Overleaf Link to project appears in the file - latex

I have stumbled across an error in my Latex File. Currently I have a link on every page which leads to the directory of my Latex project. I haven't set this link though and I want it to disappear. It is also visible when I download the PDF.

Okay i fixed it but its very embarrassing ... Accidently the link was put into the header of the pages. I don't know how that happened but I solved the error


bookdown cross-reference links pointing below figures

In reports generated using bookdown, when clicking the cross-reference hyperlinks pointing toward figures, it brings me below the figure so I end up only having the caption of the Figure at the top of my screen and I need to scroll up to see the Figure.
This problem only occurs when using a web browser to view the generated output. It does not occur with RStudio integrated viewer for which the whole Figure is correctly displayed on my screen.
This happens with any bookdown html generated output, even with the unmodified bookdown demo files.
Any clue about what may cause this behavior ?
Edit : The problem seems to be browser-related. It occurs with both Chrome and Edge, but not with Firefox, Safari (thanks jtbayly) or Internet Explorer.
This has been reported on Github also https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown/issues/1155 and this is fixed in next version of bookdown (0.23)
For now only a dev version

jsPDF: issue with two-page pdf within Adobe Acrobat Reader

I am facing the issue with two-page pdf within Adobe Acrobat Reader.
I am creating 2 page pdf using jsPDF doc.fromHTML() method.
My pdf is shown properly with header and footer when opened with any browser. Al, so my printer is printing it properly
When I am opening it in adobe reader the second page is showing error while printing the pdf and even footer is also not present on the second page.
Please, can anyone help me in solving this issue?
I tried doc.addPage() but it's adding a blank page
Error Message while printing with Acrobat:
An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem
Try doc.addpage then add text to the second page using doc.text or doc.html
I was trying for days to fix that issue and found that it was causing from
I used dash patterns multiple times in my document and whenever I need to remove this global "line dash" settings from the document I was calling
doc.setLineDashPattern([0], 0);
When I debug my code line by line I found that this was the part that causes Adobe Acrobat to raise an exception. So I changed it to
doc.setLineDashPattern([], 0);
And viola!
Hope it helps someone, since I couldn't find anything about that.

Transferred site doesn't show content with PMWiki

A relatively simple pmwiki site has been copied to a new server. All of the formatting (non-wiki) code works however the wiki content comes up as blank.
If I add a new page, that page shows up just fine.
I have checked the permissions and ownership of the files in wiki.d folder. All files (new and old) look identical.
I have eliminated the search optimization file in hopes that the old would be treated like the new.
Is there another file that references older files that might be keeping them from being seen? Any ideas would be welcome.
I've never had this problem before in copying a pmwiki site.
Here is the site http://pecarru.mobilify.pw/
Here is the new page http://pecarru.mobilify.pw/index.php?n=Main.NewPage
All pages should have text in the white box
The page-source is available by appending &action=source, so that tells us there is no problem accessing the content.
Additionally, the content looks normal -- no weird characters that I can see (which sometime cause trouble on a new server).
However, I do see "smart quotes" in several pages; try changing changing them to dumb-quotes and see if the page will now render.
I see that the WikiSandbox page and content in the PmWiki group renders, so it's not every page that has a problem.
If editing doesn't resolve the issue, try disabling recipes in \local\config.php until the content appears.
Something is choking on render.

XNA XACT Where do I place the .xap file?

I've been trying and looking on the internet for ages now, but where exactly do you place the .xap file? I've read that you should place the file in your content folder, but I have a content folder located in;
But I also have;
Which is it? If I add the .xap file to the latter it recognises it when I refresh the solution explorer, but the former does not.
However, if I add the .xap to the latter it gives an error saying it can't find it when I use the following line of code to access it;
ae = new AudioEngine(#"Content\game_content\audio\xact\Win\xna xact file.xgs");
This line apparently gets the \x86\debug path.
Any advice?
Visual Studio, go to the Solution Explorer and right click the Content solution (i.e. "TheGameContent (Content)") or a folder in that section and select Add > Existing Item... and select the .xap file. If it isn't in there, it will copy the file into TheGame/Content, but it will also make it ready to load and work within your project.
Basically it's the same as adding an image file to an XNA project, and it will save you all that trouble you are having.

Why isn't my logo appearing on my partial page in Rails?

I have made a application and the logo appears on every page. All 3 of my layouts are copy and pasted to be identical. I have 2 partials linking to 2 pages in the same view folder and the logo works with one and doesn't with the other. It just displays the "alt" name of the <img>. Is there a way to fix this?
I'd suggest -and I apologise for this- that the obvious answer is that you're not correctly calling the image file.
Check the URI of the image -in the generated (x)html- to make sure that, in the finished page, it's pointing to the correct file. My own issues in these situations tend to be deleting a period (../image.png becomes ./image.png), a typo on the file type (image.png' asimage.pgp` -I don't know why) or some other typo-based issue.
I'm sorry I can't be more technical but those are, in my experience, the most common answers.
