How to insert dynamic content with Django admin interface - django-admin

I have a simple model for blog posts with a TextField, I save my posts in html format via Django admin interface. But my posts often include hyperlinks to other blog post pages like click here, the number and target of links in a post vary. What is the easy way to insert those urls dynamically in Django admin panel (like template tags used in templates)?

I found an answer, I think this can be done with using builtin url tags like {% url 'blog:posts' 123 %} in my text, saving the text as a template and rendering it again. Either in the view or in the template with a custom template filter.


What does the term "template" mean?

I am learning Rails 5.0, via a tutorial. Learning how to generate view templates, but the term "template" is never explicitly defined. I've searched in the Rails docs, and they seem to mention the word a lot, but also never really define it explicitly.
I know that views are the HTML, CSS associated with what the user sees. But was wondering what is a template and how is it different than a standard webpage?
I don't have an authoritative answer. But this is really rather simple. RoR lets you generate content dynamically. This means, with one template, you could generate different content (html pages). The final html page generated and served by the server is the webpage endusers see. For example, you could have a template show.html.erb with the following line:
<h> Product <> </h>
From this template, different webpages for each different #product can be generated with that #product's name, depending on the #product variable, which is provided by the controller.
So templates allow you to dynamically generate content and render them as different html webpages.

Add page content dynamically MVC 5

I need to build a manage environment for my users so they could create new views (to give a title, a category, and the main content) or edit the content of the views that already have been created. I need to store this information in a database and have it appear in my site. I search through the internet but I didn't find a solution. I need this because I would like my site to have searchable content and because I have to many pages. Is that possible to achieve with MVC?
first step
Save view content as string using a wysiwyg editor, I recomend
You need show your html using Html.raw() :
Exemple: Html.Raw("<div class=\"resource-row\">")
that way you will show your string as HTML.
I hope it is useful

Ghost how to add custum template post

I am building a Ghost blog and for one of my menu pages I want a custom post type.
What I want:
I want to be able to add new posts on one single page: agenda. This post has to have a three fields: image, content and date of event
What I did:
I created a page-agenda.hbs file, I used the default page.hbs. Then I created a post-agenda.hbs using the default.hbs which I customized
How to refer to my customized post template in the CMS of Ghost. I.e. how to add new posts of type agenda?
Any tips will be helpfull
Ghost doesn't have custom post types. You can tag a post and then make a page that shows those tags using the {{get}} helper but all the posts will still show up in the main index feed. There is a proposed fix for this using channels here:

laravel 4 - how to include an editor into Laravel 4

I have an application in Laravel 4 to manage newsletter.
It the back end is possible to write the message that will be sent as email to the users in the list.
There is a simple form with two fiels: subject - body
The point is that i can send only plain text.
It is possible to include an editor with some basics functions: bold - italic - color - size - headings?
Thank you.
That wouldn't be part of the back end but would be done with javascript. What you are probably looking for is something like CKEditor which basically hijacks <textarea> elements on your page and turns them into almost full featured editors.
How it works is it automatically inserts appropriate HTML tags into the text as it's typed depending on how the user wants it to look. When the form is submitted, instead of plain text, it would be submitted as the generated HTML, and you'd probably just want to drop that into the body of the email.
Check out
If you have any specific questions on that, I'd be sure to add the appropriate tags so you have a better chance of getting help on it.

How to create permalink pages for individual posts and notes on Tumblr

I'm currently creating my first custom theme for Tumblr and I can't find any explanation of how permalink pages for posts and that post's notes work or how they are written, how do I go about this? what is the code needed and where is it implemented?
Anything you want to appear on a permalink only page you want to have wrapped in block:PermalinkPage tags. If you only want it to show on the index page, wrap it in block:IndexPage tags.
To get your notes to show use {block:PostNotes}{PostNotes}{/block:PostNotes}. This will only appear on a permalink page (despite it not being wrapped in block:PermalinkPage tags. {PostNotes} creates an ol tag with a class of notes for you to style in any way you'd like.
