Ability to not use ShadowDOM in Monaco Editor - shadow-dom

I'm using Monaco Editor + a lot of custom CSS styles in my project. The problem is that "quick fix" feature (languages.CodeActionProvider) uses ShadowDOM for showing a quick fix suggestions:
Because of that, I cannot override any CSS-styles of this component due to ShadowDOM encapsulation feature.
Thus, the questions are:
Does Monaco Editor provide any API/workaround/etc. in order to not use ShadowDOM?
Mb it is possible to override CSS-styles of ShadowDOM element using only CSS ?
Thanks in advance!


Can I include the default editor inside a webview in VSCode?

In my project I created a Webview extension for Visual Studio Code. Inside the Webview I have a text editor (currently monaco editor) and a graphical Modeler.
Now I wondered if there is any way to replace the monaco editor inside my Webview with the standard editor of Visual Studio Code. This would be extremely helpful because I would not have to worry about connecting the custom text Editor to my LSP Extensions and also have 100% the same functionalities as in the rest of Visual Studio Code.
Do You know of any way in which I could achieve this goal?
Best Regards
The feature request you are looking forward is https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/93265
It is being implemented
In VS Code Help > Interactive Playground you can have an idea of what it will look like, even if it is not exposed through the API yet.
Meanwhile, vscode-python configures the Monaco Editor to look as much as possible to the native text editor.

What tools do you recommend using instead of mat-grid-list?

I installed Angular Material to my project, and I really like it. However, working with the grid-list arose a lot of problems. Maybe there are some other tools that would help to simply work with grid?
Take a look at #angular/flex-layout for a way to structure your UI into a grid system that implements flexbox for a responsive layout of your pages.

Use Vaadin's Valo theme outside of Vaadin

I find the Vaadin's Valo theme so beautiful that I would like to use it without Vaadin. That is, I want to grab only the theme files (*.scss) and use them in an app written in Emberjs.
Does the Vaadin license allows this scenario?
Assuming the license of Vaadin's Valo theme is the same as the main project (e.g Apache 2.0), the answer is yes, as along as you comply with the license terms that are rather simple.

tables, RTF editor in polymer

I started to use polymer in a dart environment.
Now I would like to create elements like "GWT cell table" or "GWT RichTextArea".
In the polymer elements I cannĀ“t find widgets like this.
Do I have to implement these manually or are the other (higher?) libraries for widgets like this.
Thank Mica
Polymer is still young. More custom elements will emerge as Polymer matures.
We are currently porting polymer-elements/polymer-ui-elements to Dart.
Polymer (JS) has more elements in the works (i.e. https://github.com/Polymer/more-elements?files=1).
There are also several projects on github that work on all kinds of additional custom elements.
I haven't seen elements such as you request though.
Building one is a very good way to learn what Polymer can do.

Dart Editor Visual Theme...editable?

The new visual theme picker is awesome! Thank you! We can finally "dim the lights". Although, black and, specially, blue fonts, on a dark background, are hard on the eyes. Is there some sort of editable CSS like file that we can tune?
The quick answer is to look in the files in this folder:
(where r15948 is the version of the editor)
This contains a series of xml files - one per theme, where you can edit the relevant color values.
If you look at Preferences >> Visual Theme, it says:
Download more themes or create your own on eclipsecolorthemes.org. It also lets you import themes.
Hannes Rammer built an open source tool for this
https://github.com/HannesRammer/Rainbow (GitHub)
also available online at
