Framework not found pods - ios

I know this is an old issue. But i produced this issue in a very strange way. Actually I had developed an app installed pods and everything in Deployment Target as 11.2. I took a an .ipa for it and sent it to the client for testing. But the Client is unable to install because the iPad Mini 1 is not having an iOS 10 or above update.
So I reduced the deployment target to 9.3 current iOS version of iPad Mini1 that the client is having. On taking an archive Xcode produces the error like this:
what is the issue?? Do we need to Unintall pods and install again or just modify the existing pod file? Please Help.

Make sure your Podfile also specifies iOS 9.3 as the deployment target:
platform :ios, '9.3'

I tried fixing my Podfile, but this didn't work for me.
I did the below to fix this issue :
Go to Project Navigator -> Targets -> OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension Target
under Frameworks and Libraries I found this :
I removed Pods_OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension.framework
and build my project and it worked perfect.
Thank you

In my case (Intel mac), setting the deployment target is the same (11.0) works for me:
pod file
One signal extension


App is working on Simulator but not on Device

I have these two errors in my project:
Cannot find protocol declaration for 'AppConsentDelegate'
Reference to 'AppConsentDelegate' is ambiguous
It's a library from CocoaPods and I don't understand why this is working on Simulator (I tried several ones on 13.5 and 14.4) and not on Device (I tried on 14.4). I can't even archive it.
Clean build and DerivedData folder, quit Xcode, pod deintegrate, pod clean and pod install don't solve the issue.
I'm not very familiar with Objective-C, please help me.

Library not loaded: #rpath/FBLPromises.framework/FBLPromises iOS 13.3.1 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
After updating iOS, all applications using the framework stopped running on the device, but they run on the simulator
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
My app crashes on lunch and getting this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/FBLPromises.framework/FBLPromises
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/ code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/ stat() failed with errno=25
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/ code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/ stat() failed with errno=1
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/ code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/11X3EC15-5A16-4E27-AC4A-FB0503E6F1E2/ stat() failed with errno=1
I used it on my own device (iPhone 11 pro) iOS 13.3.1.
It was working perfectly fine before I update my device to iOS 13.3.1 .
My app also works perfectly fine on the simulator (iPhone 11 - iOS 13.3).
Using Xcode 11.3.1.
Removing the profile from my device and trusting again didn't work.
UPDATE: Tried to build it using Xcode Beta 11.4 and didn't work.
The only pods that I'm using are Firebase/Auth, Firebase/Core, Firebase/Firestore.
Commenting use_frameworks! and using use_modular_headers! gave me these errors: Showing Recent Issues The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 4.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 8.0 to 13.2.99. (For all the pods in the project)
You are probably using free developer account. Apple blocked utilizing external frameworks on free accounts with 13.3.1 upgrade. Try downgrading to 13.3 if still possible or buy Apple Developer License.
UPDATE 04/2020: Upgrading to iOS 13.4 and XCode 11.4 currently solves this issue.
I had the same problem after updating my iPhone to iOS 13.3.1.
The fix that has worked for me:
In the Podfile remove use_frameworks! and add ,:modular_headers => true after each pod.
Close xcode, update pods and rebuild.
My full Podfile looks like this:
target 'HeatingClient' do
# use_frameworks!
pod 'RxSwift',:modular_headers => true
pod 'RxCocoa',:modular_headers => true
This issue is specific to iOS 13.3.1 devices with free dev account, i was struggling with it for 4 days and got the solution.
Uninstall Pods from your project folder, use terminal:
sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate cocoapods-clean
pod deintegrate
pod clean
rm Podfile
Initialize pods again in project, terminal:
pod init
In Podfile change this line:
target 'exampleproject' do
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
to this lines:
target 'exampleproject' do
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# use_frameworks!
Install Pods again in terminal:
pod install
Open project by file .xcworkspace and do Product > Clean Build Folder
Run and build with free developer account on your iOS 13.3.1 device.
As was mentioned above:
Apple blocked utilizing external frameworks on free accounts with
13.3.1 upgrade.
So use developer account with active subscription or use static libraries.
Solution for Cocoapods - use use_modular_headers!
I was using apple free account, switched to apple paid account and it worked in iOS 13.3.1
Are you using a non-developer Apple ID to install the app on your phone? It looks like iOS 13.3.1 has broken apps installed with free Apple IDs, but only if they contain embedded frameworks. If it's possible to link all your dependencies as static libraries rather than frameworks (for example, if you're using Cocoapods you can remove use_frameworks! from your Podfile), that should fix the issue for now.
the issue is with iOS 13.3.1 and free developer accounts . the issue is fixed on latest iOS 13.4 beta I confirm it.
for now you can use
instead of
in project Podfile
Looks like whe only way to avoid error on free account is use ios 13.3, because even in iOS 13.4 beta apple didn't fix it.
Using use_modular_headers! is not working for Firebase.
Probably the problem on the Xcode or the framework itself, I was got the same error on Xcode 11.4 beta and iOS 13.4 beta 1. Use the Xcode 11.3.1 for running on real devices until the next beta of Xcode will be released.
Open the file extension and make sure it's in the library.
Open Xcode -> Products -> -> "Show in Finder"
And you see
"" -> This file "right click" and click -> "Show package
If libraries are missing here, you need to check their framework connections.
I tried commenting out the line # use_frameworks! in the pod file and it worked
I faced same problem. power of use_modular_headers! to avoid the crash and below code working for me.
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
#platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'YourApp' do
# Pods for YourApp
pod 'Kingfisher', '~> 5.0'
pod 'GoogleMaps'
pod 'GooglePlaces'
pod 'Firebase/Analytics'

error: Invalid bitcode version (Producer: '800.0.35.0_0' Reader: '703.0.31_0')

When I try to Archive my application on Xcode 7.3.1, I am getting following error:
error: Invalid bitcode version (Producer: '800.0.35.0_0' Reader:
'703.0.31_0') clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1
(use -v to see invocation)
I was able to successfully Archive my app yesterday, can any one please help me?
i had this error before ...
you may try the following solution it worked for me
search for bitcode keyword in app --> Build Settings and change it to NO
then archive again -->
it should work fine now
Install Xcode 8:
Xcode 8 GM seed may be used to submit apps to the App Store.
More info:
In my case I updated to the latest Facebook iOS SDK 4.15.1. Since that library was updated with Xcode 8 and I was still using Xcode 7.3.1 it caused the error.
Updated for Xcode 8 GM and iOS 10.
So, double check 3rd party libraries.
Or if you don't mind disabling bitcode:
Go to build settings search bitcode and change "Enable Bitcode" to "No".
I also faced the same problem, and as suggested by #Nate,
the issue was because of a third party SDK integrated in our project using Cocoapods.
To help me figure out which one of the 15 pods i had in the project was responsible, i did the following:
Create a new xcode project
Copy the Podfile from your original project to the newly created project's directory
Do pod install
Remove one or more of the pods⋆
Archive the new project, and see if it succeeds, if not repeat step 4 till you are able to archive
⋆(you can also try something like binary search, wherein you delete the first half pods in your Podfile and see if the new project archives)
Once you've figured out the library causing the issue, keep downgrading the library by explicitly specifying the version in Podfile, until the project archives successfully.
And then you can use that version of the library to archive and upload to the app store.
If you are using lib or pod that mean that one of them built by a higher version of your current Xcode, you can either update your code or return back to the previous version where the pods were built by your current version.
If you ran pod update check the pods updated if you ran pod install check the dates of the pods comparing to the release date of your Xcode that will will lead you to the responsible pod.
I got it while I was building using Xcode 8.2.1 and the pod built by Xcode 8.3.1
I also faced this error: Invalid bitcode version (Producer: '800.0.24.1_0' Reader: '703.0.31_0') I have googling so many but unable to find the proper solution. I tried Myself and solved this probable
In my case this error occurs after adding FBSDK by drag and drop that we all usually do.
You can resolve this problem by following these steps:
Delete all pod script in build Phases.
Delete the dragged FBSdks file from the project.
Exit xcode and delete 3 things "Pod folder","Podfile.lock" and "Projectworkspace"
Search and add FBSDK pod link in podfile
Install the pod again by using terminal.... now open Xcode archive your project build.
good solutions, but disabling bitcode worked for some people.
edit :- it worked for me too.
but in future your app might be in problem or (build not optimised by Appstore) if your project is **Bitcode Disable **.
Bitcode is an intermediate representation of a compiled program. Apps you upload to iTunes Connect that contain bitcode will be compiled and linked on the App Store. Including bitcode will allow Apple to re-optimize your app binary in the future without the need to submit a new version of your app to the store.
Note: For iOS apps, bitcode is the default, but optional. If you
provide bitcode, all apps and frameworks in the app bundle need to
include bitcode. For watchOS apps, bitcode is required
So thats why try to figure out error solutions right way.
The error basically says:
The static linker could not correctly link a certain bitcode bundle, which was
produced using Producer: '902.0.39.2', and is being read using Reader:
You can look up at to identify the Xcode versions for the corresponding compiler versions. In the current case, the reader (our Xcode version) is Xcode 9.0, whereas the producer (Xcode version of typically a third party SDK) is Xcode 9.4. The incompatibility between the two is the root cause of this issue.
You may either:
turn off the bitcode as discussed in other answers, or
roll-back the SDK to a previous version that worked well, or
update your codebase to use the newer Xcode version.

ERROR ITMS-90208: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle <> does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist"

I've started getting this error message from Xcode:
ERROR ITMS-90208: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle <> does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist"
I've never specified the OS version number in the plist. It's always in the Deployment Target settings. I've checked the version in Deployment Target but it all looks good.
Any ideas how to fix?
Go Runner -> Flutter -> AppFrameworkInfo.plist
And change the minimum sdk version 9 and also on xcode minimum sdk version 9.0
It's work for me :)
I added to the info.plist.xml:
and it worked.
I added iOS version to 10.0 in different places:
Runner -> Runner -> General -> Deployment info: Target
Runner -> Runner -> info.plist
Runner -> Flutter -> AppFrameworkInfo.plist
Worked for me.
I do the development in Flutter and I got this error when I validated my app today.
I did the following 3 steps to solve the problem.
Open flutter_project/ios/Podfile file. Add this at the top platform :ios, '9.0'
Xcode -> Runner -> General -> Deployment Info -> Target: iOS 9.0
Xcode -> Runner -> Flutter -> MinimumOSVersion: 9.0
I hate to add another answer when there are so many, but none of the others worked, and this did :
After doing a flutter clean, changing MinimumOSVersion (inside /ios/Flutter/AppframeworkInfo.plist) to 9.0, iOS Deployment Target (inside project runner) to 9.0 and iOS Deployment Target (inside target runner) to 9.0 the error disappeared.
(from :
All the existing answers are missing the change inside of Xcode > Runner > Project > Runner.
To help others who might come across this question. There is a variation of this error with the same code but slightly different message:
ERROR ITMS-90208: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle does not support
the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist.“
Even though the app's Info.plist had a MinimumSdk setting of 10.0 and the framework's Info.plist had a MinimumSdk setting of 8.0 (which to me seems to be a suitable combination), uploading via the Application Loader gave the above error.
It was fixed by increasing the MinimumSdk setting in the framework's Info.plist file to 10.0, the same value that the app was using. This was the only change and fixed the submission error.
Most important is to add this to your podfile
platform :ios, '13.0'
Then change MinimumOSVersion to 13.0 in
Runner -> Flutter -> AppFrameworkInfo.plist
Then in your xcode => General => Deployment info. IOS=>13.0
I added first into the info.plist
And after I changed the AppFrameworkinfo.plist
Must be 13.0
Also, I close the project and reopen
In my case I use flutter not stable version (v2.6.0-11.0.pre) and found this issue.
And then I downgrade to stable version (v2.5.3) and follow below:
First step: run this in terminal
$ flutter clean
Second step: open file Runner -> Flutter -> AppFrameworkInfo.plist and set
Third step: Check every ware about iOS Deployment Target and set 9.0
Fourth step: Clean Build Folder before Archive In Xcode.
My problem was that the Bundle was missing the Launch Images for iPhone iOS 6,7.
Most frustrating error in a long time as the message does not hint anything and you are alone finding what might be wrong.
Hope it helps!
My Project minumum sdk was 8.0...
It seems that Flutter need higher deployment target..
It is solved when I set "10.0"
For me it was a problem in my deployment info. The deployment targets were different in my .app and .appex extension lists when they didn't automatically sync up. Once they were changed to the same value everything ran smoothly. This is just a fix I found for sticker pack projects on Xcode 8. Hope it helps in any way
I was having this exact problem when using a beta version of Xcode to submit to the App Store. Using the release version resolved the issue.
Change target  version in General section Deployment info
Solution 1:
Modify /ios/Flutter/AppframeworkInfo.plistto MinimumOSVersion9.0, then modify the iOS Deployment Target of the project to 9.0, modify the version of the corresponding Podfile, and then flutter cleanrepackage and upload
Solution 2:
Modify flutter sdkthe corresponding file below, change the MinimumOSVersionvalue inside to 9.0, and then flutter clean repackage and upload
bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/Flutter.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/Flutter .framework/Info.plist

error: module file's minimum deployment target is ios8.3 v8.3

All attempts to import a dynamic framework in an Xcode playground yield the following error:
error: module file's minimum deployment target is ios8.3 v8.3
You might have created a target after updating Xcode, which made 8.3 the iOS Deployment Target in Build Settings for that target.
I fixed this by:
Setting the iOS Deployment Target to 8.0 (Which is the same as the rest of the project)
Note iOS version mismatch in this screenshot (one is 10.0, other is 9.3)
Note iOS versions now match (make sure they all match)
Doing a clean (Command+Shift+k) and build
If a clean+build doesn't fix it, switching the device/simulator that you are deploying to from the scheme menu and building again should help.
This error might also crop up if you're unit testing. So in addition to what #Tony and #Allreadyhome has suggested, do the following:
With your test target selected, go to 'Build Settings'
Search for 'iOS Deployment target' at the top search bar.
Change the value for the iOS Deployment Target accordingly, (in the
context of this question, you will change the deployment target to
And you should be good.
As mentioned by Tony you have to
1. Set the iOS Deployment Target to 8.0
If using Pods the further step you may need to do:
2. Go into the Pods dependancies and change the deployment targets to 8.0 also.
In my case, I had to change the deployment target on each of my pods to 8.0 as they were all on 8.3.
In your Pod File, just delete the comment at this line:
platform :ios, '8.0'
It work for me.
I've encountered error:
Module file's minimum deployment target is ios9.2 v9.2
After I changed the iOS deployment target to 8.0 for my PROJECT. The project is created by Xcode 7.2, with 'Include Unit Tests' and 'Include UI Tests' checked.
Because of the XCUIApplication() requires iOS 9.0+, to fix the error, just change the deployment target of UI Tests to 9.0 or above, and leaves 8.0 for other targets.
1) Goto, Target -> General -> deployment Info
2) set the deployment Target as the one being prompted in the error message(8.3 in your case).
3) product -> clean
4) product -> Build
I had this problem when the minimum deployment target of a select few dependencies was set to a more recent iOS version than main targets minimum deployment target.
I had the same issue when i downloaded a framework tutorial with ios 12 & my sdk has to have ios 11.4.
I set the iOS Deployment Target to the version I needed(11.4) and updated the Pods dependancies also. But missed a few.
So, then I did a search with the version that i wanted to change (that is 12.0). It just lists everything that has the version number (target, project, podspec, pods). Changing everyone of those (to 11.4 in my case), solved it.
We must change 2 place to get new deploy version.
After that, clean build (Command+Shift+k) and build again.
