Black screen after splash on iOS (Xamarin) - ios

Note: I'm using an iPhone 5 and Xamarin. I have an Indie license.
When I try to run a debug build (connected to my machine) my app launches, the splash screen is fine, and then I get a black screen. The app hasn't crashed, and the debugger is stuck in a "Waiting for debugger to connect" mode.
I can run a release build no problem on my phone, and I can run debug builds in the simulator without a problem. But running a debug build on my phone, that results in a black screen and "waiting to debug"

I've had this issue and couldn't find a fix.
There was a work-around that worked for me though: debugging over WiFi.

After catching all exceptions and logging them, and numerous other activities to try and determine what all apps, even new ones, caused the black screen I deleted all of the apps I had created off my phone, did a Clean of the build of my main app, and redeployed.
The application now loads in debug mode and runs as it should.


Simulator has black screen and does not load

Normally, when I start the iPhone simulator, the chosen simluator appears, I get a black screen and a loading indicator in the screen of the phone.
Today, I started the simulator (not prom a Xcode project or something else, but from the App Simulator, searched with Spotlight) and the only thing there is: a black screen. No loading indicator, nothing. There is nothing happening. The phone just stays black... I did not update Xcode, the simulator, nor am I starting the Simulator from a project, but from the "bare" Simulator App.
What I tried so far to solve the issue:
I tried changing the simulator to another device, with the same result. I tried Erase Content and Settings but that did not even open the usual menue I see.
Open the Activity Monitor, search for sim and kill all processes
Open the terminal, sudo xcrun simctl erase all but that goes on and on and on forever and yields no results. Not sure what is happening there.
Restart the computer.
Try another phone on the simulator.
Not sure why this helped, but I opened a random Xcode project and did a deep cache clean through cmd+alt+shif+k and now it works...

Unity3d always shuts down when launching on iOS

I have a weird bug with my game on iOS platform.
When I build it from xCode it works great no matter how many times I run it. When I leave that build on iPhone 6s for one day it can't be opened anymore. When I click on icon it only shows black screen and then returns to home screen. If I double click menu button, the game is in active tasks and I can see that the game was loaded. But it cant be opened. Its like its always minimised or that graphics are failing.
I am using Unity 5.3.4f1 and graphic api is set to OpenGLES 2.0.
Has anyone else run to a problem like this?
Any suggestions or fix?
So after testing it turns out it only happens with build from xCode and not with version that is on app store. So I guess it has something to do with provisioning profiles or similar.

App fails to launch and results in a black screen on device with home button unresponsive

Im having problems with Xcode timing out to installing the app on my device. The problems persists even if using different devices. Usually 4/5 tries will result in a black screen.
Xcode says successful and the app opens up on the device, but the screen is completely black and the device stops responding.. only a hard reset works.. the home button isn't responsive.
You can however hear that someone is calling you, but you cannot answer the call.
I have no idea of whats wrong, because it builds completely fine.. Any idea on what might be wrong here?
The error Im receiving is:
error: failed to launch '-- timed out waiting for app to launch
Someome mentioned to me that it might be a faulty cable, but I get the same black screen when downloading the uploaded app from hockey app.
Often this is the result of building the app in debug with an ad-hoc or release configuration. There was also a bug early in Xcode 5 where it would hang as well, I think this is fixed in the most recent update.

Hello World causes Iphone 5s to freeze

I recently began going through the official Apple documentation and tutorials to learn iPhone development. I got my Iphone 5s a couple of days ago, but the sample ToDo list app that I'm making causes the device to lock up randomly when I try to test on the device. For example, I if I make a chance to the code and build/run it on the device, it will work. However, as I keep updating the code and testing it, eventually it will just open up my app on the device as a complete black screen, and freezes. The home button then no longer works, no touch events work, the only think I can do is to hold Home+lock button until the device shuts down.
This cannot be normal, can it? I mean, its just a basic app, what could be causing it?
Attached is the error that shows in xcode, and also a screenshot of the Iphone when it its frozen. Surprisingly, I was able to use the screenshot functionality on the phone... :/
Please check whether you are using a distribution provisioning profile/certificate to sign the app. If you plan to debug the app on the device (use breakpoints etc.), you should sign it with a development provisioning profile.
It only happens sometimes, so it's not provisioning related.
It causes a message to popup in XCode itself, so it's not code related.
I had the same problems before (not that often really...). What I did was
Restart the device
Remove the app from the device
Clear the project builds (CMD SHIFT K)
Restart XCode.
Build & Run again
I actually haven't seen this for a while. I always thought that they fixed the bug. Hope this helps!

IOS simulator problem app only runs when started for the second time..

My app runs fine on my physical device (iphone 4), it also runs fine on the IOS simulator, but only after the second time I ty to run it from Xcode.
So the sequence in which things are happening is:
IOS simulator closed.
I press "ctrl R" in XCode
IOS simulator starts, app starts but gets no further then the splash screen (does
not crash it just sits at the splash screen)
I press the stop Button in Xcode (app stops running in Simulator)
I Press "ctrl R" again
App starts in IOS simulator and runs like a charm..
If I close the IOS simulator reopen open it from finder and run the installed version, it runs without problems.
Two questions,
has anyone had a similar experience?
am I in trouble when submitting my app to the appStore
Thnx, Sebastian
The problem went away when I removed the majority of my logging messages (I had ton's of them). So either there was an issue with one of the messages or it had to do with the amount of them , hope this helps anyone who experiences the same problems.
