App is working on Simulator but not on Device - ios

I have these two errors in my project:
Cannot find protocol declaration for 'AppConsentDelegate'
Reference to 'AppConsentDelegate' is ambiguous
It's a library from CocoaPods and I don't understand why this is working on Simulator (I tried several ones on 13.5 and 14.4) and not on Device (I tried on 14.4). I can't even archive it.
Clean build and DerivedData folder, quit Xcode, pod deintegrate, pod clean and pod install don't solve the issue.
I'm not very familiar with Objective-C, please help me.


Xcode compile error - linker undefined symbol

I need your help. My Xcode stopped compiling my code with errors as in the image.
My setup: Xcode 13.1, Cocoapods + DevPods
Code compiled until yesterday morning, and now does not compile. Whats weird is that even code I have pushed on Monday to AppStore throws exact same errors as on image.
Tried clearing caches, deintegrate pods and install them again, removed xcode and installed one more time with xcode-install. Even upgraded from Big Sur to Monterey today and this also changed nothing.
Same is for build for simulator and for device
Apple Silicon on board, Xcode and Cocoapods native (not Rosetta)
One of my Dev pods decided for unknown reason to not link libc++ ... I fixed this by adding to it's .podspec file this line:
s.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '-lc++' }

Flutter iOS app don't run for xcode simulator -how fix it?

I have flutter's app for iOS. It is working on device. but I cant run this on simulator. I have this error:
/Users/admin/StudioProjects/Cvetovik_app/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:12:9: Module 'audio_session' not found
But I don't use this plugin audio_session. This is my architectures properties:
how do I fix this? I need to test the application on a simulator
First Open runner.xcworkspace not .xcodeproj
Hope its work for you
Try to reinstall Pod
Delete Pods folders and run
flutter clean
flutter pub get
in ios folder /
pod init
pod deintegrate
pod install

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftWebKit.dylib

I'm getting this error when I run my app through iphone 6s ios version 13.1.2 but it is workin with ios version 14 and up. I tried deleting Pods, brew update, brew upgrade, brew cleanup and update my xcode to latest version but I still get this error. How to fix this error? thank you so much!
I had the same error and fixed it by going into my app in Xcode under the Project Navigator, then opening Frameworks, and deleting libSwiftWebKit.tbd. I had recently updated the deployment target to IOS 12 as well as updated the Podfile, which I think had something to do with it. I think there was a bug in an earlier version of Xcode or my Podfile settings, whereby I had to include libSwiftWebKit.tbd manually, but after recent updates, that was fixed such that it doesn't need to be included manually anymore.
I experienced the same issue and was exhausted with that because I tried different other suggestions but all were in vain. In the end, Deleting the Build folder from Xcode brought me luck.
So my suggestion will be, first of all, to try to
Delete the Build folder (Xcode > Products > Clean Build Folder) or (Shift+Command+K)
If it doesn't work then try other options.

Xcode 12. copy swift standard libraries into... error

I have a Mac Mini M1, and I'm facing this issue: Build input file cannot be found... (in target 'appname' from project 'appname'), this is the copy Swift standard libaries into '' error...
Can build on real device, can archive, can do everything but the simulator doesn't work. I tried all workaround what founded on different forums but nothing works. This is a react-native project. If somebody got this issue and found a solution please help.

Framework not found pods

I know this is an old issue. But i produced this issue in a very strange way. Actually I had developed an app installed pods and everything in Deployment Target as 11.2. I took a an .ipa for it and sent it to the client for testing. But the Client is unable to install because the iPad Mini 1 is not having an iOS 10 or above update.
So I reduced the deployment target to 9.3 current iOS version of iPad Mini1 that the client is having. On taking an archive Xcode produces the error like this:
what is the issue?? Do we need to Unintall pods and install again or just modify the existing pod file? Please Help.
Make sure your Podfile also specifies iOS 9.3 as the deployment target:
platform :ios, '9.3'
I tried fixing my Podfile, but this didn't work for me.
I did the below to fix this issue :
Go to Project Navigator -> Targets -> OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension Target
under Frameworks and Libraries I found this :
I removed Pods_OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension.framework
and build my project and it worked perfect.
Thank you
In my case (Intel mac), setting the deployment target is the same (11.0) works for me:
pod file
One signal extension
