How to install apache tika on windows - apache-tika

I gone through all over the internet, but i couldn't find the installation any where. Let me know if any one knows the procedure to install apache tike on windows 10.

You can use tika library as a jar dependency or the tika as a server. There is no option to install the tika as an application. If you are interested in tika server check this awesome article:

Apache Tika can installed as a Windows service using Apache Commons Daemon package.
Here is an example that installs Tika 2.2.1 as a service named "ApacheTika" with some additional options that you probably need to adjust:
prunsrv.exe //IS//ApacheTika --Startup auto --StartMode jvm --Jvm "C:\Java\bin\server\jvm.dll" ++JvmOptions="-Dlog4j.configuration=file:loggingConfig.xml" --LogPath C:\TikaServer\logs --LogPrefix tika-server --Classpath "C:\TikaServer\tika-server-standard-2.2.1.jar" ++StartParams "--host=localhost" --StartClass org.apache.tika.server.core.TikaServerCli
And if you want to remove it:
prunsrv.exe //DS//ApacheTika


How to install mongoDb connector under Windows?

I use KSQLdb, and I have tried to install MongoDb connector. Tutorial says to use confluent hub client or download connector jar file that include in java application.
But I want to use KSQLDB as CLI.
Default installations is:
Download installation Or download the ZIP file and extract it into one
of the directories that is listed on the Connect worker's plugin.path
configuration properties. This must be done on each of the
installations where Connect will be run.
Where to place these files?
The connector simply needs to be on the java class path. Adding the jars to the lib or ext folder should be sufficient.

Compiling Mosquitto Authentication plugin

I have mosquitto server installed in debian. Now I am trying to install mosquitto authentication plugin.
In oder to compile the plugin I need mosquitto location path to supply at MOSQUITTO_SRC= in the
I have tried /var/lib/mosquitto and /etc/mosquitto without success. Checked manually in /usr/local/.... nothing.
What is mosquitto path exactly?
It is path to mosquitto source code. You can download it from here :
The Authentication plugin requires access to some of the source files from the actual source for the mosquitto broker. Those files are not normally included in the mosquitto-dev package that you can install via apt-get.
You need to check what version of mosquitto that was packaged for debian (the default one is normally pretty old) and then find the matching source bundle from
You should unpack this and set the MOSQUITTO_SRC variable to point to the unpacked version.
You will also need the dev packages for which ever backend you choose to enable.

How to add jdbc driver to weblogic server running on docker container?

I have successfully installed weblogic server 12.2.1 and created a domain using docker tool box, but when I tried to create a generic datasource for MS SQL server, I am getting the following error:
Cannot load driver: weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
Please give solution how to add this driver to weblogic server.
Thanks in advance.
I encountered the same problem when I installed Weblogic Quick Installer for Developers which was about 209MB.
After some research, I found out why from here:
The WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers are installed by default when you perform a complete installation of WebLogic Server. If you choose a custom installation, ensure that the WebLogic JDBC Drivers option is selected (checked). If this option is unchecked, the drivers are not installed.
Granted, the above documentation is for Weblogic 11, but it seems to still apply to 12. I resolved the issue by downloading a separate wlsqlserver jar file (wlsqlserver-12.2.1-0-0.jar) and renaming it to wlsqlserver.jar (according to Manifest.MF spec) and putting it on to oracle_common/modules/datadirect folder.
I also believe if you choose Generic Installer which is about 791MB, it would also install the drivers so you wouldn't have to go through the process I did.

erlang zero dependencies installer for Debian and Ubuntu

In order to ease the installation process of RabbitMQ, I want to use a simple, zero dependencies installer for erlang.
There is a great project on Github from the guys at RabbitMQ - erlang-rpm, but this is RPM only.
I'm aware of erlang-solutions, but it not a single, no dependencies installer.
EDIT: Adding some context here. I need this to be able to prepare a simple, offline install to my app, which needs RabbitMQ. Offline means NO access to internet for downloading dependencies.
Any ideas?
There is no Zero-dependency Erlang Ubuntu/Debian for RabbitMQ.
But the Erlang Solution package can be installed easily.
We built the Centos package because the dependencies are hard to install on Centos (if you don't want to use the epel)
If you want to create an offline setup, you can do it like for other packages ( Or you can create your own package by building Erlang from source code.
Note also RabbitMQ has dependencies as socat

Installing Jenkins on a webserver

I've searched the whole internet for this. I have a website that is run by a hosting company. All the tutorials to install Jenkins assume I'm running my own Linux machine and can perform various commands.
Is there a way I can install Jenkins on this website using only FTP?
Maybe. If your hosting company provides Tomcat (or another servlet container/J2EE server like JBoss) then you can install Jenkins as a webapp inside of Tomcat. Typically it just involves placing the jenkins.war file in $TOMCAT_BASE/webapps.
If your hosting company does not provide Tomcat and doesn't allow you to run Java yourself from a shell then AFAIK you can't run Jenkins.
