How to create FEDEX_ONE_RATE shipment - fedex

I have followed FedEx developer guide but still can not create FedEx shipment with FEDEX_ONE_RATE. This is the request that I have tried:
<ProcessShipmentRequest xmlns="">
<StreetLines>211 Swathmore Ave</StreetLines>
<City>High Point</City>
<StreetLines>3570 STANFORD DR</StreetLines>
I got error asking to include return_details, code_details and so on that can be given in special service.
The Developer's Guide mentioned to include 'FEDEX_ONE_RATE' in ShipmentSpecialServicesRequested/SpecialServiceTypes. But that, too, return same error.

FEDEX_ONE_RATE is a SpecialServiceType, so it should be included in RequestedShipment/SpecialServicesRequested/SpecialServiceTypes. For example, the SpecialServicesRequested element of your request would be (please note that I'm using v26 of the Ship Service, which replaces EMailNotificationDetail with EventNotificationDetail):
<PersonalMessage>Personal message</PersonalMessage>
<Name>John Smith</Name>


How to reduce XML reading cost in SQL Server 2008 R2

I am reading a xml value and storing in a table but its cost is 82%.
This is my query:
declare #StateNameList XML
set #StateNameList='<StatusList>
Table1.Column1.value('(./StatusName)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS StatusName
#StateNameList.nodes('/StatusList/Status') AS Table1(Column1)
Please add the below code after from tag then see the execution plan
declare #StateNameList XML
set #StateNameList='<StatusList>
Table1.Column1.value('(./StatusName)[1]','varchar(50)') AS StatusName
#StateNameList.nodes('/StatusList/Status') AS Table1(Column1)

How to call stored procedure from Mule 3.5 with new Database endpoint

I was testing Mule's new Database connector of Mule 3.5 with Stored Procedure ... (Reference :- ).. I had a following Stored Procedure :-
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_retrieveData]
#Id int
Select * from getData Where ID = #Id
Which is working fine in Mule's old JDBC connector ... I used to call the stored procedure from the JDBC endpoint using the following syntax :- <jdbc-ee:query key="RetriveQuery" value="CALL sp_retrieveData(${Id})"/> Which worked fine ... But now the issue is in the Mule 3.5 new Database end point I am unable to call the same Stored Procedure ... My Mule configuration is :-
<db:stored-procedure config-ref="Generic_Database_Configuration" doc:name="Database">
<db:parameterized-query><![CDATA[CALL sp_retrieveData(58)]]></db:parameterized-query>
<db:in-param name="Id" type="INTEGER" value="58"/>
So, My question is how can I call Stored Procedure with the new DB endpoint ... Had anyone tried it ???... Please help ...
The following exception I get :-
Exception stack is:
1. The index 1 is out of range. ( (null)
2. The index 1 is out of range. ( Message payload is of type: String (org.mule.api.MessagingException)
org.mule.module.db.internal.processor.AbstractDbMessageProcessor:81 (
Root Exception stack trace: The index 1 is out of range.
+ 3 more (set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)
IMO the best documentation for anything are its tests. The stored procedure tests for the DB module are here:
Based on these, the following should work:
<db:stored-procedure config-ref="Generic_Database_Configuration">
<db:parameterized-query>{ call sp_retrieveData(:Id) }</db:parameterized-query>
<db:in-param name="Id" value="58" />
(I haven't tested it though)
Sample Stored procedure call:
<db:stored-procedure config-ref="Oracle_Configuration1" doc:name="Database">
call apps.create_sales_Order(:p_header_rec_oper, :P_order_number, :P_ordered_date, :P_line_id, :p_flow_Status_code, :P_return_status)
<db:in-param name="p_header_rec_oper" value="CREATE"/>
<db:out-param name="P_order_number" type="INTEGER"/>
<db:out-param name="P_ordered_date" type="DATE"/>
<db:out-param name="P_line_id" type="VARCHAR"/>
<db:out-param name="p_flow_Status_code" type="VARCHAR"/>
<db:out-param name="P_return_status" type="VARCHAR"/>

Search by node content nokgiri::XML

How can I search by content of a node using nokogiri::XML ?
Lets say I have the following xml
And I want to get all parts for which /madein/city is ABC. What is the best way to get the parts nodes ?
I am using nokogiri gem.
Xpath is query language for XML, and is very flexible.
To get you started:
doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse( xml_string )
parts_from_abc = doc.xpath( '/parts/part[madein/city="ABC"]' )
As bdares suggested in the comments, if you want to do more, take a look at the tutorials.

In concatenated result set: Error: [XPTY0004] Single item expected, (element x { … }, element x { … }, …) found

I found that the following code worked on a small set of my data, but I didn't realize that I hadn't taken any samples with multiple comments. When I tried to apply the code to the actual database, which has multiple comments per entry, I received the error mentioned above.
Current code:
for $doc in doc('test')
let $results :=
let $pKeywords := ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
for $kw in $pKeywords
$doc/set/entry[contains(comment, concat('!', $kw))],
$doc/set/entry[contains(comment, $kw)]
[not(position() gt 2)]
for $i in (1 to count($results))
subsequence($results/comment, $i, 1),
subsequence($results/buyer, $i, 1)
<comment>The client is only 20 years old. Do not be surprised by his youth.</comment>
<industry>International Trade; Fish and Game</industry>
<comment>!On leave in October.</comment>
<comment>!Planning to make a large purchase before Christmas.</comment>
<industry>Real Estate</industry>
<comment>Is often !out between 1 and 3 p.m.</comment>
<industry>Virus Software Marketting</industry>
<comment>Very personable. One of our best clients.</comment>
<industry>Administrative support.</industry>
<comment>!Very difficult to reach, but one of our top buyers.</comment>
<comment>His wife often answers the phone. That means he is out of the office.</comment>
<industry>Bulk Furniture Sales</industry>
<comment>A bit of an eccentric. One of our best clients.</comment>
<industry>Sports Analysis</industry>
<comment>Very gullible, so please !be sure she needs what you sell her. She's one of our best clients.</comment>
<industry>International Trade</industry>
<comment>He wants to buy everything, but !he has a tight budget.</comment>
<comment>!His company may be closing soon.</comment>
<industry>Public Relations</industry>
The result:
Stopped at line 9, column 22: [XPTY0004] document-node()(...): function(item()*) as item()* expected, document-node() found.
I ran into a similar error and was able to fix it, but when I try to apply the fixes, that did not work. Example:
$doc('test')/set/entry[contains(., concat('!', $kw))],
$doc('test')/set/entry[contains(., $kw)]
returns the same result.
Walking through the desired result:
The first return should return every entry and its children if the entry's comment child contains any of the three keywords in $pKeywords.
concat('!', $kw) is supposed to make !-containing comments the priority.
The second return slices the comment and buyer nodes from the results of the first return.
As long as there is exactly 1 comment-named node in every entry, the code executes fine. When there are 2 or more comment-named nodes, the code fails, and the compiler returns the error mentioned above:
Stopped at line 9, column 22: [XPTY0004] document-node()(...): function(item()*) as item()* expected, document-node() found.
Desired result:
<comment>The client is only 20 years old. Do not be surprised by his youth.</comment>
<comment>Very personable. One of our best clients.</comment>
<comment>!Very difficult to reach, but one of our top buyers.</comment>
<comment>A bit of an eccentric. One of our best clients.</comment>
Clarifying the desired result:
//contains ! and the first keyword, "best clients"; so, the first result should come from this entry.
<comment>Very gullible, so please !be sure she needs what you sell her. She's one of our best clients.</comment>
<industry>International Trade</industry>
//Only one entry contains ! and "best clients". So, the first result containing "best clients" contains nodes for the second result.
<comment>Very personable. One of our best clients.</comment>
<industry>Administrative support.</industry>
//This contains ! and the second keyword, "Very", but it is a duplicate. So, ideally its children should not be returned.
<comment>!Very difficult to reach, but one of our top buyers.</comment>
<comment>His wife often answers the phone. That means he is out of the office.</comment>
//This contains ! and a string, "very" (part of everything). Nodes from this entry should be returned as the third result.
<comment>He wants to buy everything, but !he has a tight budget.</comment>
<comment>!His company may be closing soon.</comment>
<industry>Public Relations</industry>
//The only entry whose comment child contains the keyword '20'. There is no '!'-containing comment with 20, so this nodes is the top and only node whose children should be returned.
<comment>The client is only 20 years old. Do not be surprised by his youth.</comment>
<industry>International Trade; Fish and Game</industry>
-Edit 2-
Next pass gives a better idea of what I'm trying to accomplish, but there are some obvious syntax errors (for example, I'm still discovering how to work with arrays, as seen on line 8). I will update this as I resolve the syntax errors:
let $kw := ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
let $entry := doc('test')/set/entry
let $priority := '!'
for $i in (1, count($kw))
let $priority_result[$i] :=
for $entries in $entry
where $entry contains(., $priority) and where $entry contains $kw[$i]
return subsequence($priority_result[$i], 1, 2)
if $priority_result[$i] < 2
for $i in (1, count($kw))
let $secondary_result[$i] :=
for $entries in $entry
where $entry contains $kw[$i] and where $entry not($priority_result) and where $entry not($secondary_result[1..($i-1)])
return $secondary_result[$i]
else let $secondary_result[$i] := ''
for $i in (1, count($kw))
And the suggested change, which returns a null result:
for $doc in doc('test')
let $results :=
let $pKeywords := ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
for $kw in $pKeywords
$doc/set/entry/comment[contains(., concat('!', $kw))],
$doc/set/entry/comment[contains(., $kw)]
[not(position() gt 2)]
for $i in (1 to count($results))
subsequence($results/comment, $i, 1),
subsequence($results/buyer, $i, 1)
The error message seems to be complaining about trying to call a document-node() as a function.
$doc('test') vs $doc
Either that, or comments(...) only works for a single node, not a node-set.
contains(comment, $kw) vs comment/contains(.,$kw)
or comment[contains(.,$kw)]
or comment[contains(text(),$kw)]
This worked for me:
for $entry in doc('test')/set/entry
let $kw := (
for $prefix in ('!','')
for $kw in ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
where exists($entry/comment[contains(., concat($prefix,$kw))])
return concat($prefix,$kw)
where exists($kw)
order by not(starts-with($kw,'!'))
return <entry keyword="{$kw}">{
( $entry/comment,
$entry/buyer )
Result (multiple comments per <entry>):
<entry keyword="!Very">
<comment>!Very difficult to reach, but one of our top buyers.</comment>
<comment>His wife often answers the phone. That means he is out of the office.</comment>
<entry keyword="20">
<comment>The client is only 20 years old. Do not be surprised by his youth.</comment>
<entry keyword="best clients">
<comment>Very personable. One of our best clients.</comment>
<entry keyword="best clients">
<comment>A bit of an eccentric. One of our best clients.</comment>
<entry keyword="best clients">
<comment>Very gullible, so please !be sure she needs what you sell her. She's one of our best clients.</comment>
This will give you separate entries for each comment:
for $entry in doc('test')/set/entry
for $comment in $entry/comment
let $kw := (
for $prefix in ('!','')
for $kw in ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
where exists($comment[contains(., concat($prefix,$kw))])
return concat($prefix,$kw)
where exists($kw)
order by not(starts-with($kw,'!'))
return <entry keyword="{$kw}">{
( $comment,
$entry/buyer )
<entry keyword="!Very">
<comment>!Very difficult to reach, but one of our top buyers.</comment>
<entry keyword="20">
<comment>The client is only 20 years old. Do not be surprised by his youth.</comment>
<entry keyword="best clients">
<comment>Very personable. One of our best clients.</comment>
<entry keyword="best clients">
<comment>A bit of an eccentric. One of our best clients.</comment>
<entry keyword="best clients">
<comment>Very gullible, so please !be sure she needs what you sell her. She's one of our best clients.</comment>
For reference sake, this is the code we start with (it's a little daunting, and I still don't understand it all):
for $doc in doc('test')
let $results :=
let $pKeywords := ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
for $kw in $pKeywords
$doc/set/entry[contains(comment, concat('!', $kw))], (: *1 :)
$doc/set/entry[contains(comment, $kw)] (: *1 :)
[not(position() gt 2)]
for $i in (1 to count($results))
subsequence($results/comment, $i, 1), (: *2 :)
subsequence($results/buyer, $i, 1) (: *2 :)
The version that doesn't throw the error is resolved in the typical way. It took me a while to catch the second error, marked by *2. Basically, because I was going one level deeper in my search, *1, I needed to go up one level for my results, ..:
for $doc in doc('test')
let $results :=
let $pKeywords := ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
for $kw in $pKeywords
$doc/set/entry/comment[contains(., concat('!', $kw))], (: *1, went deeper :)
$doc/set/entry/comment[contains(., $kw)] (: *1, went deeper :)
[not(position() gt 2)]
for $i in (1 to count($results))
subsequence($results/../comment, $i, 1), (: *2, added .. :)
subsequence($results/../buyer, $i, 1) (: *2, added .. :)
What I'm still struggling with:
1) The use of concat(). My understanding is that it puts two things together and its result for $kw[1] would be equivalent to "!best clients". The result doesn't show that, though. In the result, the exclamation point does not always stand directly before the priority query.
2) Not returning duplicate results. I'd like every entry to be unique. I need to add a routine, somewhere, that either restricts duplicates from entering into my result set or that eliminates duplicates prior to [not(position() gt 2)], where the number of results is trimmed/sliced.
Thanks, to all viewers and efforts in the works! Still looking forward to better answers!

Please explain the CDA entryRelationship element

I have access to the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture, Release 2.0, which states that it is used essentially to link entries with each other in a CDA document. Specifically, it links between what is called the "source" and the "target" entries. I also read about the different types of relationships (CAUS, COMP, GEVL, MFST, REFR, RSON, SAS, SPRT, SUBJ, XCRPT) and somewhat understand those.
My main question: what are the "source" and "target" elements? Are they the element containing the entryRelationship, and the element contained by entryRelationship?
For example:
<entry typeCode="DRIV">
<act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN">
<entryRelationship typeCode="SUBJ">
<observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
<entryRelationship typeCode="REFR">
<observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
In the above snippet, according to my understanding, there is a SUBJ relationship between the act the the first observation, and there is a REFR relationship between the two observations. Is this correct?
The source of a entryRelationship is the entry that contains in its body the element in your example the source entry is
<act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN">
and the target is
<observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
Its is posible to indicate a inverse relationship using the "InversionInd" attribute of the entryRelationship elemet. If this attribute is set to true source and target are inverted.
