I am going through Stripe's documentation to create an express account (Stripe Connect). I made it to step 2.3.
But get the following error (I'm using iOS, Swift):
Cannot find 'Settings' in scope
for this line:
if let url = URL(string: Settings.BackendAPIBaseURL)?.appendingPathComponent("onboard-user") {
(Full code found on step 2.3 of link provided.)
Clearly there is no class called 'Settings', but nothing is provided in the Stripe Documentation it seems...
Two things you can do one is going to your console and go to functions and they will be listed or when you deploy your functions it’s will tell you as well.
i am using the block kit builder to format a video preview, i followed the instructions at https://api.slack.com/reference/block-kit/blocks#video and using a youtube.com url it works fine.
However when i use my own domain url, i get an error:
Video validation failed: Bot scopes missing: [links:read, links:write, and/or links.embed:write]
My bot scopes are correct and include all of these scopes. My domain is listed in the unfurl list. I have re-installed the app into my workspace each time after changing scopes.
I am out of ideas for things to change or try.
Does someone have any examples how to generate AR URL?
Reading Web SDK documentation, seems that there is no functionality to do that.
Found https://github.com/Roomle/roomle-button but not sure that`s still way to go since it has not been updated for 2 years.
If you are using the Roomle SDK you can use saveCurrentConfiguration to get the configuration id (hash) of the current configuration. Not sure what you used at the moment to obtain a configuration id but you need to call this in order to save it on the Roomle server and open it in another place.
Also make sure to set the configuratorId URL param when linking to the AR site.
I setup a dynamic link to invite users to download my app or be sent to my website (I own the domain but haven't built it yet format: www.my-domain.com) with Firebase Dynamic Links. Firebase recommends whitelisting URL patterns in the Firebase console, however I am unfamiliar with the RE2 syntax they require.
There are examples on Firebase and so I tried two:
(where Becky Thomas is a users name & changes for each user)
I'm testing this on my iPhone and would expect this to work & be able to share the link however nothing happens and I receive the following error in the Xcode terminal:
"Error Domain=com.firebase.durabledeeplink Code=0 "We could not match param 'https://www.my-domain.com/share?shareProfileName=James%20Thomas' with whitelisted URL patterns in your Google project. [https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9021429] [https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9021429]"
Any advice would be much appreciated
The example didn't work for me either, I got it working by removing some of the slashes. This is the pattern I'm using...
If you want to match sub domains too you can use this...
Use this expression:
It's more restrictive because only accept the exact url with different values for shareProfileName.
Test the expressions on https://regex101.com/
In my application I wish to integrate 2Checkout payment gateway in ruby application with my sandbox account. I need to change https://www.2checkout.com/checkout/purchase this url to 'https://sandbox.2checkout.com/checkout/purchase' how can I change that and how to give MD5_HASH in my application
please some body help me
I have solved this issue by just creating a config/initializers in that 2checkout.rb and mentioned there a single line i.e
By this we can redirect to URL of sandbox.2checkout.com from your test account
If you are using 2checkout sandbox account for test integration in ruby application you have follow the above else you may get error of PE:101 when ever you try to redirect from your cart to 2checkout website
This error take place due to when you does not mention sandbox(true) it will consider as live application and it tries to redirect to live site this is reason for giving sandbox(true) if you want to test through sandbox account
Hope this is will help you
The information you are seeking can be found here: https://www.2checkout.com/documentation/payment-api/create-token
I have already set the language to Ruby for you(you can change it back and forth in the upper right hand corner), and if you scroll down just a bit you will see "Include 2co.js on your Checkout Page" - This is where you specify which environment you are wishing to work / test in.
The TCO.loadPubKey('', function() {
}); is where the environment is specified. You would either use TCO.loadPubKey('production', or TCO.loadPubKey('sandbox',
Regarding the MD5_Hash - Please go here: https://www.2checkout.com/documentation/notifications/
That URL is also in the documentation for developer section of our website, you will also see many other categories on the left hand side that will provide all of the resources you need to integrate 2CO with your website.
I'm looking for a worked example of how to call into Googles oAuth service with a view to simply uploading a txt file. On googles docs I have the followed the example
but it won't compile .... CalendarScopes.CALENDAR is the problem and I can't see what Jar contains this class. I imported every Jar in the google-oauth-java-client-1.12.0-beta download (Also every jar in google-api-java-client-1.12.0-beta ) I dobn't understand the diff between these but that is for another day.
Any pointers would be welcome.
CalendarScopes.CALENDAR that you mentioned is not a part of a jar file but a scope for Calendar API provided by Google. For a sample to show how to implement that, here is one.
In the meanwhile, I would also suggest going over the following links to develop an understanding of the OAuth and how to use it with the different APIs.
OAuth Playground - This is very helpful when trying to learn about different API and permissions relating to those.
OpenID Connect Official Documentation
Hope this helps.