Setting a column to equal the negative of a row in Google Sheets - google-sheets

The Google Sheets API seems vague and I'm probably just too tired.
function onEdit(e) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var positives = sheet.getRange("D3:AG3");
var negatives = sheet.getRange("C4:C33");
for (i=0;i<positives.getLastColumn();i++) {
var j = positives[i]*-1;
I'm sure I'm doing eight things wrong but if someone is more familiar with Google Sheets, please throw a brick at me.

First, positives is a ranges, and you need to use getValues() to get an array that you can manipulate.
Second, it's not recommended to use Sheets API methods inside loops, the best practice is to manipulate arrays in loops and then use single get and set values API to read / write to a range.
Sample Code:
function onEdit(e) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var positives = sheet.getRange("D3:AG3").getValues();
var negatives = sheet.getRange("C4:C33");
var result = [];
for (i = 0; i < positives[0].length; i++) {
result.push([positives[0][i] * -1]);
Sample Output: (I only put values in three rows)

Avoid using onEdit for these kind of changes as it will be resource intensive. You are changing all the values of the column into negative of the row EVERY TIME you edit the sheet (Unless that should be the case)
If you really want to use onEdit, be sure to limit it only when the specific range is edited.
function onEdit(e) {
const row = e.range.getRow();
const column = e.range.getColumn();
// if edited range is within D3:AG3
if(row == 3 && column >= 4 && column <= 33) {
// write to the corresponding row (invert col and row)
e.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(column, row).setValue(e.value * -1);
Behaviour of the onEdit function is that when you edit the range D3:AG3, it will negate its value and write into its corresponding destination, one by one.
If you edit D3, it will assign that negative value into C4, nothing more.
If you edit outside the positive range, it will not do anything.
Another approach is to copy your positive row into negative column by transforming your data structure into the destination by bulk.
function rowToColumn() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var pRange = sheet.getRange("D3:AG3");
var pValues = pRange.getValues();
// pValues is a 2D array now
// row range values = [[1, 2, 3, ...]
var negatives = sheet.getRange("C4:C33");
// column range values = [[1], [2], [3], ...]
// since structure of row is different than column
// one thing we can do is convert the row into column structure
// and multiply each element with -1, then assign to negatives
pValues = {
item = {
return [col * -1];
return item;
// set values into the negatives range
Behaviour of the rowToColumn function is that it transfers all the values of the row range and then put it into negatives range all at once.
Blank cells will yield 0 by default, add a condition on return [col * -1]; if you want blank cells to return other values instead.


getRange variable range

I am trying to use a google sheet to rank a list of elements. This list is continually updated, so it can be troublesome to update the list if i already have hundreds of elements ranked and need to rank 10 new ones. Rather than having to re-rank some of the previously ranked elements every time (whether manually or using formulas), i thought it easier to write a macro that would re-rank for me.
1 - element A
2 - element B
3 - element C
new element: element D
For instance if i wanted element D to be ranked 2nd, i would need to change element B to 3 and element C to 4. This is tedious when doing hundreds of elements.
Here is my code so far but I get stuck with the getRange lines. Rankings are in column A.
function RankElements() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
var r = s.getActiveCell();
var v1 = r.getValue();
var v2 = v1 + 1
var v3 = v2 + 1
var lastRow = s.getLastRow();
s.getRange(1,v3).autoFill(s.getRange(1,v3+":"+1,lastRow), SpreadsheetApp.AutoFillSeries.DEFAULT_SERIES);
s.getRange(1,v3+":"+1,lastRow).copyTo(s.getActiveRange(), SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES, false);
s.getFilter().sort(1, true);
You can do the following:
Iterate through all values in column A.
For each value, check if (1) ranking is equal or below the new one, and (2) it's not the element that is being added.
If both these conditions are met, add 1 to the current ranking.
It could be something like this:
function RankElements() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
const row = cell.getRow();
const newRanking = sheet.getActiveCell().getValue();
const firstRow = 2;
const columnA = sheet.getRange(firstRow, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 1).getValues()
.map(row => row[0]); // Retrieve column A values
for (let i = 0; i < columnA.length; i++) { // Iterate through column A values
if (columnA[i] >= newRanking && (i + firstRow) != row) {
sheet.getRange(firstRow + i, 1).setValue(columnA[i] + 1); // Add 1 to ranking
sheet.getFilter().sort(1, true);

Limiting query for one result where there is 2 values are matching

I am trying to query 2 long columns for agents' name, the issue is the names are repeated on 2 tables, one for the total sum of productivity and the other is for total sum of utilization.
The thing is when I query the columns it returns back the numbers for Productivity and Utilization all together.
How can I make the query to search only for Productivity alone and for Utilization alone?
Link is here:
Apps Script would be a better solution in this case. The code below works as follows:
Gets the names from Column D and Column A.
For each name of Column D, it will compare it with each name of Column A (that's the 2 for loops)
If the names coincide (first if), it will check the background color (second if) of the Column A name to accumulate Total Prod and Total Util.
Once it reaches the end of the Column A, writes the values in Total Prod and Total Util (Columns E and F) for each name in D.
function onOpen() { //Will run every time you open the sheet
//Gets the active Spreadsheet and sheet
let sprsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheet = sprsheet.getActiveSheet();
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var getNames = sheet.getRange(3, 1, lastRow).getValues(); //Names from row 2, col 1, until the last row
var totalNames = sheet.getRange("D4:D5").getValues(); //Change the range for more names
let prodColor = '#f2f4f7'; //hexadecimal codes of the background colors of names in A
let utilColor = '#cfe2f3'; //
for (var i = 0; i < totalNames.length; i++) {
var totalProd = 0, totalUtil = 0; //Starts at 0 for each name in D
for (var j = 0; j < getNames.length; j++) {
if (totalNames[i][0] == getNames[j][0]) {
if (sheet.getRange(j + 3, 1).getBackgroundObject().asRgbColor().asHexString() == prodColor) { //if colors coincide
totalProd += sheet.getRange(j + 3, 2).getValue();
} else if (sheet.getRange(j + 3, 1).getBackgroundObject().asRgbColor().asHexString() == utilColor) {
totalUtil += sheet.getRange(j + 3, 2).getValue();
sheet.getRange(i+4, 5, 1 ,2).setValues([[totalProd, totalUtil]]);
Note: You will have to run the code manually and accept permissions the first time you run it. After that it will run automatically each time you open the Sheet. It might take a few seconds for the code to run and to reflect changes on the Sheet.
To better understand loops and 2D arrays, I recommend you to take a look at this.
Range Class
Get Values
Get BackgroundObject
Set Values
You can learn more about Apps Script and Sheets by following the Quickstart.

Google Sheets - Script to change cell value based on several cells values

I have been searching for a while and trying to work together a script from various answered topics that will allow me to adjust an adjacent cells content based on the data entered. I cannot seem to get it to work properly and need some help steering the ship the right direction. Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
--If the value of cell A2:A is a six digit number AND the value of cell D2:D (same row) is "MATCH" then the value for cell B2:B should be set to "ANN"
--If the value of cell A2:A is a six digit number AND the value of cell D2:D (same row) is "NO MATCH" then the value for cell B2:B should be set to "ANN" and a drop-down data validation list of ['ANN','RNW'] populate WITH the default value of the list set to "ANN"
--If the value of cell A2:A has a length of seven or greater characters then a drop-down data validation list of ['1DY','RNW','NEW'] populate WITH the default value of the list set to "1DY"
Is it even possible to set the value of a data validation cell to a specific, default value? This is important as when the user is entering data they will more than likely accept the default value. If they don't want the default value then they can select a value from the drop-down list.
I built a test sheet which shows the what the sheet should look like when data is filled out in column A and the associated values in column B.
My test is here:
Here is the cobbled together script I was attempting to build (I too find it funny). This is my first attempt to right a Google Script to run on a spreadsheet.
function onEdit() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var aSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var aCell = aSheet.getActiveCell();
var aColumn = aCell.getColumn();
var aRow = aCell.getRow();
//var licenseStatus = aSheet.getRange(aRow, aColumn+9).getValue();
// The row and column here are relative to the range
// getCell(1,1) in this code returns the cell at B2, B2
var licenseTypeCell = aSheet.getRange(aRow, aColumn+1);
if (aColumn == 1 && aSheet.getName() == 'Onsite') {
if (isnumber(aCell) && (len(aCell) <= 6)) {
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(['ANN','RNW']).build();
} else {
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(['1DY','RNW','NEW']).build();
Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You are on the right track, few minor changes. Below you will find some new function to be used in your code.
1) getValue() You get your cell using var aCell = aSheet.getActiveCell() i.e the cell that was edited. But to get the value of the cell you will need to do the following aValue = aCell.getValue()
2) isNaN() To check if the aValue (as determined above) is a number or not. You will use a function called isNaN(aValue). Google script uses javascript platform and hence we need to use functions from javascript. This is different from an inbuilt function you use in a google spreadsheet. It returns True if the value is Not A Number(NAN). Hence, we use a not operator(!) to flip the return value, like so
3) Number of digits There is no len function in google scripts, hence to determine if the number is 6 digits long you can do the following
if(aValue < 1000000)
Your final code will look something like this:
function onEdit() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var aSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var aCell = aSheet.getActiveCell();
var aColumn = aCell.getColumn();
var aRow = aCell.getRow();
//var licenseStatus = aSheet.getRange(aRow, aColumn+9).getValue();
// The row and column here are relative to the range
// getCell(1,1) in this code returns the cell at B2, B2
var licenseTypeCell = aSheet.getRange(aRow, aColumn+1);
var aValue = aCell.getValue()
if (aColumn == 1 && aSheet.getName() == 'Main') {
if (!isNaN(aValue) && aValue < 1000000) {
var matchCell = aSheet.getRange(aRow, aColumn+3).getValue()
//The above gets value of column D (MATCH or NO MATCH)
if(matchCell == "MATCH"){ //Check if Col D is MATCH
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(['ANN','RNW']).build();
} else {
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(['1DY','RNW','NEW']).build();
Also, note the addition of the following lines to check for col D Value
var matchCell = aSheet.getRange(aRow, aColumn+3).getValue()
//The above gets value of column D (MATCH or NO MATCH)
if(matchCell == "MATCH"){ //Check if Col D is MATCH

Google sheets- loop search column, select tow

I have a google spreadsheet that i have one last problem i cant seem to solve.
i added a button to this script, and when i press the button it triggers the AddClient function.
How can i make the script below loop down all rows in column 3 searching for the yes value, when it finds it, copy the row below it to sheet "client" and then stop?
function AddClient(event) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
if(s.getName() == "SETUP" && r.getColumn() == 3 && r.getValue() == "yes") {
var row = r.getRow() + 1; // Add 1 to the active row
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("client");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 2, 1, 4).copyTo(target, {contentsOnly:true}); //Only selecting column 2, then the following 4 columns
Example document:
Any help greatly appreciated!
Since you have a static form the position of the informatin to be copied will not change
Since we know we want to copy over the data we won't need to do any validation of where we are so all of that stuff can go
Sheets have an appendRow method that take care of the bookkeeping involved with finding the last row
This allows us to simplify the script to the following:
function AddClient() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var data = ss.getSheetByName("SETUP").getRange(25, 2, 1, 4).getValues()[0];
To remove duplicates you could do the following:
function AddClient() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var data = ss.getSheetByName("SETUP").getRange(25, 2, 1, 4).getValues()[0];
var clients = ss.getSheetByName("client").getDataRange().getValues();
if (!clients.filter(function(row) {return data.join("|") === row.join("|");})) {
Note that for the particular example there are some problems because the leading zero gets cut off. Sheets is a bit weird and sometimes tries to force the format to be a number even when you set the cells' formats to Text...

add negative numbers up when 2 or more successive values are negative

Let's say you have a row containing positive or negative numbers.
Does anyone know how I can do a calculation with these numbers for when this row contains 2 or more successive negative values?
I am not sure what calculation you want, but this could be a place to start. I looks for any consecutive negative values in any row and if it finds them it totals all the negative values in the row and puts the total at the end of the row.
function contiguousnegatives() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet6");//change to sheet name needed
var lr = s.getLastRow()
var lc=s.getLastColumn()
for(var i=0;i<lr-1;i++){
var r = s.getRange(2, 1, lr-1, lc).getValues()//assumes a header row exists
count =0
for(var j=0;j<lc;j++){
if(r[i][j]<0 && r[i][j+1]<0) //if two consecutive values are negative
{ count=count+1
var totalneg = totalneg+r[i][j] //totals all neg values in row
if(count >0)
s.getRange(i+2, lc+2).setValue(totalneg)// set total of neg two col from end of row
