importing "Module 'app_settings'" not found - ios

I'm currently trying to work with xcode to test my flutter application with xcode. The big issue is that all of my imports (such as app_settings, cloud_firestore, etc...) give an error for "Module ___ not found". When I try to run my dart code I get the error in the terminal:
[Proj Root]/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:10:9: fatal error: module 'app_settings' not found
#import app_settings;
1 error generated.
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
I tried running flutter create for ios, (this might've made things worse?) Flutter clean and reinstalling pods doesn't seem to work either. I'm wondering if there's something simple that I missed with importing modules. I created the application on android using modules that should work with Android & iOS. After getting the android version working I pulled my project on my mac through github and finally reached this issue. Any pointers would be appreciated because I'm totally stuck on this.

My project has 3 build flavor. Development, Staging & Production.
In Xcode It was selected default Runner One. (On Top of the middle)
though i follow the process like
delete pod , Podfile.lock and .symlinks from Android Studio / (From Project)
flutter pub get
cd ios > pod install
Then In XCode > clean build
Select Right Build Flavor (Production For Me)
Then Archive (Done)
NB: I tested in M1 machine.

Hmm Not sure what happened but it seems to be good now. I think pod init was initializing minimal data for the podfile. Instead, I deleted the Pods file and did flutter run and it built the podfile correctly with flutter pub get.

Had the same problem, we solved it by setting the iOS Deployment target in XCode to the same value as set in the Podfile, which was 12.0. Then ran flutter clean and flutter build ios worked like a charm 🎉

I had this same problem. What I did was
Delete the Podfile and Podfile.lock
flutter clean
flutter build ios
Opened the Runner.xcworkspace
Build on Xcode
This worked for me 🎉

Delete pod directory and podfile.lock
flutter clean
flutter pub get
cd ios
pod install --repo-update
run the application in Xcode

I tried everything above, but for me the solution was quite different.
I am using flavors (schemes), and I accidentally created the scheme with upper case in the first character, while everywhere else (build config etc.) I used lower cases only. After deleting the scheme and recreating with lower case characters, it worked.

path/flutter/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:12:9: Module 'app_settings' not found
I had the same issue after upgrading the Xcode to 13.3 and my production build flavor wasn't working. I was using firebase as well. In my production build flavor, I didn't append anything to the configuration name (i.e. all the other configurations have the name like "Debug-staging", "Debug-development", but in the production, it's only "Debug"). I just deleted the pod file and run:
flutter run --flavor production --target lib/main_production.dart
Everything worked fine for me.


Renaming a React Native project

I have a working react native app (without expo), running and compiling in both Android and iOS devices. Now I'm trying to rename the app, but I'm having problems with that.
Steps followed:
I have deleted both ios and android directories.
Changed the project name in my app.json
Regenerated the android and ios directories with react-native upgrade --legacy (cause eject is not working anymore)
Updated my podfile with the need
Pod install
When i tried to compile my app via xcode, I got "null is not an object (evaluating '_RNGestureHandlerModule.default.Direction')
I guessed that was due to the autolinking when you install some react native third party components. So I deleted node_modules, and installed all react native navigation again. Then I ran react-native link. The previous error went away.
Now, I'm stuck with:
Target 'cjlrnneTests' has target dependency on Target 'cjlrnne'
That command depends on command in Target 'cjlrnne': script phase “[CP] Copy Pods Resources”
Honestly, I don't know what else more to do / look for.
Can anyone please provide with some clue, or the steps to change a RN app's name?
You can try this package for renaming the app.
react-native-rename <newName>
It will automatically configure all the things.

Can't archive with Xcode (error - PhaseScriptExecution failed with a non zero exit code), but the build is successful

I am sorry for the black marks in the image.
I have seen multiple posts suggesting an answer to this problem, Lock unlocks keychain (tried it), pod Update (tried it), clear build(tried it), signing, skip install in build settings(tried it) - None of them actually worked.
I built my iOS app in react native with Expo, after which I did expo eject to create the iOS folder for Xcode build and archiving, the build is successful every time and it even runs on the simulator and in my device(iPhone 7) but it always failed to archive by throwing this error - Uncategorised - Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a non zero exit code..
Any help to point me in which direction should I go or what can be the possible mistake that I am doing will be of great help. Do let me know if, I should provide any more detail about this. Thank you!
Xcode Version - 11.0
Mac Version - 10.15 Catalina
iPhone OS - 13.1.3
Few links I tried from -
"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" causes "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code" with Xcode 10
Make sure you have installed your pods correctly. For me I removed all the pods from my pod file, updated the pod through the terminal, then re-added the pods to the pod file and installed through the terminal. This worked perfectly for me.
I had the same exact problem. What worked for me was I opened the podifle and deleted all the pods, then saved it. After that run pod update in terminal. Go back to the podfile and past the pods back into the file and save it. Then run pod update in terminal again. After that open xcode and run the cleaner and then try to worked for me.
Based on the previous answers, the following worked for me:
Quit XCode.
Delete all relevant files: Podfile, Podfile.lok, Pods folder and .workspace file.
Recreate the Podfile and open the new .workspace file.
PS: In my case, I hit this issue after copying an existing project (workspace) to a new machine.
Try go to accounts and press download manual profilesenter image description here

Build fail for google-signin package in react-native?

I am trying to implement react-native-google-sigin package to my react-native Ios project . I have configured everything.
But now the problem if I include google framework to my project there is a pop an error and As soon as I remove it. It works!!
I really don't know why m getting build fail with the following error
Every time i include ios/GoogleSdk frameworks in my project.
I don't know why or how but I ran into this issue and after numerous cleans, DerivedData deletes etc., the solution that worked for me was to follow XCode's advice on upgrading to the recommended settings and changing the iOS Deployment Target of RNGoogleSignIn project to 8.0. I'm using XCode 9 if that helps.
This is how I solved this:
rm -rf node_modules/ ios/
(Copied my podfile to another location)
npm install & react-native upgrade
(this will give me a error free start cause by react-native link)
cp my podfile inside ios/ Pod install
Followed the remaining steps from react-native-google-signin
Added the following to my login.js (iosCLientId and CLientId are different Id's)
await GoogleSignin.configure({
iosClientId: 'iosClientId',
webClientId: 'webClientId',
offlineAccess: false
Open Xcode Clear and Build the project.
Note: I would have easily removed the googlesdk(frameworks), links and library . But instead I choose to get get a fresh start. Hope this helps anyone

‘Cordova/CDV.h’ file not found in Xcode 8.2.1

I have one hybrid Cordova project, which is running fine Xcode 5.1.1, but when I am trying to Archive the project in Xcode 8.2.1 with ‘Generic iOS Device’ I am getting the error ‘Cordova/CDV.h’ is not found.
I read many articles about this problem, but none could solve my problem. Most answers are telling to follow the below steps:
"Add this line to your Build Settings -> Header Search Paths:
I have did this but problem not solved, getting another error ‘ld: library not found for -lcrt1.3.1.o
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)’
Also I have changed the bitcode YES to NO in target Build Settings, but no fruitful result.
Project cordova version 3.4.0 where installed cordova version in machine 6.4.0
Has anybody experience with this kind of problem?
Please, can anyone help? I've been working on this for days.
I got it work by following below steps
In your Xcode project settings select TARGETS
Within TARGETS select the Build Settings tab
In the sub-options under the Build Settings tab be sure to select All
Scroll down to the Search Paths section
Locate Header Search Paths
Add the following configuration to the Release option (as a new value on its own line): $(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include
Clean the project: Command + Shift + K
Restart Xcode
I wanted to report that the response provided by Vinay worked for me. I had to make sure I was in the share extension target, and I added it to the path exactly as suggested above in the Release option, and did not even have to do a clean to get it to regenerate the PCH.
BUT, I was puzzled by this after looking at the setting further and I realized this path was already in the setting. I edited it again, and removed the redundant path, hit 'run' again, and it loaded onto my iPhone and ran fine.
So, I believe that just setting this in the search path forced a recompile on the share extension PCH and all is working again.
I hope this helps others.
I know its too late to answer on this question but still many developers facing the above issue and as per the latest Cordova & ionic version below steps will work in the above error.
As per new update in Cordova some time due to some permission issue or directly run or build iOS platform it's unable to add below file or folders in your iOS project platform :
so somehow above folder will not add in your project and that's why it's not building your iOS project.
To overcome this issue you need to remove iOS platform from your ionic project and again add it.
Remove iOS platform: sudo ionic cordova platform remove ios
Add it again: sudo ionic cordova platform add ios
By doing this cordova download CordovaLib folder from server and add it into your iOS project and after that users can able to build their project without any error.
recently I faced this issue and I solved by doing the above steps.
Hope this helps others.
Happy coding!
Seems like the "Cordova" folder isn't getting copied into the project during cordova platform add ios
So, you'll have to copy the "Cordova" source folder into your project manually. But you'll have to download the ios source packages from github first, which is located at:
After downloading the "" package and unzipping it, copy the folder named "CordovaLib" into your project next to the Xcode project file:
PROJECT_FOLDER/platforms/ios/CordovaLib <------- here

Xcode Dependencies Error

I was having an issue changing my Target Deployment to 8.4 (its been 9.1since I started the project). I was getting an error saying Parse was setup to use 9.1 so I couldn't change it. Then I changed the platform information in my podfile and reinstalled the pods. Now I am getting these two errors when I try and Build the app.
Check dependencies
Unable to run command 'CpResource RLA\' - this target might include its own product.
Unable to run command 'Touch RLA\' - this target might include its
own product.
Any help is welcome.
I'm running Xcode 7.1.1 on a Macbook Pro and coding in Swift.
I figured it out. My .app file in my Product folder in Xcode had a selected target. I don't really understand why it worked by unselecting a Target Membership (so nothing is selected when I select the .app file) fixed the dependency errors.
