if you've got any other questions!

Revulytics data not showing in Dashboard

I am using Revulytics SDK to track feature usage and came across the below problem.
I am sending feature usage after properly setting up the SDK configuration etc, using the EventTrack() method like this:
GenericReturn grTest = telemetryObj.EventTrack("FeatureUsage", textBoxName.Text.ToString(), null, false);
This returns OK and usually, I can see the usage data in the dashboard. However, after multiple tests, the data I am sending does not show up on the dashboard.
Can anyone hint me how to debug this? Thanks for any help!
I hit a similar issue when first working with this SDK.
I was able to address this as soon as I understood the following:
There are event quotas for the incoming events;
Event names are used for making the distinction.
So when I was sending dummy test data, it made it there, but when I sent some demo data for stakeholders, it was not showing up.
I think the same happens here. You're getting the event name form textbox.text... Pretty sure that varies every time you run the code.
Here are the things to keep in mind when testing your code:
the server has a mechanism to discard / consider events;
implicitly, it allows first xx events depending on the quota;
if you are sending more than xx events, they will not show up in reports.
So, you must control which events to discard and which to consider (there are a couple of levels you can configure, and based of them you can get the events in various types of reports).
Find the "Tracked Events Whitelist Management". You will be able to control these things form there.
This blog helped me (it is not SDK documentation): https://www.revulytics.com/blog/getting-started-with-usage-intelligence-part2-event-tracking
Good luck!

JIRA- How to immigrate data from an issue to another?

Currently I am working on a Jira project and in that project I have built a workflow. The workflow runs with a single issue and runs successfully.
This workflow mainly consists of 2 parts. In the 1st part, the authorizations are set and approved. In the 2nd part some assignments are being conducted according to the authorizations that have been set in the first part.
This workflow works well but I have been asked to implement this project with 2 different workflows which will be run by 2 different issues.
So my question is, how can I migrate data from the first issue to the second issue? Somehow I need to transfer the authorization info to the second issue so that the second workflow will be able to run.
Thanks a lot.
Once the authorization is complete you could change the issue type to a type which uses the second workflow. If you want to retain the authorization record, you could clone the first issue and then change the issue type of the clone.
A late respond: I achieved this by using the sub-task mechanism. I also used post-functions in the workflow which made me able to get the authorization data from the first issue.

Emails for concurrent jenkins builds without waiting

I am using Jenkins 1.495.
The problem is that when concurrent builds are enabled emails will not be sent until all the builds finish.
I have followed the issue and it stems from the fact that all builtin email notifications actions all have triggers which are dependent on previous builds so that they can know if the current build is 'still failing' or 'fixed' or 'broken' or 'still success' etc etc. This can be easily seen here.
I want to know how to send emails without waiting for other builds, via:
An existing plugin that can solve my problem.
Write or adapt my own email plugin.
A clever solution that I would never have thought of.
If I am to write or adapt my own email plugin, I would like to know if anyone has any experience with this, or a solution they might already have that they could share.
I have a similar situation.
I am thinking of using a trigger parameterized build to trigger a secondary job to send out the email.
I decided I should put an answer here (it's been a few years since the question was asked)
I solved this by simply writing the email report myself, and not using the built-in.
I know this doesn't solve the problem, but that's my workaround.
In fact, eventually we simply moved the entire process from Jenkins to our own scripts, and just used Jenkins as a web interface.
